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YEAH!! I remembered the inner nose stitches HURT when they were taking it out.. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :crybaby:

Is tere only ONE nose stitch left in your nose? Mine had like.... alot... for them to slowly fall off.

Oh so taking cartiledge from ear isnt that scary eh! Thats cool.. I thought it would hurt ... :P
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hahaha of course NOT!!!

Well.... its hard to say that everybody would trade cuteness for a more defined look. Who knows? haha

LOL...... Ok.. so you love pumped up lips!!!!!!!

We dont really celebrate christmas here though.. :sad:
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Not sure about this.. Dont know her.. nor have we seen her pictures....

But if she mentions that Dr Chuang will be doing revision for her free.. I guess that should be really something wrong.

Well.. at least he is willing to fix it for her... unlike some "famous" doctors right? hahah :P
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I think I feel one stitch in each nostril that needs to be taken out. I don't know if I'm happy with my nosejob....it really looks too natural from my original nose & from the front it's narrow but towards the middle of the bridge it gets more narrower. Now it doesn't look bad but when I feel it, it just feels too narrow. I'm going to try to see the doctor today to see what he says :Push:
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I have a question for anyone out there... does anyone know if doctors do any procedures removing some skin, like a curved sliver, from the UPPER outer curvature of each of the nostril-nares? As opposed to cutting out a "wedge" from the bottom inner area of the nostrils? Like if I had to draw it:
l l
l l
(O O) <--- on the outer upper corner of this part

Ahaha.. k I just looked at my own drawing and i know it looks retarded XD
I know it sounds like a silly question, but just curious.. I'm sure such a procedure would most likely leave a huge scar, but that's what scar-removal surgery's for right? Any input would be greatly appreciated!
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Removing the skin there produces small results in my opinion, and it is to narrow the nose width.
The bad thing about this procedure is it is very easy to get scarring from this.
Most doctors that I have talked to would know about this procedure.
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Hi Kimosa,
wow, you are still there.
Sad tat we didn't meet up there, I came on Dec 1.
You mention that your eyes looks sunken in, it sound like mine. I like that effect:yes:
But for my nose, not so good. cos,,,, got infected.:cry:
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Hi all,

I’d like to share my experience that I had gone through during the recovery stage of my rhinoplasty. Unfortunately, I developed an infection and I had my inserts removed. Though it was an unfortunate development, I thought I should share it with you all and have you understand the possibilities that you could face.

Till 12thday of surgery, my nose and eyelids were healing well. On that night, I went to Balaclava to celebrate my colleague B’day and they order finger foods like: Sotong ball, Top shell and chicken stick. I took for granted and ate them including Top shell.
And the next day, I also ate Laksa which the soup base ingredient got small shrimp and cockles. That night, my nose bridge swell and it started to hurt.
On the 14th day, I went to Tan-Teoh Clinic to remove my ear stitches and I asked Doc to prescribe medicine for my nose coz it hurts. She told me I got infected, and she prescribe me 1 week worth of antibiotic. I told my boyfriend about it and he immediately call Dr Kim asked him what I should do to the infection. He said antibiotic for few days and see how, if the pain gets worse, call him and let him know.
Initially, my swell seemed to come down a little. After a week, when I was washing my face, I noticed a lump in my left nostril!:wtf:[​IMG]
I nearly fainted, immediately I took a picture and send it to Dr Kim. That night was really a long night, worry and couldn’t sleep well.
The next day, my boyfriend accompanies me to Tan-Teoh Clinic for review on my infected nose. While we were waiting, Dr Kim called my boyfriend and break a Bad News to me, he saw my mail and he told my boyfriend that my implant have to be removed immediately, if not it will not recover well. He suggested us to get local doc to remove it cos it is a very simple procedure and it take less than 5mins.
So when my turn to see the local Doc, I asked her if she can remove the implant and how long is the procedure. She said fastest 30mins, if longer it might take 1-2hrs and it cost $500++. Goodness! really scared me. So I just told her that I’ll consider and I got more antibiotic first. In my heart, I said NO!, I rather fly back to Dr Kim and he can do it for me free and safe.

