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Toadster, glad to see you made your ways to this forum. This thread composes of a lot of Asian seekers for rhinoplasty. Not sure if you're Asian or not but did i had any influence in intriguing you from my postings from other forum?.. :biggrin:
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Yes I'm Asian. No I've been lurking in this forum for some time. :smile:

Edit: Actually I should say thread not forum. I couldn't care less about Louis Vuitton handbags. :smile:

Edit2: Just wondering. What percent of the people on this uber-long-thread are also participating in the handbag threads?
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Hey Kayla,

Yup have received them!

You look really cute!!! You have a nice smile! :yahoo:

Personally, I think your lips are perfect... dont need to pump them up actually... they are really nice the way they are.

You also have really great skin!!! WOW... how do you maintain that? Or is it in your genes!!! :nuts: *envy**

I am in no position to advise if you need a nose job or not.. I am no doctor no professional.. besides haha you are pretty already....

However if you are seeking an honest unbaised opinion on the option of with and without a nose job... I do think that IF you have a more defined nose.. it would look nice... makes your features more sharp...

But please note that with a more defined look, you will lose some of your "cuteness" look...

hahah for your lips.. how about eating a bowl of super duper hot spicy ramen or something... makes your lips red and pumped up. If you like that look, you might then consider the temp filler.. hahahahaa

Buccal fat removal is removing the fat around the lower cheeks area.
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For your reading pleasure... goretex stripes used to pump the lips:-
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Ahh I see!! But when you DONT curl your lashes.. would it look very wierd and funny? Like ELMO? Or just poker straight kinda look?

Not sure if you have mentioned this before but....
After you did the procedure... how long did you need to be fully deswelled and looking normal for lashes?
How long does it take to be able to meet friends without looking like an alien? haha

Seriously.. Dr Jong doesnt have good pictures of the eyelash implants on his website. They look like big bird from seasame street!!!! :roflmfao:
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Hihi Toadster.. welcome!

LOL.. I dont participate in the handbag threads..

However, I once saw one of the thread about some urban legend.. about breasts and bras....

Sidetrack: I found a website dedicated to this !!!

Check it out .. if you dare........ hohohooooooooo.... :Push:
Ooh check out the clip too!!!!
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My eyes are still doing good. I got most of the stitches taken out the other day & it's still pretty puffy. I'm not sure why the epi stitches are still half there, I guess they will take it out today but it didn't really hurt like I thought it would. I have been lazy & not doing the ice packs....my excuse is that walking around in the cold is like an ice pack in itself :lol:
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Oh so they took out half of the epi stitches.. and still half are there?

It doesnt hurt alot? I was thinking .. its such a delicate area and would surely hurt... but glad to know it doesnt!!!

I wonder if I am suitable for epi.. hehehehe
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I did revisional eyelid surgery, fat grafting, Goretex nose implant with ear cartilage tip. To look for previous posts just click my username & click on see all Kimosa's posts or something like that ;)
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Yup, I'll do that, haha. What's fat grafting? o.o

How much did it cost you in total?
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To send a PM just click the username & the option will pull up for sending PM to that person.

I'll be leaving sometime next week but it hasn't been too lonely lol. I have been generally staying in this area but I think I'll venture out today & start shopping for souvenoirs & such to pass time. :smile:
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Yeah it's weird half the epi stitches are still there. Well I guess the rest of it will come off today, I'll update on whether it hurt like hell or not :P
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Too much fat was taken out of my eyelids previously so they put fat back in. It costs around $1500 ;)
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Damn that was disgusting! There goes my breakfast :throwup:
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Here's the url

the edges look red and sore.. this a post op photo they used on the PS website.. seems that healing of the alar is pretty tough! hang in there girl xx
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