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Nope, buccal fat and cheek lipo are different things.

Basically cheek lipo and face lipo are more of the "surface" fats on your face... while buccal fat is the deeper fats (from what I understand) and buccal fats when removed, will never grow back again.

Buccal fats removal is not suitable for everybody.. be warned.
This is because, when we age this pool of fats will naturally get lesser... thus if its further removed, it will give a very haggard and old (drug addict lol ) look..
So please check with the PS if you are suitable.

Personally, I think the effects are very subtle too......if any.
That would be.. the lower cheek area being less "puffy" looking than before. Thats about it.

Note that there are "disolvable" stitches all inside your mouth... 2 rows of them, they will fall off slowly. But having them there was pretty distracting and not to mention, painful when we accidently bite on the stitches while eating. haha

Can you please tell me what effects do you see from your friend?

About tip refinement and alarplasty by Dr Chuang, I personally think that his alarplasty is good as in..... the difference is big. (the reduction)

However, I might not be the best canditate to talk about healing and stuff for alarplasty. My alarplasty currently is still giving me problems... scars and stuff.

Good luck!:yes:
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Hi keenose,

After two weeks post-op, her face is still quite bruised on the sides but I can tell the difference slightly that its slimmer. After about 2 months, the effect was really nice, as in slim and with all bruising completely healed. During the recovery phase, she couldn't really eat hard solid food due to the stitches within the mouth too but perhaps this is good for losing some kilos! hahaa!:tup:

May I ask you elaborate more on your scars? As in, how long does the redness and soreness be aethestically presentable? And if its possible to be concealed by concealers. How long have it been since your operation? Are you satisfied with the job?

Personally, I did my dbl eyelid and epi a year ago and the epi scars are still around up to date!! (I did the Z type epi coz the magic one was still very new that time)However, with a little of concealer, its fine. No one will be able to notice, even in close-up pictures.

So, I'm worried about scaring.. the epi scars did bothered me for a long time and I tried all types of creams but the results were too subtle and slow to show.

By the way, with regards to cheek lipo, how long did it swell for? Is it very painful?

Thanks so much babe! God speed!:smile::smile:
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I think the difference really could have been because of her diet.
Believe it or not, I only ate soft / liquid diet for the first few days.. less than 1 week, I was already eating normal food and stuff.. not affected at all.

I guess thats why I didnt lose any kilos... hahaha
Maybe thats why my results arent big for buccal fat.

I didnt do cheek lipo, however I read that for face lipo, the deswelling should be quite fast. Within 6 weeks should be gone down by 90% if I remember correctly.

As for my scars, they are still reddish especially when I smile / laugh.. it stretches the skin. No it cant be covered by concealer or powder, it actually makes it more obvious/ WORSE.

Because, they are like holes... unless I can get the concealer/ powder INTO the holes... which I cant.. and wont really want to. Its tough to get it clean if it goes inside.

I'm almost 3 months due. if you read my previous posts.. you can see my summary. In short, if the scars werent there, it'd be perfect.

Yes, after this alar job, I am also worried about scarring...
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Looks good!

You will see it getting more and more defined along the days.. hehe

You also did eyelash implant right?

Can you please show some before and after pictures of that too? haha

How long does it take for you to be able to go out and meet people with those lashes without looking wierd/ swollen?
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yup talking to other who have gotten it done is helping a lot. It doesnt sound so bad. now im only worried about which doctor and if anyone could go with me.

I cant believe you were awake!!!! why didnt they at least sedate you or whatnot? was the result noticable? omg now THAT sounds so painful.:cursing:
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Hi SassyGirl,

I wish I could see the pics but its password locked!:confused1:

Anyways, I am dying to get Eyelash Implants too!!! Please tell me where did you get it? In Taiwan? I'll be going next month so I can get it at the same time? hehehe!

I'm sure they're so beautiful, even though the pain they described going through was kind of freaky, I think its so worth it to have long camel eyelashes! Enchanting!:yes:
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unbelievable! sassy girl- you should be the poster girl for GOOD rhyno! it looks perfect!

i've been dying to get mine done for so long now and I think I may be buckling after seeing your photos. Im in CA right now and would prefer to go to a US doctor. Does anyone have recommendations for anyone OTHER THAN Dr. Toriumi?
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thank you so much sassygrl!

at first i was like, "hey the pictures are not very clear..." then i realized there were more when i scrolled down. your nose looks great! you have amazing healing abilities. i know it is still healing but it already looks pretty natural and will continue to look better. you are so lucky, skills of the doctor account for one thing but your own personal healing abilities is the scary unknown factor... you must be so pleased :smile:
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Nice nose, SassyGrl! Glad it's healing great.

Who did your nose, by the way? Was it Dr. Chuang? I don't remember. Did you get silicone or goretex? And what procedures did you get? Your nose looked almost scarless by the 10th day!
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Hi Nicole,

I'm going to Dr. Chaung at the end of June - that's the earliest I can get in as I have uni exams until June 21st.

I was quoted $2,460 (Australian Dollars) for my nose. I think that's about $3,150 Singaporean Dollars. I need my hump removed and nasal bone narrowed, plus tip refinement. Dr. Chuang is going to use goretex to even the bridge out after he removes my hump!

I would love to do some shopping while i'm there as well - but i think i will be too concerned about bumping my nose while I'm trying on clothes or something!! (Plus i will probably be too broke also).

I'm super nervous but so so so so so EXCITED!! I am LITERALLY counting down the days till I go!!

Good luck with your plans and remember to keep us updated on your experiences!
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