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Gal G face become more silmmer after the surgery, she didn't lose any weight.

and below is Gal A picture, hope you can see it this time:smile:
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Ya man, the bridge looks higher than before but i find that my nose now looks short! Still prefer the looks with silicone implant:girlsigh:
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thats cool...so she only did chin implant purely.. no lipo.. no botox whatsoever gith?

At this point, can she smile and laugh already?

Yup, can see Gal A's photo now.. thanks!:yes:
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Looks short ah... could it be that the tip is not as projected now as compared to with the silicon?

hehehe so you will definately be going back in March lah?
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Yap she did it on her cheeks but she may need few more time to maintain that effect.

And for my eyes, after doc give me the jab b4 i comes back, is really dewell quite rapidlly . Maybe will still come abit more, hope the fold stay like this coz i quite like it.
Till now, dare not put any mascara or eyeshadow, chicken lah:P
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keenose, can share you eyes pic?

maskd2003, you think my fold will comes down abit more? cos i like the way it is now.
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I did not pick my nose but i used q-tip to cleans it lor, really mistake cos those are not sterilize.:sad:
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No Lipo or Botox lah, juz chin augmentation.
She can smile but not too big reaction cos still on recovering state, it hurts abit.
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Definitely fly back to him and asked him to put it back again, cos now everyday keep thinking of the result i achive after that surgery. I like that nose which i used to have it for 3 weeks:girlsigh:
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Hi Jang,

I don't know if your eye crease will get smaller... but I can tell it will get less deep by the look of it. It will look really nice from what I can see.

My eye crease got much less deep after 2.5 months and it got a lot smaller too (which is good because it was WAY too big)... I think that is the new "look" in Asia... they're actually starting to prefer the smaller crease.

Anyway, Dr. Kim did a good job on you.
I think your nose may have slightly contracted due to infection... HOWEVER, it is not at all obvious. so please don't worry.. I only notice it by comparing your before any surgery pic. Infection generally makes your nose contract and/or extrude, and that's why the doctor advised you to get it out ASAP... STILL... your current nose is pretty nice, even without any implant. :smile:
Good luck with the next surgery...
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In my experience since I'm a slow healer, the eyelid size stopped getting smaller around 5 months. I think most people it's like 3 months though but if you look at Dr. Meronk's website of healing, the eye still deswells a tiny bit up to a year but you should know around 3-6 months what size it will stay. :smile:
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Hi. I am a new poster to this board and have been following it with interest for some time now. I met with a PS a few days ago and he recommended a bridge augmentation via a silicone implant and a tip refinement with nasal cartilage.

I am a bit nervous about the implant -- having heard so many horror stories. I am wondering whether it would be possible to do only the tip work now, and make a decision on the implant at some future date (maybe years in the future).

Have you heard of anyone doing this before?
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My nose doesn't hurt it's just a bit swollen right now. But I need to take out my ear stitches & my nose stitches back in the States since I'll be leaving Korea today. :sad:
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I got a little higher than before plus a little wider. I wanted a thin bridge but not that thin because my nose is small. Yep I went through it again & he charged me again since he had to remove old one & insert new one. If it's something like infection or crooked or something went wrong, they will do free revision but not for personal preference.

I'm leaving today but I am going for another checkup right before I leave. I'm going to miss Korea but also going to be glad I can see my family again when I get back to baby me lol :wlae:
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Thank you for posting up her pics again. I got epi done as well & I thought there would be a distinct line that scars but it's just like slightly reddish there, no distinct line that says I got epi. Woohoo :yahoo:
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