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Kimosa....did U get the magic epi done?...im going to korea in 2 weeks and im so exciteddd....think u can post a pic just of ur eyes?....would love to see it. Jst want to ask u a quick question....can u put eye make up on after a week., cause i m planning to go clubbing and stuff i korea iwth my friends but i dont want it getting infected if that is even possible???...thanks
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Yes I got magic epi done. I don't want to post a picture but my epi is very similar to the picture Jang posted of one of the girls that got epi.

Better ask the doctor if it's possible but I am personally going to refrain on makeup for at least a month since I don't want to risk getting anything infected.

Where will you be going to do your surgeries? What area will you be clubbing at? Good luck :yes:
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hi all!

hi maskd,

Im from another forum and have been following this thread for a while, u did eyelash extensions? wow..could i know where did u go and how much it cost? I cant pm cos i havent got sufficient number of posts heh.
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Hi all..

Maskd, can i ask where you got your nose done? I want my tip to look like that, nice and small and narrow. Im thinking about going to Dr Chuang for my revision, is he good with alar reduction? do u know any doc that's known for good alar work?
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Hi gossomer :smile:

I know maskd didnt get alar done but i thought i'd ask if she knows any docs that are good with tip and alar work cause she is very knowledgeble with plastic surgery. I wonder if Dr chuang is very experienced with revision cases.. im sceptical cause Dr park at dreamclinic where i got it done is well known and yet i need a revision. But maybe im one of the few that hasnt turned out well. Dr Park also hasnt even replied to my emails so i think its gonna be hard to get a free revision out of him. I'd only consider going back to him if its free, but even then im hesitating cause of my experience there.
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Hi Maskd,

I read your previous posts and i see you got your nose done by Dr chuang at wishclinic and epi done with him as well.. im thiinking about getting double eyelid and epi with him as well if i decide to go with him for my rhino revision. Can i ask why you only did epi with him? Is he not very good with double eyelid?
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Ceyairs, i think since u have already given him so much money, if he were to give u a free revision you should take it instead of paying all over again. As what a forumer said..perhaps he would know what went wrong and better be able to correct it. It is a life endangering situation like the anesthesia issue.. you should try it, if he offered it.
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I would like to do my bridge with cartilage..prob with Dr Hsu and was wondering where i could get epi done, preferrably around the area. But the some of the older epi techniques have scarring so i need to find someone who is well versed in that. I have emailed Dr hsu to ask if he did epi, waiting his reply.
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I did eyelashes with Dr. Jong (LRclinic) in Taiwan... it was 900 USD or 1000 USD total... can't remember.

I didn't do double eyelid because I already had double eyelid... but I didn't realize that the double eyelid would get smaller due to the epi... and I realized this too late. I would have done it with Dr. Chuang if I knew that.

Personally, I think Dr. Chuang's level of alar reduction is that of Dr. Kim or any other well known Korean plastic surgeon (by looking at his pics and comparing them to people that I know went to Dr. Chuang)... Alar reduction results will depend on the doctor's skill AND your own alar. Some alar shapes and bigger alar will result in a greater difference. Like... if you have flared nostrils, you will see a bigger difference.

Now, the best is still probably Dr. Toriumi for alar... Sometimes, the face looks great afterwards... and sometimes, it just looks older or different... but not better...
However, if you want to completely change your face or nose, I think he's the one to go to...

For epi, Dr. Chuang does the new procedure for epi... it really didn't leave any scars for me.

Dr. Kim in BKclinic almost always does silicone I and ear cartilage for the tip.

Kimosa, that is what I don't understand. Goretex tends to be wider than silicone and you can build it MUCH higher than silicone can safely... So, it's so strange that you got a higher and wider nose with silicone. I have never heard of that from any doctors... and I've spoken to many of them in Korea, US and Taiwan.... Anyway... I was just confused. All that matters is if you are happy with the nose. :smile:
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