So immediately, I book a ticket to fly back there. Next day, 21 days after surgery, I took a Korean Air’s night flight back to Korea. Next morning, I reached Dr Kim’s clinic at 11am, and I was lead to the surgery room immediately. A nurse asked me to lie down and she said Dr Kim will be coming in soon.
After waiting for a short while, Dr Kim came in and he check on my nose and squeeze it *ouch* that's really hurt! And he started cleaning inside and outside my nose area, then the nurse put the "Green Surgery Cloth" on my face and in my mind I was thinking why never put Local Aesthetic for me? And Dr Kim keep distracting me by talking to me saying, it will be done less than a minute don't worry as he was talking, he is holding on to my nose and all of a sudden I feel him using something to poke the infected area just outside of my left nostril within a second, I feel something rushing out of my nostril, wow that moment, my tear also splash out together. I keep saying "Har..Har.."And Dr Kim say is ok now, the implant is out and was cleaning inside my nostril and keep pushing down from my bridge to my tip clearing the pulse inside.
The whole procedure was very fast, only 5 minutes. Even after he had finish I’m still grabbing my both hands so tightly on the bed coz I’m still crying:cry: when the nurse helping me to wipe my tears away, I noticed Dr Kim holding my hands comforting me saying that everything is fine now, he could tell that I'm really pain when he was removing my implant & pulse. He told me that my nose will swell abit for few days and when it recover he will insert a new implant for FREE ;) and later he asked the nurse to jab antibiotic on my butt.
He told me that I must keep my nostril clean after the surgery to avoid possible infection. Then, I remembered we went to a barbecue restaurant one day after the surgery and inhaled a lot of barbecue smoke. I am sure it contributed.
I rested in a recovery room for a while. [​IMG]
Dr. Kim prescribed me antibiotic for 2 weeks and also he wants me to go to his clinic to let his nurse to clean my nostril till I leave Korea.
I was there in Korea for 4days, on the last day I went for the final cleaning and Dr Kim came and check on my nose before I come back to Sin. I noticed my bridge is higher than before and I asked him and he replied that it is normal.

I also asked him how come my eyes still looks swell like got sausage in between my eyelids, he jokingly said that's not sausage don't worry the swell will take several weeks to Deswell. But he offered me a jab that will make my eyelids Deswell rapidly but he said that the jab will be very painful, of cos I accepted his offer.
OMG, I tell you the jab was really painful. I feel warm on my eyelids after the jab, this is the picture. [​IMG]
Up till today after my surgery about a month plus, my nose is alright now and my double eyelid swell went down quite a lot.
Now, I am taking good care of my nose and preparing for my surgery trip in March to redo my rhinoplasty with the next group of us the gals.
It was an unfortunate but a valuable experience and I know what to do and not to do to avoid possible infections for future surgeries for me and other girls.
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And also here are some crop pictures of we gals including myself who did our surgeries on Nov 7, 2007 &#8220;PS Enhancement in Korea&#8221;

Gal A : Double Eyelids Surgery & Magic Epi
[​IMG] [​IMG]

Gal G : Secondary Rhinoplasty wiz Alar Reduction & Chin Augmentation
[​IMG] [​IMG]
[​IMG] [​IMG]

Gal K : Secondary Double Eyelids Surgery, Magic Epi & Fat Grafting
[​IMG] [​IMG]
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Oh no I'm not talking about the good sunken in look. The sunken in look I had was above the original crease if that makes sense, where it shouldn't be sunken in :shocked:
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Wow, I'm wondering how he just pokes & prods & just takes out the implant just like that? Did he cut something inside?

Anyways, I'm glad you are doing ok now. Sometimes infections happen by the things we do after surgery or just because our bodies don't like it. Hopefully you get your dream nose in March :smile:
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