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Her doctor was Dr. Kim....just wanted to make sure because your wrote Dr. Jang ;)

I'm very interested to see how you are now & if you are happy with the procedures? Also, how was the aftercare? Did you take the subway? (Wondering if that was easy to use...). Thanks :smile:
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So far so good at this moment:okay:, but I'm still swelling for my eyes and nose.
I'll post my pic later this week to share with you all okie.

BTW, is not Dr Jang, Is Dr Kim;)

And how about you? Your nose swell down completely now? Do you mind sharing with me?

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Hi Kimosa,

of coz we travel to his clinic by subway and also to other places as well.
I'll post the exprience how we gals been through the surgery by this week, okie.

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Hi... AGAIN lol...

Has anyone heard of a nose implant branded "PORETEX"? OR "PORTEX"? I forgot how it was spelled.... My doctor showed it to me today and said it was the newest thing out in the market. Any feedback...?
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by the way... I've been doing a lot of research about this kinda stuff, and my aunt is a plastic surgeon herself in Taiwan. Today I had a nice talk with her and I actually asked her about "dr.chuang". By the way, i'm in no way trying to influence anyone's decision but just telling you guys what I learned from my Aunt. Here it goes.

When I asked my aunt the question, and if he was a good doctor. The first thing she told me to do was, to not go to him? Why? Because she told me GREAT plastic surgeons open there own clinic, they aren't hired.

Some of you may not know, but the owner of wish clinic is not Dr.Chuang, he is "hired". That means a percentage of his pay gets taken out, for the owner. What does that mean? The more surgurys he does, the more money he makes. And revisions don't cost the doctors anything.

To make a long conversation short, she told me all great surgeons have there own clinic.

I just thought it was an interesting chat. See ya :smile:
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Keenose just got a Goretex implant & that's what I'll be getting too. Tissues grow around the Goretex & therefore it does it make it more difficult for a surgeon to remove later on down the line but that's not to say it's impossible, you just have to go to a good surgeon who works with Goretex.

Silicon always stays a seperate piece from your nose tissues & is easier to remove down the line. I know it can calcify & deteriorate a little bit from the pictures I saw from Dr. Jung's website, that's not to say all silicon will definitely do this though.

Goretex - More natural looking, usually a bit more wider & not as sharp as silicon (but dr. did tell me Goretex can be made sharper if I like...we'll see), a little harder to remove if you decide for another nose job, less shinier nose, not been around as long as silicon, slightly less chance of infection

Silicon - More sharper nose, easy to remove, nose area seems to be shinier (maybe not everyone but more likely with silicon), been around a longer time, etc.

It really depends on what Dr. recommends for you & how high you want your nose to be & the type of nose you are going for. :yes:
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To anyone thats had surgery... what did your parents say when you had stuff done? I recently had my eyelids done.. only DST.. I had a nice fold in one eye and wanted the other to match so my final outcome wasn't like totally different.. just swelling... ANYWAY my mum flipped and said i was erasing 'her' daughter away blah blah.. made me feel like cr*p.. and this is just my eyelids.... how did u guys cope with the parents reaction? She'll probs disown me if i done my nose!!
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My dad didn't say much but my mom supported me & actually wanted me to get bigger lids like hers lol. I thought they were going to flip out too over my nose but oddly enough my mom just said I didn't need it done, no arguing or getting mad or telling me horror stories like I thought :shame:
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you're so lucky! Its so hard to have oriental parents that can support us in things like surgery. Mum also said to me not to tell anyone just in case the local chinese community finds and and i'll 'shame her... :sad: Im sure my dad would support me but he's in the heaven's now... so its only mum... thats why i feel so bad that she might disown me as shes the only one parent I have now, she wont understand my need to have things done :sad:
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