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ahhhhh ok... :sad:

Glad you're happy! :tup:
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Hi Keenose,

Before coming to Korea, I called him and spoked to him briefly. He seemed ok by his tone of voice and even called me back internationally to confirmed my reservation. When I met him in person for my consultation, he was straight to the point about the surgeries for me. He didn't seem very friendly and hardly smile. But at that time, I didn't really care because as long as he knows what he is doing to my face. Initially, I wanted to get eyelid revision and rhinoplasty. Then, Dr. Kim and the nurse suggested me to get mandible (jaw) and zygoma (cheekbone) reduction surgeries. Dr. Kim convinced me that it would make my face small and is necessary. I asked him more questions about all three procedures and he answered it very briefly. For instance, when I asked him to explain in details about the mandible and zygoma procedures. He said that he would make incisions in my mouth and the swelling will healed within 2 weeks. I was so naive to believed him and thought the surgeries are fairly simple. I woke up with a big swollen face like a chipmunk and enormous lips after the surgery. I had tubes coming out from each side of my mouth and blood. I couldn't eat anything solid for a week. I didn't even see Dr. Kim at all after post-op. I wanted to ask him questions because I was concerned about my face. I mean this is something I had never endured in my whole life so it is normal to have a lot of questions to ask the doctor. When I finally get to see him and ask him questions, he was so rude and impatient. Even the other two foreign patients in the room agreed that he was quite rude. After that time, I did not hear or see him again. I was so scared of the outcome of the surgery that I went to 3 other plastic surgeons in Korea; Dream Clinic, VIP nose, and ATRO. Dr. Park from ATRO clinic was very kind and patient. He evaluated my face and took x-ray pictures to see what Dr. Kim did to me. Also, Dr. Park knows Dr. Kim too.
They went to the same school with each other. Dr. Park told me that the mandible and zygoma surgeries were unnecessary for my face and would not make much difference to my face shape. Dr Park said the reason for my round face is not my bones, but my lower masseter muscles (lower fat muscles). He said having botox injection or face lipo would be a better decision than the costly and complicated mandible/zygoma. Also, Dr. Park explained in details of the mandible/zygoma procedure unlike Dr. Kim who was so brief. Well, there is nothing I can do now. What done is done. I just wish karma would get back to Dr. Kim for being deceiving and I hope there is some justice in this world.:crybaby:

At first, I was planning to get a rhinoplasty surgery with Dr. Kim too. But, I changed my mind at the last minute because he did not give me enough explanation about how he was going to perform it. Just a warning for you guys. Rhinoplasty is a complicated procedure especially if it is revision. You need to make sure you know what the doctor is putting in your nose such as septal, ear cartilage, soft or hard silicone, goretex, or your own rib cartilage. I think it's best to research about rhinoplasty surgery before meeting a plastic surgeon. I went to four different plastic surgeons and they all recommended me different alloplastic materials to be inserted into my nose?? :confused1:


Did you get rhinoplasty surgery done? If so, where?
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I think this cool weather is really helping my healing because it's like a windy icepack on my eyes when I'm walking around outside. Except the other day it was so windy & cold that I felt like my nose was going to fall off! Seriously, I had to get back to the hotel ASAP. Plus if you can't take a shower & get your wounds wet, it's best to get it during wintertime when you don't sweat as much.

Did you get the block type as well? I got the block type & was worrying about it deswelling too much but if it only shrinks a little bit, I would be very happy! :P
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Hi Maskd2003 and Keenose

I've read of some of your reply that you went to BK plastic suregy center in Korea with Dr. Kim Byung Gun ?? how is your nose turned out ? did you guys like your nose? I'm thinking of going to Korea and getting a nose job and my lips want to make them fuller :smile: so I did some research and found you guys and couples other infomations. The whole thing going over to Korea is too expensive and plus I don't speak the language so it's would be pretty difficult.
Oh yea have you guys heard of Jelim plastic center in Korea ? do you guys know anything about them ? I heard they're good too.
sowwie for all the questions. It's not hard to notice that you both are very experience with the whole things and very nice people care to give opionons and advice wich so cool I've found you both !!! :biggrin:
Thanks again to Maskd2003 and Keenose
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Hi Maskd2003 and Keenose

