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Hey Prettygrl,

So you waited 6 months already and didnt see an improvement in your face shape at all?
Did you take before and after pictures to compare?

We all know that BK clinic is so famous for their poor aftercare.. and I'll really sorry to hear about your bad experience.

I think people go to him because he is very famous and celebrities go to him?

USD10,000 is really alot of money.... :crybaby:
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hahah can it be that its because Asians love spicy food????

By the way, I THINK Mederma is helping me... I think my alar scars are looking less angry.. less reddish... but the deep hole is yet closing up.
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Hey cozcrazy,

sorry to hear about your experience too.

Would you like to show us a picture of you nose? we will give you some honest feedback.. since sometimes we may be too critical of ourselves and notice all the little things.. whereas it might not be obvious to others.

Hope we can help you somehow....:yes:
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Hey keenose, gossomer and meowgirl,

Thanks for listening..

I agree with you keenose that we can be too critical of ourselves and i admit i am pretty anal about little details. My nose probably doesnt look as bad to others as it does to me but my husband and my mum and a friend also agree i definately do need to get a revision. It's so hard trying to figure out the best solution to this, maybe it is best to go back to him cos he knows what he's done and hopefully he'll know what to do to fix it. But their aftercare is non-existent so im worried about my well being but my mum will be there to make sure im better looked after this time. She's pretty pissed off we'll have to fly there again and i have to risk going under anaesthesia again.

I will take some pics of my nose and post them (after editing out my eyes etc) and see what you guys think..
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DO NOT go back to him. Anesthetics can be VERY dangerous. Just earlier this year a girl died during a double eyelid procedure in Korea. Recently, a Korean celebrity was rushed into ER because of anesthetia issues.
They should be monitoring your blood pressure at ALL times. If it gets too low, it is not unheard of that people die on the table. It is common to feel sick right after the surgery but not common to go through what you did.

At three months, your silicone implant should not be perceived as too wide or big as silicone generally gives a slim result. Personally, I think the wrong size implant was chosen for you explaining the slight shift and size. At 3 months, the bridge for most people has come to a final aesthetic look. Also, if the doctor used an improper sized L shaped implant, this may cause the cartilage in your nose to splay wider as time goes by resulting in a wider tip.

If your family feel this strongly about it, I have an idea that he did indeed mess up. Maybe rushed due to your reaction to anesthetics?

If I was in your position, I would go to a US doctor that does Asian rhinoplasties and get some feedback from him/her. Tell the doctor your previous experience with anesthetics. Then, if he/she agrees with the assessment of your nose, I would remove the implant through a closed procedure. This is a fairly simple procedure, requires no anesthetics, and costs usually at 1000 or less dollars in the US. I would get it removed just because it sounds like it may be doing damage to your original nose.
After about 6 months when you have healed sufficiently, seek the best US doctor to redo your nose if you choose to. The US tends to be held more accountable for dangers. They are definitely more liable if something goes wrong. Make sure the doctor knows all your previous experiences. There are some decent doctors in the US... They may not be as experienced but they are generally safer.

Did he use L or I implant? If he used I implant, he may have not shaped the cartilage properly... Ear cartilage is known to go much lower than initially after surgery.

I don't like giving information like this. I hope I don't offend you. Review it over with your family and see if they think this is the smartest way to go.
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Hey coscrazy,

No problem... I really wish we could have known you earlier at least you would have someone to talk to. ;)

If you family members also agree that you need a revision.. I think you really need to look into it.

Yes, you can crop away your eyes and all.. just leave the nose... we'll be looking forward to seeing your nose.

Was it an I or L implant?
Did you go under GENERAL or Local anesthesia?
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wow removing it via closed method doesnt require any anesthetics? Doesnt it hurt then?
Or does it mean something else? :confused1:
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for removal of implant and no other work, people don't get drugs injected through a drip that makes you sleepy... you get numbing injection on the site of your nose and they remove the implant through a small hole at your nostril. It generally takes 10-15 minutes.
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OOoh I see!!! wow...

