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I do see them on that little boy...hehe he's so adorable!. I think those lines are cute.;).. my sister,my niece, and my nephew they all have them . Do the lines bother you much?
So how are u? and how are you healing ? did you have a good Christmas ? Did you get lots of nice presents ? :P
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Did you get silicon or Goretex? Your eyes will take months to heal so for it to be too high right now is a good thing since it's only been a month. ;)
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hahah yeah... the boy is so cute right? Look at his expression when he keeps saying "blood" and .. "its not funny!!" hahah

So are the lines for the epi concealable or something?
The faint line now is reddish? Or brownish?
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Actually, I did mostly email consultation then when I went to the country, direct consultation.

Most importantly is to find one that you feel comfortable with.. and of course who shows examples of what you want!

Good luck!! :heart:
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Hey benlan,

Welcome back!

So you did goretex for the nose by Dr Chuang right? Its the block type?

For me, at 1 month it was already looking quite like the present.. the nose didnt really change much for me since just after op and now more than 2 months.
It mainly just deswelled a little.. and stayed there since.

Whereas for the eyes, it was about 2 months that the crease got to more natural looking state. Now I believe its still deswelling for me too.

Moreover, I did the mini incision one.. not the full incision.. so if you did the full incision one, it could take longer.

Dont worry.. give it more time :tup:
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Oops sorry.. I got confused. Yeah now I remember, the doctor went to your Auntie's clinic.

Did you receive my PM?

I was saying that everyone's healing/ deswelling rate might be different. For me, at 1 month it was already quite the size it is now...

Do you have pictures? Do you really think its too high?
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It's a very faint kinda brownish reddish line for me now. I'm not going to conceal it with makeup since it's not that noticeable unless someone really stares there. I'm a slow healer so it might take 3-6 months for me :Push:
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I don't know how much more silicon will shrink at the bridge area. I know that my tip is very swollen right now & might take awhile to deswell. Are you talking about the area between the eyes? Because I heard it takes awhile to deswell there too. Otherwise if you are simply talking about the overall height increase of the dorsum, it might be how high it will stay but give it 2 more months because it might be swelling. I hope it turns out good for you :smile:
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Benlan, after a month most of the swelling would be gone but from then on there will be deswelling at a very slow rate for another 2 months or so. I liked the height of my bridge at 1 month post-op but now I'm 3.5 months post-op and my bridge deswelled even more and now I wish there was more height. People heal at different rate but you should give it at least 3-4 months for the final result.The tip may take even longer to deswell.
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keenose: haha that video was hilariously cute...'blood...it's not funny':tup:

has anyone gotten partial incision done at the eyelid?
i don't want a major crease, my eyes are not particularly small, actually, one already has a double lid. wondering whether partial incision would give me a permanent crease. i just don't want to waste time and money if it's going to be undone in a year or two. i've asked a few dr. and they say there is a chance but slight.

if anyone has had partial incision done, please let me know the details! which dr. healing period, progress, etc. many thanks! ;)
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i'd love to join but i'm looking towards may. :Push:
do you guys get bigger discounts since you go as a large group? :smile:
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I got partial incisional.
when you are young, most doctors will suggest DST or partial incisional, since you don't have sagging skin.
Full incisional also has a small chance of undoing itself. I think most people, near all, don't have an issue with partial incisional undoing itself.
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Hahaha! That boy is so adorable. Those are exactly how mine look my cheek depressions look like. Dr. Chuang said that tear trough implants could get rid of them but I haven't found much information on them.
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