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I am slightly more than 6 weeks post op right now.

So that black thread, can STILL be taken out 1 year later? that would be less harmful to the nose?

Yes I am still diligently doing warm compress up till now.

Did you do nose and eyes?
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Yeah, will love to see your pictures too!

Keep us posted!

Completely healed as in........ 1 year later? Or.. .?? haha
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I think the 1st Dr Chang has very good and beautiful examples of nose jobs. I like the noses... Nice.
I also like how he handles upturned noses... he corrected them beautifully.

On the 2nd Dr Chang... I believe he uses autologous materials right? My chinese not so good... but from the pictures he posts... frankly, the improvement is NOT that huge or amazing.
On posting his wife's photos... seems abit wierd to me as well...... :Push:

I personally think that the 1st Dr Chang seems better.
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hahaha its funny how you described it!

I was wondering, there was someone else who did her nose by Dr Gao... she has a T implant which starts from just below her forehead.. I wonder if that was also inserted from her forehead?

But I agree with you that the idea of going across the forehead to reach the nose seems pretty........ new.

LOL... on the nostrils.... so funny!!! I dunno why..it just cracked me up.
Maybe he meant alar??? :confused1:

By the way....... on the 2nd Dr Chang.. I think the only amazing thing is .. his example of how the collumea HEALED up completely by 10days is great!
The scar there was completely INVISIBLE!

I think thats amazing... I wish mine was like that. :crybaby:
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YUP!!! I wouldnt be amazed if the PS encourages you to do alot of procedures which he thinks you need... but actually not.

It is a money making business for them in the end...

So thats why its so important to research!!! Yeahh baby
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which want2change IS definately NOT!:tup:
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Oh my gosh!!!

That is the most horrible doctor I've heard so far!!! He is taking you for a LONG ride... 6months to finally tell you some ********?

If I were you, I would MAKE SURE that alot of people know about this experience and jolly well know WHO/ WHICH clinic this is!
SURELY...... nobody would want to pay him a visit with such bad attitude.. and to say that he is a cheat.. is NOT an understatement.

Please let us know.. who this surgeon is!

I also assume that of course, he wont do a revision for you?
Even if he does the revision.. does he charge? Does he guarantee that he can fix it?
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YES ! Take down all evidence!!! report him !
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I know what you mean.... it takes alot of time and effort ....

NOT to mention that of course the doctors would have already found ways to protect themselves in case of such issues. Nobody can actually.. really do anything to them legally right?

The only thing we can do is to spread the news...
In the end, people can choose to believe it... or not......or just go blindly with the BRANDING/ NAME/ FAMOUS REPUTATION..

Ok.. tell us who!!!! :yes:
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Actually, from the other sgforum.... there was this case.

This gal was complaining about a famous doctor.. I forgot if its MH or WW .. you know the big names from Singapore..

She did some procedures and was very unsatisfied.. thus she went about to spread the news and stuff..

Eventually, there was LEGAL action.. warning sent to her. She had to withdraw her comments in the forum and also apologize publicly in the forum.

Of course, some people chose to believe her.. some not.

I also heard that the famous doctors.. besides doing this.. also did other "special" acts to handle the patient.. in order for them to stop what they are doing.

I really think, its sooooooo political... and also.. isnt this a democratic world?
Isnt forums an open space for us to voice our opinions openly?

Why do they have the right to come stop us?
ROARrrrrrrrrr :cursing:
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YUP! what a big difference.

Yeah, make up does make a huge difference. there are alot of examples of celebrities before and after make up.

There was this taiwan show also.. there were models brought onto the show.. they were with make up.. then they removed their make up on stage... and man..its a shocker!!!

Then again, we cant be in make up 24 hours a day!! lol
However, we cannot deny the power of make up!!! hahah got to learn some.

By the way meow, you can use some make up to make your eyes look not so swollen... hehe
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Then again.. all those pictures of celebrities... might already have been photoshopped to make them look good!

Give me a photo of yourself.. and I could make you look better too! ahha
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GOOD LUCK!!! Keep us posted
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his fees are soooooooooo damn expensive!!!

He is like the Singapore Tortomi in terms of fees.. but .. in terms of work... *ahem*

I think you are NOT the 1st to have bad experience.

But be careful when you talk bout him... you can use initials and all.. but dont mention full name. Just protect yourself.
You'd never know what they would do to protect their reputation.
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WOW looks like an interesting book! Share with us some great tips if you can! It would be so nice to know!
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