When they remove the thread from my columella.. I hope they do put some numbing thing.. I imagine it would hurt...

By the way Maskd.. how are your eyes doing already? Looking good ?
Would love to see some pictures if you could... love your eyes.
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The only reason I went to him for plastic surgery because of what I heard about him...he is famous and a lot of celebrities go to him. So, I thought that if he is famous then he must know what he is talking about. But, you have to understand that there are many other plastic surgeons that work in that clinic and every surgeon have their own perspective in beauty, skills, and professionalism. I don't think Dr. Kim is professional at all. He was quite impatient when I asked him questions because I was concerned about my face. So he directed to his nurse who does not speak English at all. From what the other 3 plastic surgeons in Korea told me, Dr. Kim Byung Gung specializes in eyes only. He is famous because he is a rich man who used a lot of money to advertised and attract a lot of foreign patients. So if you happen to be in Korea for plastic surgery, please see more than one plastic surgeon for consultation. That way, you get a better perspective of what you need.
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wow... I think that being patient and answering the questions are very important being a doctor. They would have to address all the concerns, understanding what the patient wants etc....

If he brushes you aside.. doesnt want to fully answer your question.. worse comes to worse.. pushes you to his nurse.. to make it worse, who doesnt speak your language... is SOoooooooo unprofessional !!!

Previously, did you converse with him in emails?
Did he sound like that in email too?
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Coscrazy - I'm sorry to hear about your nosejob experience. I hope you find a good doctor who can fix your nose.

Masked - Great to see you again! Hope your eyes are still looking good.

Prettygrl85 - Sorry to hear about your experience with Dr. Kim. I also went to him recently & I'll post my story in a bit....:yes:
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So I finally made it to Korea after being on the plane for what seemed like eternity. I finally got my surgeries the day after I arrived. I went to Dr. Kim at BK clinic & first, the consultant took me to a room & got my history & idea of what I wanted for my surgeries. Then saw Dr. Kim & he looked me over, examined me & said it will be a very difficult surgery but that he likes the hard cases.

He asked if I had anymore questions & he answered everything for me. He isn't exactly the warmest person if you get what I mean but is to the point, tells it to you without sugarcoating it & gives me realistic expectations.

Overall, I got eyelid revision, my left eye needed lowering, my right eye double eyelid that was created before unraveled & had a higher crease where it wasn't supposed to be so it was really odd looking. Then I had to have ptosis correction, epicanthoplasty, fat injection from my stomach to my eyelids to fill out the hollowness where I think too much fat was taken out & then my Goretex nose implant with ear cartilage tip. Wow, it sounds really bad!!

I am glad that the needle going into my arm was gotten on the first try. I was so cold on the operating table & later I kept hearing "Open your eyes". I think I heard that a few times & then later towards the end of the operation, maybe the anaesthesia was wearing off or something because I could hear bits & pieces of a guy & a women talking & I was like "Who are you"? Then I remember saying "Shots, give me more shots" but I wasn't really feeling pain I think I just wanted to be knocked out lol.

The surgery started around 11am & I was lying on the bed resting till 4:30pm. I don't remember how I got to the bed but the electric blanket was too hot & I kept saying to lower it. The nurses there were very friendly & took good care of me.

My eyes were extremely swollen where I almost couldn't open them. But when I finally managed to open my eyes, it didn't feel like last time where it was super uncomfortable. I remember when I woke up from the surgery, I asked why my lower eyelids hurt & was thinking he operated on my lower eyelids which I didn't want & I remembered I got epi hehe.

My nose also didn't hurt like last time either & that may be because it was inserted correctly this time.

I'm having slight doubts on my nose though because I'm thinking maybe I should of gotten a higher nose. I say that now after it's done & over with but I hope the nose doesn't shrink too much over the next few months. :girlsigh:
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I had an Asian nose because my parents are Chinese, I went to Bolivia to have my rhinoplasty done, I paid 1490 dollars for all my package with makeovertravel, including my stay in the Best Western Hotel, transportation, bilingual assistant, to me the price is really good, but most of all what really make me happy is my result, I have the nose I always wanted.
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