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coscrazy, I am curious at how your close friends reacted to you having a nose job.. is it obvious to them that you have undergone plastic surgery?
I only had a simple proceedure of dst to make my eyelids symmetical as I had the classic one lid had a crease and the other not, so to many people I don't look any different.
I only told 2 work collegues of my PS and they reacted in disgust that i even dreamt of PS.. i felt bad... this has kinda put me off having anything more done as I feel worse that people think i'm dirt for going under the knife than me having an issue with my bits in the first place!:sad:
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Sounds like you need tip defatting.. and probably alarplasty?

You should send your pictures out to potential doctors you are considering, and ask for their opinions and of course price quote.

Different doctors may have different ways of going about it to enhance your features.

hehe anyway, maybe it doesnt sound as bad... ya know.. we might be too critical of ourselves! haha :P
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WOW that would be so cool! I am also researching on this topic... we could share some information as well!

Me and a couple of friends are actually considering/planning to do this.. and we are thinking of going back to Taiwan in fact.

Hmmm however keeping options open and see how it goes yeah?
Who knows if we might just choose China?

Korea is out for us... not in our list in the moment. :P
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SEeeeeeeee... we are definately more critical of ourselves! hahaha your original nose really wasnt bad at all honestly. I can imagine that you are already a very pretty lady without looking at your eyes and mouth! :smile:

But of course, being woman.. we always strive for more beauty and possible perfection. hahahh (guilty too... myself)

I dont think its true that all alarplasty causes scarring... like I've seen some cases whereby their alarplasty jobs has healed up completely and nicely.. to such an extent that it looks perfect.. like without having done any alarplasty traces...

Whereas for me, maybe I'm not such a good healer.... :crybaby:

Your previous surgeon probably didnt want to risk you having possible scars.... or maybe he himself isnt confident in doing it.

Well, please communicate more with your potential doctors and I'm sure you'd find your answer from there.

Yes, it can take some time to get used to your new look.

I am still getting used to my new look too as well... haha yup.. although separating out the features and comparing them to the before ones.. they do look better.. but when the features are put together, as in looking at myself as a whole... still not totally used to it.

I still sometimes think I look like an alien... wooHooooo

Yeah currently my alar still has the holes... I'm using Mederma religiously.. hope that will help!
If not, I will have to seek help....
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Hey Meowgirl,

I know what you mean......

I would like to say that, those people who judge you and think you're dirt for going under the knife arent your true friends.

I feel that true friends should respect and support each other, rather than judging and criticising or looking down at each other.

If in the first place, they cannot understand your view of yourself and why you chose to go through the procedures, they arent THAT close to you are they?

Secondly, after it happens.. they treat you like dirt for being brave and making your choice?

Though its easy to say this and I know it might be hard to do..... but...."dont let those people affect you, they arent worth your time"

If you have chosen what you want, just be strong and go through it.... if they cant respect your choice..at least your loyal supporter will... that is YOURSELF.
You are your own best friend.:heart:
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Keenose, are you planning to do something else? I saw that you mentioned that you were going back to Taiwan. Good luck if you are.

I just wanted everyone to know this...

The aftermath of surgery is VERY hard. I had no idea until I got it done. The first week after surgery is ok... but after that, it becomes very hard. This is what you don't see on the forums. But, so many girls have talked to me privately about their issues. It's a LOT of questioning.

Honestly, I think it was really stupid for me to get a nose job. I am so lucky it went ok.

Most Asian people have straight lashes... but these lashes are STRAIGHT and they are harder to curl... Please keep this in mind. You will need a little cuticle scissor to trim the lashes.
The reason why people don't get it done as much is because you can get better results with false lashes. And, false lashes are easier to maintain and are pretty quick to apply also.

But, with the eyelash implants, you don't have to worry about them falling off and they are a part of you.. which seems so real.

Out of all of my procedures, I love the eyelash implants the most. Because, it wasn't traumatic after the procedure. Sure there was swelling but it doesn't change the way your eyes are afterwards.

This is the reason why I would not want to go under the knife again, voluntarily..

to a person who has heavy lids, I will agree with them that they should get double eyelids if they are interested... but someone who has big eyes with small double eyelid, I will tell them to assess it because there will be a lot of tremendous questioning afterwards. Sometimes, what matters is not if you look better. It's how you feel about your face. And surgery sometimes just makes you confused.

I guess... here's a way to explain it. If you keep up with Korean media... there are a lot of celebs that get procedures but then, they don't look better... they are just different... it's because, it was already good.
And sometimes, an imperfect nose looks better than a perfect nose on a particular person. Many people who have done plastic surgery know EXACTLY what i am talking about...
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I know!! It's pretty amazing hey. I could never afford to do more than a couple of teeth here...hahaha, that would be attractive. :wtf:

I think its about $200 - $400 US or Australian...there's not much difference these days, is there? They always quote US though
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Maskd you make a very good point... (and eloquently written too!)

