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you're planning on going the end of june?

I've been thinking about going to korea to get my nose done ... but so many good reviews have been done for dr. chuang that im rethinking my decision. I was planning on going around beginning of august.

awwww if i do decide to go to dr. chuang, we should go together. I'm so nervous to get it alone in a foreign country.

have you gotten a date set yet?
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Apparently (just adding to what was said about botox) you are a good candidate if the majority of the squareness of the jaw is made up of muscle. A good way to tell is to clench your jaw hard and see how much your masseter/jaw muscle expands. Good candidates for botox will have large jaw muscles. For me I think I'd be a better candidate for the bone surgery, that along with the fact that botox is only semipermanent (i think you have to get it redone every year?)
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Hey yall!!! this msg is for all and for nini, kimosa, keenose, lvluv and maskd in particular.

just spent 3 days reading over 200 pages. Been reading for almost a year on diff forums and boards and will get this done next month when i have a week off....

Here's what i'm interesting in getting done:

Got a medium/low bridge but hesitant about implants.
My tip def needs refinement from the front but i'm happy with my tip from the side. My tip looks like a big blob from the front...yes.. the sad looking thing just sits on my face like that.. with columella lacking and all lol
What i want is a slightly higher bridge and just a little bit of tip refimenet, stronger tip that won't move and a columella. i believe they call this ethnic rhino.

What I DONT want is a pointy stern looking nose (harsh words i know..). So maintaining the soft look is important :tup:

I don't want the round asian puppy eyes look that japanese girls have.. as a matter of fact I think they're very cute looking on some, but as blunt and offensive as this may sound, i'm tired of that innocent asian girl look, like dawn yan (sp)..

what happend to grown and sexy?? The big, long and slanted eyes that give an exotic look? I think these eyes are quite sexy:


I realize that my long post sounds like a consultation with a surgeon right now but since u guys have already been through it I figgure u guys could help direct me in the right way.

Sto avoid the rounded eye if you decide to go for the double eyelid surgery, u shoudl also go with epi to elongate yoru eyes right? and i've heard of surgeons cutting yoru outter eye corners (ouch!) , sounds real extreme... are most of these cases succesful or do most end up disasterous? Anyone that coudl give me more info on the eye cutting (Double ouch!) would be much appreciated..

Why is everyone going to asia to get it done when there's a doctor in hawaii by the name of dr/ FLowers (www.flowersclinic.com) who does it just as good? I dont know if he does the magic epi but he's a little expensive.. $5140 for upper and epi.. well i booked my surgery but that might change now that i found out they may do is just as good in asia and cheaper. Btw price is not a factor i just want nice results!

So ther's oz, wish, bk (heard its bad?) and magic clinic... If i want my epi and upper lids, and my nose refined and possibly augment my bridge the most natural way possible, which one of these clinics would be most appropriate? Actually which one of these clinics have higher succesrate, and which ones have u heard bad thigns of vs good things?

Heres some 411:

* I need a dr that can speak/write english
* I need a doctor that understands me and will cater to my needs and requests cuz i do not want to wake up on the operating table with everything i told him not to do as there are spiteful doctors like that out there.
* I only have 1 week off
* I dont want too conservative changes, for that amount of money i better see CHANGES lol... but i want a good dr that has good skills and a GOOD AESTHETIC eye so he knows what fits my face and what too little vs too much is.

nini, kimosa, keenose, lvluv, maskd, do you girls have an email address? If so could u please pm me so i can contact you? i can't pm u cuz i don't have the privileges ;-(.

How u doin????? what procedures did u get done again? I know u had ur nose done.. are u happy with it? What clinic did u get it done at?

How is your epi.. do u see a big difference? hows scarring?

Kimosa: U got ur lowers done right? Did he only remove fat or skin too?Did u have a lot of fat to begin with? Besides the hollowness did the skin on the lower lids retract making ur lower eyelid pull down after surgery? This happends to some when they do the lowers because for some reason teh scarring makes the eyelid sit lower, showing more 'white' of the eyeball', which is somethign dr's try to avoid..

Nini: How are you girl? Hows ur nose and did u get ur eyes doen too? What clnic did u go to and are u happy?

Maskd: u already know i'm gonna blow u up with tons of questions.. i've read every post in this thread and i see me and u have a lot in common and i def can agree with a lot of ur comments and ur general judgement on things whic is why i trust you to help assist me..

U got ur uppers doen by Kim in GA, do u feel he really did a good job? and why did u choose him specifically? If chuang did ur epi, if u could go back in time would u have let him do ur uppers to?

Besides the healingtime, why would u not want to redo ur nosejob?
Can u choose how tight u want the epi or will the dr choose for u? did ur epi remove all skin on the inner corners or leave a little to still maintain that asian look?
Did your eyelids go down by 50% compared to the first month or did it only lower a little? I'm asking because I want a 10mm crease with an epi.

WIth the silicone in ur nose.. how long do u have to wait till u can resume ur workout routine? I know this sounds funny but i'm a real active female and a pillow fight with a sexy guy on a friday night is not unusual.. :graucho: . I work out like crazy and contact sport etc etc is a part of my life.. so with a rhino can u ever get to do that in the future after ur nose is healed or do u ahve to be careful forever?

