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Hey cozcrazy,

I think at the end of the day, it really depends on how you feel about it and whether you can accept what you see.

If it really bugs you and stuff... might as well get it done and over with.

The lines you say are caused by the lumps... From what I understand.. I thought that only autologous nose might have lumps.. whereas an implant would have a lesser chance of that.

If the lumps are there and obvious, shows obvious shadows under lightings... I think its pretty clear that the doctor blotched the job.

I also agree with maskd that probably your reaction under anesthesia has caused the doctor to hurry up the work and finish it ASAP.

I have had alar works done and my nostrils look the same size as each other...
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I sure think it could be possible to form a PARTY going together!! hahahah
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Oh I see! Would it be possible to just show us your eyes? I find my eyebrows too close to my eyes too and I'm wondering if its the same case as yours.

WOW its going to be expensive right? The veneers project?
How much do they charge?

So ideally you would like to go as soon as June ends? haha
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hi, I am an asian girl, but have atypical nose, it is long and has hump. so it looks like big Arabian or Caucosian nose and I want to make it shorter and the shape lower. I live in Japan now, but I guess Japanese surgeons usualy operate in the contrast way, they make noses higher and longer. I am wondering in my case is it better to get a nose job in eouropian or arabian country rather than Asian? If you have some ideas, please..
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Hey Nini, long time no see :yes: Any new plans for surgery? Still saving up :?:
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Hi Saltana, i hear the standard of japanese surgeons are very high and you already live there so i'd look for a reputable surgeon there rather than travelling overseas. Hump removal is supposed to be one of the easier rhino procedures apparently so a reputable japanese surgeon should be able to perform it. You want tip work done as well, and you really want to find a surgeon who is known for good tip work. All surgeons say the tip is the most difficult and technical to work with, and it is very important to get it right the first time cause u really want to avoid revisions on the tip as each revision surgery becomes more and more complicated and difficult due to scar tissue and other factors changing the natural structure of the tip. I guess with any cosmetic procedure you have to really research and find a surgeon who can get it right the first time.
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Is it normal for me to feel a dent where the silicone starts at the top of the bridge? Isnt there meant to be a smooth transition from your own bridge to the silicone and you're not supposed to feel where it starts and ends? There's also a faint bluish/greenish line where the dent is..
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Hi want2change,

Where did you hear of this surgeon? I think i've seen his name pop up on that singaporeexpats forum..cant remember what they were saying about him though.
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Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie here:yes: and I have read some of the replies. I'm an Asian female who really wants to get a rhinoplasty and the posts are really helpful. I have wonder if you guys can help me figure this out and if i'm wrong, please feel free to correct me:wlae:.

Ok, here is my question: Which type of implants (silicone vs. goretex) is better? Is the autologous material, such as rib or ear cartilage, better than the implants?

Thank you everyone for sharing your advice, experiences, and thoughts.
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Hi Saltanat,

I have exactly the same problem as you - a long nose, where the tip 'hangs' over and the bridge has a hump in it. I am going to Dr. Chuang in Taiwan for my rhinoplasty.

He has suggested the following nasal procedures for me (i quote):

1. Reduction rhinoplasty: to reduce the volume of lower lateral cartilage.
2. Burring osteotomy of nasal bone: to remove out the dorsal hump
3. Bridge augmentation with Goretex: to smooth out the nasal bone after osteotomy and make the bridge higher a little bit.
4. Tiplasty with septal cartilage graft and reposition of alar cartilage: to make you have a pointed and smaller tip"

I asked him if he performs the hump-removal surgery often - he tells me he has performed over 100 cases like this on caucasian patients and about 15 hump-removal surgeries a week (generally).

Hump removal is the same no matter whether the patient is Asian or Caucasian, so it really does not matter where you go. It is the SURGEON who counts, and his/her experience.

Hope this helps! :smile:
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Hi Keenose!

I can send you a picture of my eyes if you would like? Just PM me your email addy!

The veneers are going to by WAYYYY cheaper to do in Thailand than Australia. In Aus, my dentist is asking $1400 PER TOOTH!!! Ara;sdkasjfd;las!!!!!!

In Thailand, depending on the quality of the veneer material you get (and the brand), it ranges from $200 - $400 a tooth. I figure that I will need about 14 teeth done (including top and bottom)

I have braces on at the moment (coming off in April), so I really want to get veneers to 'perfect' my smile!

Yes, you're right - ideally i would like to go get my PS as soon as June ends. (I'll be on the plane to Taiwan the day after uni finishes if possible ahahah)...i dOn't know how I am going to wait another six months...already waited so long!!! I've been researching ALL YEAR!! And i really really reallly reallllyyyy hate my nose!! It's a witch-y nose!! :hysteric:
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I've seen your photos of your nose, and I agree with Maskd on this one. I think your nose is still "above average" but until we see what your original nose looked like it's very difficult to tell whether the doctor blotched the job or not. Perhaps you merely had overly high expectation?

Maybe you can post up a photo of your original nose and this way we will be able to judge better your ps?

Hope u r feeling better now :smile:
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