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Oh boy ladies and gents, the link is definitely not for the tender hearted soul. It made me salivate ALOT while watching the clip. I thought the first picture was just photoshopped alot until I watch the clip. I normally like INTERESTING discovery but this finding is just a bit too much for me.
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Lower eye surgery is painless and I think it took very little time for my surgeon to remove all the excess fat from eyes. Its almost feels like he had a laser gun and zap the piece of fat out. Like I said I had my upper and lower eyes done in less than 45 minutes and I drove my sister home after that who I had dragged out to accompanied me on the day of my surgery:nuts: . In addition to the surgery I also rested for 15 minutes. If the doctor does not spend the time to carefully zaping the fat out, he could take out too much fat. Anybody considering lower blepharoplasty should tell the surgeon beforehand that you don't want too much fat out or that you don't want to have the look that it look "sunken" when you flash a big smile. In that way the surgeon will know what to do.
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I hope it all comes off today!

I heard that for some, they leave it.. and waits for it to fall off eventually or something....

by the way, what color is the thread???
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OH so you like INTERESTING discoveries!!! Maybe we can share some discoveries together.......muahhahaha

BTW... why would you salivate when watching the clip??? I seriously cant figure the answer to that!! hahaha

In my mind I am thinking... salivate = hungry = wants to eat.... and while watching that clip... its only boobs and maggots ........

Did you notice the maggot actually... moved...
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Wow that means the surgeon spent less than 30mins to do your eyes.. which could mean 15mins on each section.. so that would be 7 mins on each of your lower eyes!!!

Suddenly I'm so mathematical....
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It's black thread & the remaining epi stitches came off today. They finally took off my nose bandage & it was seriously getting itchy under there lol. Supposed to take off my nose stitches but I can still feel one on the right nostril but I'm going back in a few days anyway to get my ear stitch removed.

My nose looks very natural. Surprisingly there isn't much swelling & bruising with this one. It's amazing, I keep thinking this cool weather helped me though. From the side you can see a bit of a difference from my previous nose but from the front it hasn't exactly taken shape yet to look more defined. Hopefully it doesn't shrink more & just becomes more defined. :yes:
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Hey Kim!!

WOW so happy for you!!! I'm sure the nose will deswell and look nicer by the day..

Did Dr ask you do warm compress now on your nose?

YEAH so all the epi stitches came off today! Does it hurt?

For the nose stitches, did they leave the stitches inside your nosetril intact..? Mine was left there and waited for it to fall off along the time.
They only removed the black stitches... is it the same for you?

Does your ear hurt?
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Personally i thought yours looked much better!! If you feel yours look like hers than you have the reassurence that its normal for the alar to heal like that as that PS used that photo to illustrate the proceedure. I know that the PS will def put the best photos on their website... so thats good news for you :biggrin:
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I wasn't told to do the warm compress on my nose & I forgot to ask about it too. The epi stitches didn't hurt at all, actually the inner nose stitches hurt more lol. I think they took all the nose stitches out except I still have one on my right nostril that I can feel. All the stitches looked black to me so I think they are all supposed to be removed.

My ear doesn't hurt at all & no numb feeling to it either. Actually the first few days after surgery it felt like my ear was sticking out further instead of flat against my head but now it's back to normal hehe :shame:
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Hi Keenose,

haha...thanks :sweatdrop: I'm glad I didn't scared ya away...:wlae: haha... You're right more define = no more cute ..hehe.. I think I would trade my cuteness for more define look for a change.and I think everybody would do the same right?
O:huh:o..I love spicy foods ..hehe... actually I've always like that look since you mention it ..haha...that's so funny :roflmfao: and everytime I wish they would stay like that forever..haha.
thanks for your advices and opinions !! :heart: how's your chirstmas's shopping going along?
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I thought all synthetic implants "float" as in not fixed. Isn't that normal? With autologous materials I think they suture it in place so it won't move.
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I think there is a lot of luck with surgery, but skill plays the biggest role. Closed method and open method for nose is a HUGE factor. No doctor can deny that.

Both my friend's and mine (the girl who went with me) got slim bridges that are natural and DO NOT move. They are both L implant synthetic, but silicone implant for nose IS NOT supposed to move at the bridge when you push it. Ask Dr. Kim in BK, or Dr. Jung, or Dr. Chuang... They all agree to this... As long as the doctor is telling you the truth, they will tell you that the bridge should not be able to shift.
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But they didnt have the scars on the alars..

According to Dr.. its called hypertrophic scars.. where the skin is raised.
Seems like a very troublesome thing to resolve this scar.

It can take years for the scar to be gone...

Tomorrow I will be going to the local PS to take out my thread as well as to look at my alar... hope all goes well!

Thanks for cheering me up though! :P
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