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Actually, it's quite flexible, I guess. I could even go in the summer, but not too late. I'd still like to go in February, though, because the sooner the better right? :smile: More healing time.

I can't really read Chinese (I can speak it, but I sound white, haha), so I have no idea what it says on Dr. Chuang's website, so I donno.

I wouldn't mind going with your friend, though (if I go to Dr. Chuang)! When does she wanna go? Would she mind going somewhere else?
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Top lip!

I have really straight teeth, haha, I wore braces for a year, but it didn't cause my top lip to protrude less, and even if I wore braces for two years... it still wouldn't make much of a difference.

I'm thinking of probably just getting lip reduction surgery, but I do like my thicker lips. :sad: It's just that it protrudes a little more than I'd like it to.
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Oh, really? I'm planning to go to BK clinic, too!

Please update me on your progress. :biggrin:

Sorry to bother you, but what exactly did you get done at BK again?
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Keenose how's your nose/alar doing now? I found a picture of a healing alar on the web and believe me yours looked MUCH better! I shall find the url tonight as I bookmarked the page on another computer!

Kimosa, hope your post op is going well! Be sure to keep us all updated on your progress :smile:
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Hi Keenose , I've sent you my pics ...haha.. I hope I didn't scared you away ! :smile: ya I you're right about the pain in the lips.. maybe I should try the temporary filler like maskd2003 she have mentioned to me . What is bucca fat removal ?
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Hi Kimosa,

I can send you a better bigger picture but I don't know how to PM :sad: . ..hehe..thanks you're just being nice :shame: ya me too a lil higher..thanks for your opinion! about the lips I think you and keenose and maskd2003 are right ..it's too painful and uncomfortable ..maybe I'll settle for lips filler injection..wat do you think? So how are you doing over there? must be so lonely huh? are you going by yourself? when are u going home? I hope everything goes well for you later today when the banded is off..can't wait to hear from ya...**GOOD LUCK**:flowers:
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Hi Mask2003

ya I'm like 80% want to do my nose and the other 20% not really want to...yup it's up to me to decide ...here we go again..hehe..that's why I never get enough courage to do it ever!! About the lips you're so right ..my lip would be so hard after the implant and I think it would be very uncomfortable.. temporary filler injection is better ..but do you know much about that ? like how long it would last before another injection ?

you did your lashes ?? wow ..are they heal yet? if they're heal can I see picture of your lashes ?? ... you must have very beautiful long lashes now.:graucho:. is the picture on your profile is your new nose? how long ago did you get it done ? thanks for giving me your opinions.
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Hi Gossomer8,

thanks ! :shame: you're just being nice to me. Ya, I know.. I'm so scare and that's the same reason why it's holding me back from getting the nose job for many years arleardy...humm...I'm still haven't decided yet ...now I'm just getting all the infomations as much as I could and then really decide. Thanks for your opinions and advices ..I'll keep them in mine.. because what you said is absolutely right all that emotionals and fiancials are have to be prepared before I made my decicion.

How about you? did you get anything done? n where did you get it done?
You have mentioned the graft by using rib ... would the rib grow back ? by using rib would it appeal more natural for the nose ?
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It's a little bit harder to curl my lashes now... but really not that much harder, just an extra 2 presses of my curler. But, my natural head hair is kind of tousled and wavy... not straight and super thick like most of my family. For instance, I find it really easy to curl my hair and the curl stays... so it's probably going to be easier for me to curl my lashes after this procedure than it would be for most other Asians.
Most days I don't curl my lashes... too lazy... but I trim them about ever week or so... takes about half a minute to do both my eyes; have to have those little trimmer scissors.
My original lashes never fell out. I just have some extra super long lashes now.

I got my nose done 7 months ago; same with the lashes. It takes 10 months to see the full effect of an eyelash implant. But, I have about 30 extra long lashes on each eye now.
Healing for lash implants is the easiest... minimal swelling but can have quite a bit of bruising. BUT, the procedure itself is the freakiest one and scariest one to sit through... in my opinion.
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Hhaha I see...

Dr Jung is like the father of goretex noses! haha
And he is very expensive as well.. hehe

Your comment about Dr Kim made me laugh.. hahah :P
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I think its hard for us to "recommend" which doctor because... there are so many factors for choosing the right doctor for yourself and what works for some may not work for others.. and vise versa...

Ya know?

So you just have to communicate with the doctor.. find out of his sense of beauty is what appeals to you.... and make a choice! ;)
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Oh ok! Sounds cool.... my friend can read and speak Chinese.. so she can help you with that. Anyway, Dr Chuang speaks and writes English too.

She wants to go preferably March but she is flexible.

I think I'd better let you two chat.. then you guys see if you can work it out and go together or what.
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Hmm then it could be your bone... only an xray would tell.... if its not your bone then it would be your lips... either way, its best to let the surgeon see and advise accordingly.;)
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Hey Meowgirl,

Thanks for asking.... at least its not bleeding anymore.

Another forumer in the sgexpats called "yen" actually told me that she called her PS and her PS said its infection and to remove the implant immediately...

Yeah. what a shocker.. but I think she misinterpreted my posts...

Wow show me the url of the alar
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