I've read of some of your reply that you went to BK plastic suregy center in Korea with Dr. Kim Byung Gun ?? how is your nose turned out ? did you guys like your nose? I'm thinking of going to Korea and getting a nose job and my lips want to make them fuller :smile: so I did some research and found you guys and couples other infomations. The whole thing going over to Korea is too expensive and plus I don't speak the language so it's would be pretty difficult.
Oh yea have you guys heard of Jelim plastic center in Korea ? do you guys know anything about them ? I heard they're good too.
sowwie for all the questions. It's not hard to notice that you both are very experience with the whole things and very nice people care to give opionons and advice wich so cool I've found you both !!! :biggrin:
Thanks again to Maskd2003 and Keenose
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I can't wait to see my bridge! I asked if I can get the bandages taken off my nose now but nope I have to wait 2 more days :cursing:
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I was worried about that because it's been getting cold lately. Luckily I didn't get sick & if I did, I think I would still do the surgery if the doctor says it's ok. If you are going to a cold climate, just bundle up & sleep really hot, even if it's uncomfortable because you don't want to get sick :nogood:
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Hey Prettygrl,

I dont have alot of experience or anything in this.. but what I feel is that... the doctor should listen to you and understand what you want.. then GIVE you what you want...
UNLESS you ask for his opinion like you dont know what you want to do etc, he shouldnt really push/ direct you to do otherwise.

Its like.. going into a saloon.. you know your time and budget only allows you to do a simple hair cut. You tell the stylist exactly what you want.. then suddenly the stylist asks you to do a perm + treament + highlight + color....

Well if everything really went well and everthing is a bed of roses.. maybe you wont feel so upset eh.. but IF it didnt go well... what the heck.. its like being pushed to do something you didnt have time to do research on and decided on the spot. People sometimes call this... "hard sell" OR.... "pressure selling" ..... which is playing with the TIME ... of you have to make the decision THERE and THEN....if not, you'd lose the chance.

In this case, you were ALREADY in the country... no time to do research whatsoever.. you had to decide there and then in his clinic..

Also... did you send your pictures to him previously before you met him in person? Did he recommend this procedure then?

Did Dr Park say anything about Dr Kim?

What did the other 2 surgeons say? Dreamclinic and VIP nose? Did they all also say that you shouldnt do bone shaving?

I believe every doctor has their own sense of beauty and their own way of doing things.. probably Dr Kim really did feel that shaving your bone would give you the perfect results?

So has Dr Kim given you any advise since its already 6months?
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hahah yeah.. every doctor has their own way of doing things.. some go by autologous.. some go by silicon.. some by goretex.. so many ways.

Yup, I went to Taiwan's wishclinic.
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hahahah that is SOooooo cool !! I LOVE cool weathers!!!! :yahoo:
Especially the free windy icepack!!!

ERm.. the nose falling off thing is freaky though.. lolol

Yup, I got the block type! Yeah it shouldnt shrink much!! YEahhhh :yahoo::yahoo:
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hahah fushiacotton,

YUP that is the one thing that is so scary to have!!

You would have to check with the PS to see what he advises.

I know that when you just did the nose job, try not to get a flu or running nose.. dont even try to sneeze !!! The nose is so sensitive then.

If you really do get a flu right after the surgery, you got to go back to the clinic and they will help you with it. Not sure what they'd do though...

However, you can practice PREVENTING sneezing.. it works!
Yup.. I am not kidding.. I practiced preventing sneezing and it helped me so much then.

Yeah you can do it several ways...
1) hold your breath when you feel you are going to sneeze OR....
2) breath heavily very heavily when you feel you are going to sneeze ... OR...
3) if else fails, sneeze through your mouth instead. LOL

and lucky me.. didnt have any damaging sneezes just after my nose job.

Now I can sneeze as hard as I want.. and its almost like a luxury!! LOL
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Hi Kayla,

No, neither me nor Maskd went to Dr Kim in BK clinic.

Kimosa is currently there and she went for her nose job in BK clinic by Dr Kim.
Prettygrl also went to BK clinic but did bone shaving... you can read her story earlier.

Whichever doctor you go to, its important to be able to tell /convey to the doctor what you want .. not with a case of hand and foot signals.. haha you seriously DO NOT want a case of miscommunication when it comes to you face do you? :P

You can talk to Kimosa to check out more details and stuff.... when she's deswelled more.. lol she has yet checked out her pretty bridge. Still bandaged.

Yeah have heard of Jelim but not much information about them though..

Thanks for your compliments... but I'm not very experienced at all.. ahha I can only share what little information I know.. and simply just chatting with the nice people here.;)
Sometimes we cant talk about these things with the friends we have around us... ya know? I'm sure many would agree....

hehe so you want your lips like angelina jolin?? :P

How is your original nose like now?
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LOL Kim...

How many days do you need to have the cast on???
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