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Gigi2010 did went to Dr. Chang and not Dr. Chuang which you think its a typoed. I have been relating with her via phone calls. She did mention that Dr. Chang is quite well know in Taiwan although he's not talked much on this forum. She's still in Taiwan currently resting from her surgery. I will let her explain so that you get direct report rather than coming from a "hear say" who is myself. She's doing OK.

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Hey Kaspy,

Wow cool the same procedures!! Great minds think alike eh;). I would love to get together with other people who are heading over there. I'm afraid that six years of Mandarin lessons were totally lost on me and I can't really manage more than 'Hi my name is...and i'm 13 years old'...hahaha..(now 20, so that could be a problem). Do you speak Chinese by any chance?

I know what you are trying to say with the chin implant thing, but i'm afraid i have no idea! I'm still trying to read up a bit more about the chin implants coz Dr. Chuang just suggested it and i'd never really thought about it before...

What kind of procedures has he suggested for your nose and chin and which materials?
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If its the suture method, like maskd said.. there cant be any removal of fats from your lids and thus, it really just looks like you have double eyelids but not really helping you to give you a more awake look.

Suture is good for those with thin eyelid skin.. not much fat...

Like for me, I did the incisional one where fat was removed and my lids arent so puffy looking anymore.

So now you have an option of either.. taking out the sutures and getting your single lids back.. or you could do the incisional one where they can remove some fats and give you a more awake look instead.

With some fats removed, it shouldnt look fake anymore...
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Yup, thats one of their source of income from patients.. thus if hte patient refuses to take it.. I heard the nurses would be unhappy..
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lol so you changed your mind about the doctors? So set in going Taiwan for sure?
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I cant really see the lumps .. but yes the nostrils are indeed uneven.

From the frontal view, I seem to see that there are lines from the bridge to the cheek area.. is that a shadow or are there really lines there?

I agree with the others that your nose doesnt look as bad as it sounds.. but if you want a revision, I can understand too. ;)
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Hey Aussie_nose,

Welcome welcome... :yahoo:

Do you have sleepy eyes or something? Since he recommended the levator muscle surgery?
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Hey Kaspy,

There are silicon implants and also medphor implants for chin... silicon is slipped in, not fastened or anything to your original bone.
Whereas medphor will be screwed to your bone so it never slips.

For silicon chin implants, the implant MAY slip and move when you bump into something etc... whereas obviously medphor wont.

However, on your question of whether the implant would cause your lips to be opening wider apart or not.. I dont really know.
I guess you would have to check with the doctor.:confused1:
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hahaha you are so funny!!!

On your dates, are you flexible? Just wondering..
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Hey guys thanks for your opinions :smile: It helps to put my own views into perspective a little. I either have a really distorted view of my nose or I have unrealistic expectations or both cause it sounds like my nose isnt really that bad, but to me it looks really uneven and those damn lumpy things are worrying me. The lumps im talking about arent very visible in the photos, but they're definately there.

Keenose, the lines you're seeing are lines made by the lumps. I had my nose done by Dr Park at Dreamclinic in korea.

Maskd, I actually have been looking at photos of my original nose lately and have been asking myself was getting a slightly higher bridge and tip worth all the trouble, and now I have to cut open my nose yet again. I guess we have to remember that there is always a risk of things not turning out the way you'd hoped. Luck definately plays a role in cosmetic surgery..
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Hi Ataraxy,

It's only been a little over 3 months since my surgery and Dr Chuang says I have to wait at least 6 months before i can have a revision. So Im planning to go around middle of march. It would've been great to go together :girlsigh: I dont speak a word of chinese, and i've never been to taiwan so i'd much like to buddy up with someone so we can share the accomodation costs and give moral support to each other.
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ugh... it is so hard to decide... I've looked at your pics so many times now... I don't think I can really get a good idea of whether the nose was messed up by the doctor.
Honestly, I think you must have always had a nose that was better than the "average nose" so even if the doctor messed up and made it look worse, people who have never seen your "before surgery" nose will say that it is fine and good looking... since it is still much better than the average nose.

I've looked at the after noses on a bunch of plastic surgery websites... and the nostrils are much more symmetrical than your pics... My nostrils are symmetrical but I didn't have alarplasty so he couldn't have made them lopsized sizes... although the shape of the nostrils have changed but they changed the same way on both sides...
I don't know if you have alarplasty... I hope this information helps you.

yea... if you've never had those little lumps (some people do have them naturally) before, then, he did mess up there... but I don't think the tip of your nose is wide at all.

And, I'm sure your nose looks different in person..... I think it really threw off a lot of people as your nose is better than average.
Your family is really going to give you the best judgement... since they have seen you before and after whereas we haven't and it's based on a non-moving photo.

Good luck girl. I hope you'll be happy with the revision.
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Thanks for the welcome Keenose!!

Dr. Chuang says he thinks i might have 'mild ptosis' (sleepy eyes) based on my photos, but that he will need to assess when he sees me in the flesh...

Nearly all of the Thai Doctors i consulted with online said that I need a 'brow lift' (:wtf:) to improve the problem!! Apparently my eye brows rest too close to my eyes which gives me a 'big forehead' and a droopy eye look....But I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

I'm going to Thailand anyway next year because I want to have a full dental smile makeover (with porcelain veneers). So I can either do the brow lift there or do the muscle levator procedure with Dr. Chuang.

My schedule is flexible-ish. I finish uni on June 21 next year and I dont start again until August 6. However, ideally I would like to have my procedures done at the end of June/early July so that I don't look like a monster when semester starts !! hhaha.

Dr. Chuang says that my eyes will take at least 2 months to look normal if I have the muscle levator procedure.
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