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maskd- any special creams or vitamans u take during ur healing procesS? Amazing how you have no scars... keenose - my aunt says it is fine. just do not take out the thread during the healing process (6 months) or so.
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I took sinnech starting right before surgery (only for nose)... nothing else for the others. Afterwards, I ate a lot of pineapple to speed up deswelling... but that's it. No creams, no nothing..


In the beginning, after like 2 months or so.. can't remember exactly, at my collumella, there was still a very fate pink line there... over time, it just faded to skin color... the skin was never raised or anything... just a faint pink line. exactly like what it sounds.

For epi, you may notice (up to two or 3 months) that you get these little tiny bumps near your tear duct area. Just ignore them. They appear and reappear for about a week or so, at least for me. This is also what the doctors tell you. Then, after 3 months, they completely disappeared. I have NO scars from epi at all... A lot of people swear that it is impossible not to avoid scars when doing epi... but I didn't get them. As far as the cut made for the epi, it completely faded away for me after a week after the surgery...

Do not worry about eyelid scar. It is unavoidable... even if you get DST, there is a time period where you can see a scar. Over time, generally, it disappears and the scar looks like a natural fold crease... that is if you heal like most people and your doctor was good. My own crease right now (at about 3.5 months now, I think?) is a tiny tiny bit bumpy but it is becoming smoother over time and the pinkish area is slower disappearing.

Eyelashes will be pointed more upwards after double eyelid surgery... but they will not make your lashes curlier.

Keenose, the doctor succeeded in the hard stuff... defining a tip and creating a beautiful bridge.... you would think that he didn't mess up with the sewing you up part. Try not to worry too much. Chances are most of it is just the healing process? except for the black dot...
But, it's only natural to worry... everybody does after surgery. Let's just hope that most of it is just the healing process and not because you don't deal well with scarring or that the doctor did actually mess up with the sewing.

oh yes... I was perusing through the forum. I noticed that someone said that their nose became wider after implanting an L implant... after many years. I contacted Dr. Samuel Lam and asked him about this. He said this is rare and is due to incorrect tip size of the implant, causing the two parts of cartilage tip to splay outwards over time.
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Ok noted. Thanks alot benlan..:yes:
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Thanks for your description... but at this point can you see that there is any line at your collumella?

As in... does it look like smooth skin... totally uncut before etc? OR can you see some connecting line?

What is DST?

On both my eyelids, there's a small lump on each eyelid now at 6 weeks plus..

Yeah.... on shape and stuff.. I really cant complain.. heehee
IF ONLY...everything was perfect. :P

This is going to be a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggggggggggg wait for me to see the results of my scars... sigh
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I dont think he actually shows them in that catagory... not in like I.. L... etc.. its just silicon.

Whereas for goretex you can actually see its written there ... like:
"goretex... xxxx chinese words"

Its the one with 4 men examples.
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Hey Ceyairs,

WOW... $6000 ???? I assume you only did bridge with him yeah?

I would also like to ask you.. how did he insert the silicon into your nose? Did he cut open your nose or did he just insert it from your nostrils?
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Ooooooooo OK now I know why.

He actually did the NO SCAR rhinoplasty on you. Means that he insert the implant without showing visible scars.. can be through the mouth also.

This way of doing it.. FOR MOST doctors... dont give good visibility of the placement of the implant. Thus the risk of having it moving, shifting etc.. is much higher.

This W doctor.. knows that this is the flaw of most doctors... since its VERY difficult to place the implant properly this way.
THUS... he told you that he has the SPECIAL technique that can place the implant this way PROPERLY.... (His selling factor)

However....... he failed.

There is another type of rhinoplasty, which is the open method. This method totally cuts open your nose (columella) and thus the doctor can see clearly where to place the implant inside your nose.

The result of this is thus much better.

About this W doctor not delivering what he promised.. PLUS cutting you without your permission.. is really ridiculous... how can Singapore have such a famous doctor like this?
Totally unacceptable.

LoL... thanks for the re-assurance about my alar... Everyday when I look at them... I seem to feel that they will rip off anytime.....:yucky:

Ok I'll TRY not to look at them too much for now... hahah I am scaring myself.
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I cannot see a line or anything at my collumella now, even without makeup and in high light. Same for my epi and eyelashes. it has been 6.5 months since these procedures.
For the eyelids, it has only been 3.5 months. I can still see it... and eyelid cut takes longer to become completely smooth and regular flesh color.

It's hard to tell who scars easier than others. I have heard that Asians are more susceptible to scarring... Also, if you are a darker Asian, the more visible the scar will be... if it does happen.
But, keenose, you don't look dark in your photos. it's probably just healing time. We always underestimate post op affects even when told how it is like up front beforehand.

