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Hi all! I've been lurking at this forum for a while but I haven't seen this question ever being asked or addressed (I might have missed it though!).

Hoping you guys can help me out with this! I'm considering autologous rhinoplasty, and I was wondering if after the surgery (for example, like 1-2 years after), is there a chance that I would be as comfortable (physically, I mean) with my new nose as I was with my old one? By this I mean i can rub it, squeeze it and basically contort it any way I want like I can with my current nose? I have a terrible habit of rubbing my nose and while I know it's an unsightly habit (much like nibbling your fingers), I can't help it and I sure as hell wouldn't want to break my new nose by doing so!

Would be grateful for any advice I can get and thanks for your help!
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He said that 10 days should be sufficient. Accomodations get pretty expensive when you are staying that long. That's why it's great to split the room and share the pain. :tup:

I'll let you know what he says about the screws and wiring money.
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Legend! :smile:
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Well I got my stitches taken a few days ago at a Vietnamese clinic that a friend told me about & boy was it uncomfortable. The guy didn't really seem that good with taking out the stitches & caught my lip with the other side of the scissor trying to pull the little stitches out. Since I told them I got it done in Korea, everyone had to gather around & inspect me like a specimen lol. He was tugging on the dissolvable stitches & I was telling him not to touch those & then he tugged on it again & I mentioned it again :rant:

Anyways finally he finished & insisted on taking my picture! Um I don't think so, especially since I didn't even get my surgeries there & they kept talking about me in Vietnamese making me feel very uncomfortable. Then he said he was going to take my picture, told me to hold on while he got the camera & I ran the hell out of there. Thankfully I already paid beforehand :P

My nose looks really good & most all the swelling has gone down except for the tip. My tip feels & looks swollen still but not noticeable to the random stranger. Overall I love the size & how it looks. :tup:
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I'm not sure with autologous but I think while your healing you get in the habit of being really careful with your new nose. I know sometimes I wiggle the tip of my nose before but now I just barely touch it instead of the near rubbing I used to do. Anyways, I'm sure that you won't break your new nose, you'll learn to be more careful with it :smile:
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Hi Karta,
I don`t have any ideas about particular doctors yet, I am only thinking about to start my research, and thank you for the idea about Dr. Fukuta, I haven`t heard about him, I mean I don`t know about Japanese sergeions at all since i am a foreigner here. If you have some information about this, would be really appreciate.
About 30 %, I am not sure exactly:smile: but in Osaka area at least where I am living now there are really a lot of nosemade young Japanese, and you can recognize it easyly, these noses are really different fron typical Japanese noses or Asian in general. And not only noses, they really like plastic sergery... But I think I would like to have a little different shape of nose, not so sharp. I don`t know Japanese and it is difficult to search in the Internet then, the clinic sites are usually in Japanese.
Would be appreciate for any information about sergeions in Japan.
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I have the same problem too, Asian nose, short and round tip. I want to go to Korea next year to fix my nose. I know from website Dr HyunCheol Park from Oz Clinic. Has everyone know anything about the doctor and clinic? Thanks.
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Hi. Has anyone ever done or heard a rhinoplasty and chin augmentation operations performed by dr Park (OZ Clinic)? I would like to hear your opinion or experiences please. I plan to do the operations this January. Thanks.
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Hi. What is medial epicanthoplasty?
It seems like Dr Park is a nice guy. He replies very quick to email. I wonder whether he is patient to listen to what you want. I had rhinoplasty done in Singapore before. The doctor was so impatient. I was in doubt but people around told that the doctor was one of the best. Now, I like to do some research first before go ahead with the correction.
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Medial epicanthoplasty is where the inner corners of yoru eyes are cut to make them bigger.

He is a very nice guy.
I had been ill before the operation, so he even picked me up from the hotel.
There is another former patient of his on this forum- ashmi99(?) who did calf surgery there. She also has only the best things to say about dr. park.
He also speaks english.
Will you be traveling alone? Do you speak korean?
He is really skilled and kind. his staff is so kind as well.
I have not heard of his rhinoplasty/chin augmentation jobs, but his method is very "natural approach". he makes your results look natural.
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Hey saltanat,
I am also interested in getting rhino and my eyes done in Japan. The main problem I gathered from some of my Japanese friends is most doctors in Jp do not speak English... and unless you speak fluent Japanese, they will not accept you as patients since you can't sign the consent form! :Push:

So now i'm considering to get my surgeries done in Korea..

Jang, thank you for posting all the details of your surgery with Dr. Kim!! I am leaning towards him too..just a question, the cartilage he extracted from your ear to extend your tip, was that also discarded when you had to remove everything from your nose when it was infected?

So when you go back for a revision, what is Dr. Kim going to use for your tip? Another side of your ear? :confused1:
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I will try to contact dr Fukuta in Tokyo and to know the price, I don`t have any idea how much my nose job would cost. I am going to Tokyo during the holiday and hope the clinic will be open. And I have Japanese speaking friend, so could ask him to be a translator if dr doesn`t speak Japanese, although I wouldn`t like my friend to know about my idea to change my nose :shame: I will post result here if I have any after I come back
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Hey girls,

After a rhinoplasty operation, how long do you have to wait in the resting room before you can get up and go? I am just concern about my situation since I will be going alone. Hopefully the doc will care enough to send his assistance to help me get back to the hotel.

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