When silicone gets infected.. that's just bad luck right? If so has anyone ever had a deformed nose taking it out from the skin eroding?

I have photos here i want u all to look at (please dont save any, obvoiusly for privacy reasons and the fact that i might have something on my computer that u don't want to catch feel me? Just saying..)

Pw: Ethnic

Thanks I love you all!!!

Take care
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maskd and anyone else with eyelash implants..

What are the risks involved u know?

Do your eyelashes look dramatically thicker and longer than before or is there only a slight difference?
How does it feel?
How often do u ahve to trim ur lashes?
Can u see which ones are real and which ones are implanted?
Are the implants weaker than the eyelashes resulting in a wavy awkward look as opposed to a one way curl upwards?

How much did it cost and did u get it in the same country that u got ur epi and nose done?

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Hey Atlee,

I was in exactly the same boat as you...I was pretty much dead-set about going to Korea, despite all the bad things i'd read about the lack of after-care etc. For some reason, Dr. Chuang's name literally passed me by the first time around! I guess it was because I had literally never considered Taiwan as a remote possibility...!! I don't even know that much about the country!

I haven't set the date yet purely because I am still trying to work out logistics. I'm going to both Dr. Chuang and Dr. Jong (at LR Clinic) and still need to finalise my exact procedures. It will definetly be at the end of June/beginning of July I need to get it done within a certain time-frame. I start uni in August and there is NO way I'm going back with bandages or stitches on.

I'm going to be returning to Taiwan in December coz I cannot have the muscle levator surgery and eyelash implants done at the same time.

If you are keen to go in June/July, I would be more than happy to go with! We could share a room at the Dejavu' Hotel to save on $$ :yes:
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exactly, the bad reviews of aftercare is getting to me because i was set on dr. kim at bk. jung is too overprice, too perfect, and he does a lot of male noses compared to women. Im not looking for that perfect nose, I want my nose enhanced as in smaller and tip refinement. now im looking into dream clinic but ... it so hard to find anything about them online.

anywho, the only problem with that date is I get out of school middle of july. and packing for my next school year in korea (im studying there starting september) so I cant make it june/july. more like july/august. :s but you start school august. so that kills the plan of going together. unless i could go directly AFTER school ends which i highly doubt i can.

but YAY you're getting yours done before me .. so I can read about yours. :woohoo: what are you planning on getting done?
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I was going to go to Dr. Kim as well, but the more i thought about it, the more i was like 'do you really want to go to a guy who will just do ANYTHING to your face and tell you 'don't worry, I'm the expert?'. I have a pretty precise idea of what I want to look like afterwards, and it does not include some random doctor prodding and poking because 'he knows best'.

With Dr. Chuang i always get the feeling that he actually CARES what you think/what you are trying to achieve. I have sent him numerous pictures of myself, girls who have noses that i want etc etc and he always gives me a very detailed description of what i could achieve and how he would go about doing that.

The reason i have to go in late June is that I will only be in Asia for six months next year and i have to wait a minimum of six months between having the muscle levator surgery and the eyelash implant surgery. Dr. Jong says he will only be able to do the second operation in December if I have the first in late June/early July.

At this stage, I am planning on doing nose, chin, muscle levator surgery for eyes, eyelash implants and hair transplant to my forehead (to make my forehead look smaller).

I'm going with Dr. Chuang for chin and nose and Dr. Jong at LR Clinic for all the rest.

But i will definetly keep you updated!! Good luck on your Korean search!
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Hey, how much did Dr. Chuang quote for your chin implant?
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i am planning on getting a nose job later this year but i was wondering if i need to get a chin job as well.

does anyone knows how to tell if a chin job would be an improvement, or needed to balance out the rest of the features? I have asked the opinion of one surgeon and his opinion was that i do not need one. if anyone else knows how to tell if it is needed, please post it up.

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Hi beauty07,

Based on your pics and your lifestyle... don't get an implant at all, autologous, or synthetic. With any nosejob, whether you get an implant or not, you can't go and get into pillow fights. However, if I were you, I would get tiplasty and alar reduction. Your bridge is not flat; you really don't need to change it. Your profile is good.

Yes. I would go to Dr. Chuang for uppers.
I'm happy with Dr. Kim for my eyelids. Eyelids are generally easy surgery when the doctor has the right aesthetic and experience. It's MUCH easier finding an eyelid surgery vs. nose surgeon.

Silicone infection is usually because of sanitary reasons during operation. But, it really cannot be GUARANTEED by any doctor. but better doctors don't have this issue. Also, infection can be due to other reasons also.

I wouldn't redo my nose IF something happened with my silicone nose, because my beginning nose is nice enough to myself. Also, with extrusion (which I don't think will happen <--- if anyone is wondering), doctors say that it never happens instantly. You will notice tenderness (obvious) and then just remove it and your nose will be fine. Also, when silicone is removed, there is a slight height increase on bridge due to scarring. I've confirmed with several doctors that this scarring lends to a nice result that is usually wanted by the patients.

Depending on what work out... you can work out one week afterwards... but really if you get any form of rhinoplasty I would never do boxing or anything like that ever again.
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How are ur scars healing? Is the magic epi really scar-free? And it still gets the same outcome as the other regular epi which completely removes your inner corner fold?
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