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WOW... the price difference for the veneers is really HUGE!!
Its all in USD I suppose?
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I have lines across my cheek too! I wonder if its the same as yours...

I have asked Dr Chuang on how I could remove it.. but he just told me that there can be nothing done about those!!

Are your lines obvious?
I've had them since I was a baby!
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hehe no... septal cartilage is from your nose.
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Hey coscrazy,

Your original nose doesnt look bad at all.. its pretty from what I see.

However, because the pictures are taken in different angles.. its hard to compare accurately as well.

Unless you have your before and after pics taken in the same angle with good lighting.

All I can see is that your original nose was more roundish...

Did you have a scar?
I thought you just had nostrils and bumps problems?
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Thanks for asking!

The scars on the lids are getting lighter and less visible. But when I close my eyes, I can still see the overlapping crease.

My alar scars are also lightening.. less reddish now.. but the holes are still there.

ARGh.. I hope they go away real sooN!:nuts:
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May I ask how are your cheeks like? Do you also have the lines?

Why did he suggest silicon implants?
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Dr Chuang suggested silicon implant for your chin?
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Hi Keenose,
Thank you ;)

You are right about other factors such as the specialty of the doctor with certain materials, personal choice, and definitely luck.

From reading, I got the impression that silicon gives you a natural appearance and feel, but it has high potential of infection and sometimes your nose can change color. As for goretex, it gives you a (really) high bridge and your own tissue can grow into it, but it can be hard to remove later on (for instance due to infection). As for autologous materials, it has the high rate of absorption and your nose feels hard (not like a natural nose), but its risk of infection and rejection is less than the implants.

Also, Dr. Jung is the master of goretex while Dr. Toriumi is the master of autologous implant. Is this right?

Are these presumptions correct?

Thank you:shame:
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Hi Britgal,

I'm a newbie too:wlae:.

About Dr. Charles Lee, I have seen him on TV before (i don't exactly remember the show that he was on). I thought he was the expert in asian rhinoplasty too, but I haven't seen people discussed about him that much at all from the forums. So I'm not really sure.

Anyway, welcome to the forum!!!!
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Hi guys,

Wow...I'm surprised that this thread has gotten so big.
It's been a while since I first considered PS, probably 4 or 5 years, so I think it's about time.
I'm getting 3 procedures done, double eyelid surgery (for bigger crease) along with epithanthoplasty for maximum effect, and also sagittal split ostectomy (aka jaw shaving/mandible reduction).

I'm going back to Mainland China this upcoming spring, where I plan to get these procedures done. I've heard some negative things about mainland china, but my goal is to find a hospital with a very good reputation (like Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital), not some non-accredited small country clinic. I've had trouble with finding good places since good Chinese hospitals generallly don't advertise online in English (alas mandarin is only my second language and I can speak it but reading/writing is a challenge). I would totally appreciate if anyone can forward any info/experiences with good hospitals/clinics/surgeons in Mainland China? Thank you so much!

Also, I've researched jaw reduction quite extensively, and right now know of 2 types of procedures being done. One is lateral ostectomy, one is sagittal split ostectomy. Lateral reduces the mandible's thickness when viewed laterally, but not so much when you view the mandible frontally. I see alot of this lateral surgery style in thailand, but I know many Chinese/Korean doctors do the sagittal split ostectomy which will actually get the frontal effects I desire. Has anyone else undergone this jaw shaving experience and can share their exprience?

Thank you!
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You got the part right about goretex being harder to remove. This is because the tissue grows into it, binding it.
Whereas silicon is easy to remove.

Silicon can give you a natural look OR a fake look...depending on the height increase and of course the skill of the doctor.

Regarding autolougous giving a hard nose.. I am not too sure about that.

Dr Jung does alot of goretex noses... and Dr Toriumi does rib autologous noses.

There are of course, alot more information which is tough to summarize in one message.. haha :P

How is your original nose like now?
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Hello there,

I am interested in bone shaving as well! Please do share whatever information you gather about these ok? heehee

What is sagittal split ostectomy?
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Hi Keenose,

I'm an asian female and I have a typical asian nose. Even though my nose has a little bit of height to it, it's big and bulbous like a clown nose:crybaby:.
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Sure keenose...I've got a bunch of science articles that I'm shifting through and chinese hospitals I'm contacting/looking at.

I plan to consolidate all the info into an easy to read mini-guide and send it to whoever's interested for second opinions and see if there's anyone who wants to come along with me. I really value the knowledge and opinions of those on this forum, esp those who have had procedures done before, and definitely want to learn more about epi/bleph/jaw shaving from them as well.
As for why I'm getting "the stuff" done in China...it's because
I'm pretty sure I could get relatives to act as go-betweens if I go to China and unlike Korea there isn't any culture shock for me. Also they are very familiar with the asian face and techniques to perserve "Asian-ness" while achieving surgical aims.

I think it's pretty cool how some girls got together and went to korea and had fun and I definitely want to see if any other people are interested.

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Hey keenose,

My original nose was definately more roundish and I hated it for it! Its definately more defined at the tip now. I was pretty depressed about the look of my new nose but it is starting to look better as time goes by. I think some people just find it harder than others to get used to the new look. However, the uneven nostrils and bumps must be sorted out though. Thinking about going to Dr Chuang but not sure what his skills are in fixing uneven nostrils. I dont have scarring problems, i didnt get alarplasty, what i meant was that the doctor that did my nose said that alarplasty causes scarring and recommended me not to get it cause i didnt really need it but i still want alar reduction though hehe..

What a relief that your alar scars are fading! I read your previous posts and you were so upset and worried you poor dear.. I would have been the same or probably worse! Would probably had a nervous breakdown :crybaby: I really hope the holes will get smaller with time, but if they dont, what will you do?
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