Ceyairs, it is a complete nono to put in an L shaped implant through closed method. This is what he did... what I find extremely strange is that closed method is EITHER through nose or through mouth... not both...
I hate to tell you this, but through closed method, the extrusion rate, displacement rate, etc is all much higher.
I would be so mad at him right now. Singapore is an amazing country and manages to be so successful despite their size... but because they are conservative and small, I think people get more choices in doctors overseas...
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Hello guys,
After reading all the previous post and quite a few of you mentioned BK Clinic in Korea with Dr. Kim Byung Gung being a good plastic surgeon. I just wanted to put my two cents into this forum.
I had a cheekbone and jaw reduction surgery performed by him. I originally wanted to get eyes and nose job, but changed my mind because he didn't explain in details to me about the procedures. He was the one that suggested me to get the cheekbone and jaw reduction. Dr. Kim made it sound so convincing that having jaw and cheekbone reduction will give me a smaller face. Also, his consultant advised me to get it. At first, I hesitated because of the cost which is 10,000 USD. Then, I imagined it to make me look prettier and oval shaped face which is ideal. My original face is round with puffy cheeks. I trusted him to give me more of an improved appearance so I went ahead with it. After the surgery and some time for the swelling to go down, I realized that this surgery did not give me a different face shape or anything smaller than I had imagined. When I asked him about it, he just said "I did surgery on your bone and not your cheeks." So now I am still stuck with puffy cheeks. This was a total rip off. I spent so much money and endured a week of eating soup to get this result. Also, y'all were right about the post op care. I did not see or hear from him after the surgery. He is impatient and arrogant man. I got so worried about the post-op because he didn't give me any definite answers that I went to 3 different plastic surgeon for consultation. The other 3 plastic surgeons told me that the jaw and cheekbone reduction will not make much difference in my face shape because of my skull base. When I asked Dr. Kim about this, he snapped at me and said, "Why are you asking me all these irrevelent questions." I thought that was extremely rude. There were two other foreign patients in the room too. They agreed that Dr. Kim is not professional. He is more of a business man than a surgeon. He cares more about your money than how you will look. It seem like he doesn't really care about the patient, but more of the money. It was like a transaction to him. "You pay me and I will give you the service" type of thing. This is one of the biggest regret I had ever made in my life because this surgery cost an arm and a leg. It would be different if I see an improvement.
So I advised all of y'all if you really want to get a good doctor in Korea, make sure you research carefully and see the doctor for consultation more than once before you make a final decision. Also, if you don't feel comfortable or confident in the doctor, please walk right out the door. Do not listen to anyone telling you what you have to get done. Listen to yourself. Afterall, this is your money. Make sure the doctor care about you and give you good honest advice for improvement and not just after your money like Dr. Kim. Now I have to live with this result, in debt, and feel so dumb for listening to him.
Another thing, I talked to many other famous plastic surgeons in Korea, they told me that Dr. Kim specializes only in double eyelid surgery. He is famous because he advertised a lot and he has the money to do it (yeah, money that he riped off from patients)!
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Hi everyone :crybaby:

I stumbled across this site recently and what an informative and supportive place it is! I wish I had known about it earlier and share my worries. I had rhino 3mths ago and i am so unhappy with my nose. The bridge looks really unnatural like you can really tell there's silicone there and i think it's maybe too wide/big. Its also slightly left off center. The nostrils are really uneven, they are two different shapes and sizes and the tip becomes suddenly broad. The left alar seems to have drooped so it is lower than the right side. It's just uneven, lopsided, plain weird and ugly. Aaaaaagghh!!! I get so frustrated and angry everytime i look at my nose or even just thinking about the way it looks. I got it done by Dr Park at Dreamclinic in korea cos i had heard he was very good. He didnt say much, came across as quite cold and almost arrogant but i know some korean surgeons can be that way when they're in high demand. Anyway, their aftercare was non-existent, i didnt see Dr park at all after the surgery, NO ONE came to check up on me even though i had breathing problems during surgery and also vomitted while still under anaesthesia cos my blood pressure was too low. Maybe im lucky to be alive, i dont know.. Im so scared to go under the knife again.. But i need to fix my nose and i dont have much confidence with Dr Park. If he couldnt get it right the first time, who says he'll get it right the second time right? Oh what should i do? Should i go back to him or do i need to spend thousands more dollars and get it done by someone else? Im really sorry to winge and mope on my first post but Im so stressed out ..
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Oh Coscrazy, I am so sorry to hear about your experience. Do u know if Dr.Park of Dreamclinic give free revisions and if yes, do you trust him enough to go back to him? Also, how is your financial situation? If you have the funds, maybe go to another doctor? But if not, then maybe Dr.Park fixing up your nose is better than nothing? Perhaps, since he made the first operation, Dr.Park will be able to understand what went wrong better, and therefore be more "capable" of fixing it the second time round? This is a really tricky one...

But it's SO bad that nobody came to check on you even though you got sick during the operation!
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OMG thats BAD!! I wouldn't advise you to go back to him even if he did offer free revisions!! You are lucky .. as you said to come out alive from that operation, you need to find a PS that you can literally trust with your life. I do also understand that you don't wish to have anymore surgery as you're worried that you will have complications again, but again you want to rectify what you see as an imperfect nose. Do you have low blood pressure or was that due to the person not monitoring you correctly?!

Has people you know seen your nose? Do they also agree it looks unnatural? sometimes you judge yourself too much. With me, my eyes still look unnatural, the people closest to me agrees but people who have never seen me before knows no difference. Again, so many people say the reassuring words of its still settling and it will look better with time, hopefully this applies to you too.. until then I will be here to rant about my regrets of PS until i look vaguely normal. As you said this forum is great as there's as many girls here that have gone through good and bad experience with PS..its just nice to know we're not alone.
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I got this surgery done about 6 months ago. Dr. Kim Byung Gung said that I should see the final result after 6 months because all the swelling will subside. Also, I went to other plastic surgeons in Korea because I was so worried. They told me that there would not be much change in my face shape because of my masseter muscles which is my chubby cheeks on my lower part of the face. They also said that my face shape is fine and I shouldn't get it done in the first place. All I really need is botox injected on my chubby cheeks or lipo. So now I feel ripped off by Dr. Kim Byung Gung!!! He told me to do the surgery even when he knew it would not make much difference in my face. He just wanted my money. Also, I should have trust my intuition about Dr. Kim because he was slightly arrogant and unprofessional when I first met him at the consultation.
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