I'm just wondering if it is harder to accept your 'new look' if the people around you are constantly questioning it or bringing the difference to your attention?

Were your friends and family supportive before you went in, or did you keep it a secret?

I haven't told any family - which is kind of the point - I know they'd try to talk me out of it - but I wonder if it makes it a lot harder afterwards....

The one friend I did tell doesn't want me to do it, but understands why I want to. She is more paranoid about the safety aspect than anything else, I think. She says she can 'see what I mean' about my nose, but that it's not heinous to begin with. (She's right of course).

I'm a bit worried about how everyone will react (ie. the ones that i DIDN'T tell), because I am planning quite a few changes to the face.

I think I will have more trouble accepting my new look if heaps of family members are like 'ohh you looked better before!!'....If i look great afterwards, maybe it will be a different story...(ie. easier to ignore them, coz I'm happy)

hmm who knows....just one of the many risks, i guess.

Do you mind sharing more of your experience? ie. what people said, how your feelings about your 'new' face have changed, how it affects you on a daily basis etc...

Only if you have time, of course :rolleyes:
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Well meowgirl, there are different opinions of my nose amongst my close friends. Only one friend prefers my new nose! The others say although it has more height and has a defined tip, it is not necessarily better for my overall face. They also say at least my original nose was symmetrical and had symmetrical nostrils. They also say it is a little bit upturned, piggish, which i have very recently started to notice as well. They wont come right out and say so, but it's obvious they dont think it was a very good job.

I know it can be very discouraging when people react negatively towards your PS, but dont let that get your spirits down meowgirl. I know its easier said than done, cause reactions like that can really play on your self esteem, but just remember, the most important thing is, are YOU happy with the results. I dont know the reasons why they would react in that way, i dont know their personal beliefs, but i think jealousy has a part in it. I think we have to remember that not everyone will have the same views on PS as us. PS and the whole healing process can be a long and traumatic one, but you can always count on us here on this thread for full support :heart::heart:
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keenose, coscrazy many thanks :love: Your opinions are like gold dust to me.. like i said mine is only dst so for you to have something like your nose done and be brave to accept what people say means alot.

I still havent seen my asian best friend yet.. im fact im dreading it, although shes my best friend I know she will diss me.. yes I know this isn't the actions of a true friend but she's lovely in every other way but i know that she'll resent me having it done and i do think it will be because she will be slightly jealous?? I KNOW that if she had the money and was brave enough to do PS she would want it done also.. the fact she doesn't maybe the the reason she will probably react badly for me doing it? does that make sense?! :s

My work mates are english (the ones I've told) although i felt uneasy that they disagreed with ps I could kinda handle it because they are english.
I havent seen any ASIAN mates or relatives...im dreading it as they will judge me the most!! I shall take your advice and remain strong about my decisions.. head up :boxing:... but theres something about chinese gossips that makes u feel sooooooo small!:Push:
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In your case, if they're going to be like that. Just lie lie lie. Because, really it's not the business of your friends. Just tell them that you've been using the eye tape at night and it stayed IF THEY ASK. That does work for some people...


I asked for very small changes on my nose and eyes. Get my double eyelid a TINY bit higher.... my nose tip a little sharper and built a tiny bit on my bridge... and then, the doctors that I consulted said that a slight epicanthy would benefit me. Apparently, my eyes were a little too round.
So, most people did not notice. A few coworkers said I looked more Caucasian... which totally confused me. My mom likes it... My sister and my dad doesn't really know if it is better or what. She says it's very difficult to really tell which face is better...
That being said, I did get a better nose and better eyes... and I feel like I TOTALLY look different... whereas other people think I look only slightly different. You would think better nose + better eyes=better face... but it's more complex than that.
My best friend, who moved far far away, but we keep in contact with photos, etc, said I become more and more gorgeous day by day.... so apparently, she thinks it's an improvement... though she doesn't know what I did.

umm... there is one girl ;) on this forum that has seen my entire face before and after. I also have seen her entire face... and we have an agreement that it WILL NOT be shared... so don't even bother asking... and she thinks my face looks slightly better also... but she did have to ask me if all of my pictures were afters. so apparently, it's not that much of a change?

And, I'm VERY glad that I did not ask for bigger changes. Very glad. Please please review your face... Once you say good bye to it, it's hard to get back.
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maskd2003, that is what scares me...I really hate my nose, but apparently my "problem" is one of the most delicate & difficult to fix and make aesthetically pleasing. I have a slightly "bulbous" tip on my nose...ugh, I hate it, but when I saw this picture I decided maybe my nose might be okay after all...lol. Mine is more like this one.
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I 100% AGREE with this sentence!! even if its a slight change.. you will NEVER get your original features back even if they reverse proceedures. This is very daunting.. PS is for life we have to remember that its not all fabulous outcomes and post op AND adjusting to your new tweaks or major changes affects your self esteem and state of mind.
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