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OR rather.. once the money is in his pockets.. dont expect him to spit it out....:yucky:
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Actually ceyairs, even if you used silicon.. if it was done by a good doctor, the implant wont move. Also, if its done by a good doctor, the risk of protrusion and stuff is lower.. especially when we have asian.. thick skin. haha

If it moves .. it obviously is not a good job done.. and certainly embarrassing at times. It definatly deserves a revision which an ethical doctor surely would grant you free of charge!
Especially when its ALSO "slanted"

Where is the keloid scar inside your nose? Do you have history of keloid scar?
Did the doctor check with you about your history?

Before surgery, I had to fill up a questionare as well... and I remember one of the questions was if I have a history of keloid scar. I didnt know the answer and the nurse checked my BCG to confirm.

I have used goretex.. and no it doesnt move.
Goretex will bind to your tissues and wont move like silicon.
There are its pros and cons.. same as silicon.

The most important thing is to find a good doctor!

(however, at this point.. 6 weeks.. when I raise my eyebrows.. I can feel the implant move up.. along with my skin... it feels uncomfortable. dont know if this will be forever.. or temporary)
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and yes.. it feels like bone.. when I touch my bridge.. its hard.. like bone.

However, there are 2 types of goretex.
One is the strips.. where the doctor has to stack one on top of another to acheive the height.

Another is the block type.
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Hey Keenose!How is your alar scar and the hole looking now? Did you resume using mederma? I'm leaving to go to taipei on Dec 11th with Dr Chuang for Rhino. You kind of got me worried about him and his nurses, lol. BTW-whose pictures did u show him for consultation?
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Decided to pop in for a while.

Sorry to hear all the bad news with lots of people.

Keenose, I hope the black dot is a small thing that is unnoticeable... I'm sure you can get it resolved in the future?

Ceyairs, silicone should NOT move! Mine doesn't... and it is silicone... it just shouldn't.
If it is placed correctly like Keenose mentioned, it should be stationary on your bridge.
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I am sorry to hear about your bad experience with this doctor you went for your nose suurgery. And thank you very much for sharing that with you. Hopefully through these open forum everyone who consider rhinoplasty will make wise decision in terms of the doctor they stick with.

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Keenose, great to see you're back online :smile:

Mine appt with Dr. Chuang is a month away.

BTW, does anybody thinks China Airline is good enough for a 14 hours flight. One of my friends sort of hesitated when I told her that that is the airline I am taking to Taiwan. Does anybody had any bad experience with it? If you don't mind sharing which airline you took from north america, that would be great.

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china airline is not bad. I took it. The airplane flight is no fun no matter what... sitting in an airplane seat for more than half a day... ugh.

They will give you good meals and lots of movies for international flight.

Singapore airlines is the best as far as service, etc... but China Airline is fine. I have no particular complaints about it.
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Would any of your guys tell me which section of Dr. Chuang's work show using just autologous/rib grafting only. I don't read Chinese and thus its hard to figure that out and I really want to know how it looks like from his work of art.


Thank you very much.
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Hey Sassygrl,

My alar scars are still reddish, bumpy and "hole-ish" haha

For deep holes (obvious ones) there are actually 2.. one on each side, at the beginning of where the stitches were.
Then the rest of them are small holes... where the stitches used to be... resulting in a bumpy look.

I have JUST started resuming usage of Mederma, 2nd day now. I am only using it once a day... so far no bleeding.
After awhile.. maybe a week? If its ok I'll increase it to 2 times per day to see what happens. Since Dr Chuang did say that I'm supposed to use it 2 times per day.

Well, about the shape of the nose and all... I cant complain. I like what I see.
Its only the alar scars, thread, stitch holes that bug me.
I hope they will go away NICELY with time though.

I actually showed him the model "angelbaby" pictures. haha... totally love her nose and eyes.. and face shape. She is almost perfect.

Wow Dec 11th is coming up so soon! GOOD LUCK!:tup:
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Hey Maskd!!!

WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:

About the black dot.... if the reddish scar line that is with it goes away.. the black dot wont be so "obvious".. now the red scar line coupled with the black dot just seems like a tell tale sign for undergoing rhinoplasty. Thats the main issue.

Yeah and ceyairs did his nose with such a REPUTABLE... expensive "BEST" surgeon in Singapore... it sucks how they treat him... lies lies lies...
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