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Kimosa - good to hear that you got ur revisions and have come back safely. R u happy with your nose now? Do you think Dr.Kim corrected what you asked of him and what do you think about your new shape? (is it very different shape-wise from the first procedure?) Thanx girl!

Prettygirl85 - god, I keep thinking there must be something you can do - is there no justice in the world?

Maskd - good to have you back in this forum!! U r like the god-mother hehe...

coscrazy - hope u r feeling better - perhaps you should wait another 3 months before your revision in case it gets better by itself?
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My nose shape is alot more natural looking than before with the silicon. I still have bandages on my nose so can't say 100% but I can see the shape underneath. Most importantly I needed my eyes done because it was very uneven & I feel like so far that a major portion of it is fixed. This I can't really say until a few months later when the swelling goes down. But so far by looking at it, I have a feeling it's going to look alot better than previously. :smile:
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Hey Kim!!

Are you still in Korea or already back?

WOW so how much did you spend in total for your surgeries?

hahah you are lucky the needle got in the first round.. I wasnt so lucky and they had to redo on the other arm.. left me with a bruised mark for quite awhile. lol

When you heard "open your eyes" is that the time he was doing your lids?

Wow cool.. they even have an electric blanket.... and a place for you to sleep!!! LOL
In wishclinic.. I dont think I was left to sleep because I totally have no memory of that... I just remembered being woken up and taken to the changing room where I had to change myself.. and YES I still remember banging myself on the door... too small.

How many mm did he insert for the goretex implant? Were they the stripes kind or the block type?

Sending good thoughts and vibes to you! Hope you heal fast!!! :yes:
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Hi Yee,

welcome to the thread! So you had a height increase for your nose? Anything else?

Have any pictures to share?
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I think thats because goretex bridges are slightly wider than silicon?

lol about your PM.... hahah so how? Did it make you feel better.. after looking at some goretex noses? lol

I'm not sure if its the same with silicon and goretex deswelling thing.. but I wanted to let you know...

That initially it was so swollen and though we can see the bridge and shape of the nose.. but it deswells overtime and becomes more defined.... especially at the bridge (the area between the eyes). That area deswelled ALOT for me...

So if you think it is like too small/ too low etc.... just wait.. because after it deswells, it actually looks higher.. because of the proportion.
I hope what I'm saying makes sense... lol

I definately agree that having a natural looking nose even if not that high.. is much better than having a high and fake looking nose!

Are you told to do warm/ cold compresses?
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Hey guys I'm new to this forum. !! So I am planning to get a tip plasty in the summer foorsureee. So I was leaning on Dr. Jung but he's so much $$ ! And now after hearing some bad news about Dr. Kim from BK clinic. I don't know where to go ! :shrugs:

Who do you think is the best plastic surgeon for tip plasty in Korea ?

My nose is a typical bulbous type of nose / round. not much cartiledge. I just want a natural looking nose. I don't even want it super pointy because then it'll look fake. Not a dramatic change either. Just a semi pointy nose that fits my face...
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Hi guys

Thanks for all the advice maskd.. wow you really are like the god mother of plastic surgery :smile: Its given me lots to think about. By the way, LOVE your nose

I have been thinking about Dr Toriumi to fix my nose but he's all the way in the U.S and im in australia. The cost is the biggest problem. It's going to be so expensive..with his high fees, plane ticket and accomodation etc. I think u are right about the silicone being too big and thats why it's shifted and causing my cartileges to splay causing the tip to become wider and uneven.

Keenose, i dont even know whether i have an L or I implant. He didint say, and i didnt even think to ask. I feel so stupid.

Gossomer, i will give my nose a little more time and see if it gets any better but i really doubt it cos it's been getting worse and worse.

Kimosa, im glad your experience at BK was good. Also, its definately better to have a nose thats not so high cos it's probably better proportioned to the rest of your face and more natural looking.

Wow..im really tired better get to bed. Been having trouble getting to sleep cos i cant stop stressing about what to do. god dammit.
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I'm still in Korea now. Been staying indoors because it's really really cold now.

Yep, when he was fixing my eyes he was telling me to open them a few times. Then I'd get knocked out again.

He said it's only a few millimeters, didn't really tell me how much it was but I'm guessing like 2 or maybe 3? He says he used the block Goretex type. ;)
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I peeked under the bandages between the eyes & it looks like a big swollen blob. No definition whatsoever right now. I hope when it deswells that it deswells more sideways than going down because I don't want the bridge too low, then it'd be like my original nose.

I was told to just do the cold compress on my eyes. I asked about the nose & the nurse said not to do it on the nose. :shrugs:
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The good thing is that the US dollar has fallen in value a lot in the past few years... so it's somewhat cheaper for you than it would be for the same occupational person in the US.
If you get it removed for the time being, at least you will not be so stressed right now. Then, you can worry about getting a perfected nose later.

congrats! hope all goes well with the healing.

I don't think I'll be posting a pic of my eyes again as there isn't an emphasis on this here. But, they turned out perfect. :smile: I'm happy anyway.
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Hi xmeehx,


Well... there are also people who have gone to Dr Kim and are happy with the results... most importantly, you must be comfortable with the doctor..

You can talk to people who have done surgeries with him to understand more too.

So you will only be doing tiplasty? no bridge works?
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Its ok.. at least now this round you would be more informed.;)
I think its good to understand more on what you will be doing.. what will be inserted into you. What to expect etc..

Take your time... :P
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WOW... LOVE the cool weather yeah?
Besides, the cool weather helps in healing! At least you dont pespire!

Yeah... its funny when you can feel your lids being cut and sewn..yet dont feel pain yah?

Oh if its the block goretex, it wont shrink as much as the stripe types.
If I remember correctly, it will shrink 10% at most.. I THINK.

I remembered Dr telling me that the height of the nose will be about there.. just that it will deswell.. but it wont shrink much.
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LOL.... blob !!!

Yes, it should be so swollen now that you may look like having no bridge...
Dont worry, it will be deswelling soon and you'd see your pretty bridge REAL SOON !!

Yeah.. I didnt do compress on my nose too. You can do compress on the nose... but much later... not now.
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