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HEY LVLUV, how are ur eyes healing?....how big is the scar size? im planning to do it this dec along with my rhino....cant wait. Mind sending me phtos please? i have seen a magic before and after photo throughout healing process... expect the one jang posted up.

Whered did u get it done?
Anyways happy healing!!
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Hey! When are you going? I'm going on February 14th and probably staying till February 23rd or 24th. I live in Vancouver. We could meet up. :smile: I'm Chinese, too, but uhh... I'm pretty much westernized but I still understand Chinese, just that I can't speak it. :smile:
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Hi gigi2010, Im thinking about getting my revision done on my nose by Dr Chuang in Taiwan. I havent heard of Dr Chang, is he well known for rhino revisions?

Hi Ataraxy, can i ask what you're getting done and by whom?

Has anyone had revision rhino done by Dr Chuang? Does anyone know if he's good with revisions?

Here are some pics of my nose that i said i'd post earlier:

Other than the obvious uneven and crooked nosrils, can you see the funny "lumps" on both sides of the nose just above the nostrils? I wonder why they're there..
Oh my nose looks even worse in the photo :sad:
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Hey Girls!

I've been a silent reader of the forum for some time now and after reading through all 217 (ish) pages twice, I feel it is time to introduce myself!!

I'm 20 years old from Australia and I'm heading over to Asia next year for PS.

Like most of you, I've swapped between surgeons...Originally I was dead-set on going to Dr. Kim at BK Clinic and I corresponded with him for a while. Then, I was dead-set on going to Thailand and corresponded with about 15 surgeons there.

However, after reading through the Singapore expats forum about three times, and this one twice, I realised that one name kept popping up who i TOTALLY had never even considered - Dr. Chuang in Taiwan.

I've been emailing Dr. Chuang for more than a month now and i'm 98% positive he's the Doc for me!

I'm heading over there either late June/early July next year before I start uni at NUS in Singapore. Any ladies who would like to join me will be more than welcome!

At this stage it looks like I'm doing nose and chin with him, but he has also suggested cheek implants and possibly the 'levator muscle' surgery for eyes.

I'm also doing eyelash implants with Dr. Jong at LR Clinic (i'm copying Mask'd here...sorry luv!!)

So yes that's me!

I'm so glad I found this forum...you girls seem way more welcoming than the others over at SG Expats.. (?!!....) :P
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coscrazy, this is just my input. Aside for the uneven nostrils, I really see no obvious reasons to re-do your nose again. Unless someone going to tilt their head horizontally to look into your nostrils, the frame of your nose is really beautiful. Your nose have a lovely and natural look about it. If I was in your shoes I would leave it. But I understand each person have different views on it. :smile:
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Aussie_nose, I am doing the same procedures and going next year too. Maybe we can go together? Keenose also has a friend that is going to Dr. Chuang so maybe we can make it a party? :smile:
I have a question about chin implants. Maybe you guys can help me out. My mouth protrudes a bit so the natural stance of my lips is to be apart. I'm afraid that if I get a chin implant, it's going to be unnatural to close my mouth. Like I feel like my bottom lip would strain to reach my top one. For example, when I pull the bottom of my chin down, all that skin under my lip also pulls down and it's harder to close my lips. Is this how it's going to be?I heard chin implants help push the bottom lip up and helps with lip strain. Is this true? I'm a bit confused about the chin implant position. I always thought that it was like a little cap that fits on the bottom of your chin bone. Therefore, wouldn't it pull the skin underneath your lip downwards, making it harder to close your lips? Or does the implant cover the entire chin and so the top of the implant is pushing the lip up?
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thats true! I've seen so many noses with uneven nostrils.. its almost like a boob thing.. never the same one bigger than the other haha! But yeah if it bugs you i understand your need to do something esp if it's on yourself.
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I'm going to have to agree with everyone else... :smile: your nose looks fine, and nothing really needs to be fixed. If you were going to get a revision, chances are the doctor is going to make changes that are going to be barely any different....

What implant do you have? What procedures have you had done to your nose? Where did you get it at? Please share! :smile:
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Sorry... I realized who you were...
Ignore my questions. Your nose really doesn't look bad... I always envisioned your nose would be bad... since your family doesn't like it.
Your nose tip doesn't look wide... and the nostrils are a little assymetrical but there are many people who have that... and it's never noticeable unless you're really examining them.
Do you have a before picture of your nose closeup?.... that's the only way to see if your nose was not improved. Blocking out the rest of your face... just compare the nose... that will give you a good idea.
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Who did you get your nose done by originally? Silicon? I can kinda see the little lump you are talking about but don't know what that could be. Hopefully you can get it fixed & get the nose you want :smile:
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I'm going to Dr. Chuang in Taiwan. :biggrin: I was originally going to go to Dr. Kim (BK Clinic), but his prices are a tad bit expensive, and since I've heard so many positive reviews about Dr. Chuang, I'm heading over there.

When do you plan to go for your revision? My date is pretty much set to be in the middle of February. If you wanted to go together, I wouldn't mind. I'm not sure if my brother's going yet, but if he does, he's friendly, he won't bite. :biggrin: He could buy food for us or something, haha.

Mhm, your nose looks pretty nice, but I'm going to disagree with everyone else. I think you should get a revision 'cause those lumps on the side of your nose look abnormal (they could be cysts or water bubbles or something), you should get it checked out at least. Your nostrils are supposed to be symmetrical. I know that a lot of people have asymmetrical faces, nostrils, etc. but I think the asymmetry of your nose is quite obvious (doesn't mean it's ugly or anything though!). My nostrils are very symmetrical, haha, but I'm still getting a rhinoplasty. I still like your nose now, though, but I think you should get those lumps checked out. If you're still unsatisfied about your asymmetrical nostrils after a consultation (it's free!), you could do a revision for it. I think Dr. Chuang is very knowledgeable, so he's probably the best person for you to consult about your nose revision.

I hope that didn't offend you or anyone else, it's just my opinion, haha.

P.S. I think gigi2010 means Dr. Chuang, too. Maybe she typoed.
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