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Hi Want2Change,

I am sorry to hear you went through the same nonsense as I did! It's unlikely we crossed paths, unless we bumped into each other on the 3rd Jan morning or afternoon, when I checked out.

How is everything working out for you? :smile: Sounded like your surgeon did a fantastic job of your nose! You must look very hot, getting hit on by the Taiwanese dudes ;)

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Dear Aussie Nose

I wouldn't recommend using bug sprays or even air freshners, especially if you are planning to get both nose and air surgeries. Maybe it is just me, but I would be concerned about the effect of insectide and freshner mists on the eyes, nose and their wounds.

Deja Vu hotel is well priced for what it is and it is recommended because of the convenience of its location and closeness to food and other basic amenities. Inspite of my bad experience and Want2Change's, you might still want to consider staying there, as long as you make sure you are firm with them in your requirements and insist on a non-smoking room with no flies/mosquities and communicate this repeatedly and clearly to them.

If your budget allows, you might want to consider other hotels. Dr Jong's website also recommends

1) Royal Palace Hotel www.royalpalace.com.tw
2) Howard Hotel: www.howard-hotels.com

I am not sure how much either costs, but I know Howard Hotel is definite a class about Deja Vu. A friend who went on a business trip to Taipei stayed at Howard Hotel and said it isn't too bad.

You should certainly weigh up all the pros and cons -- proximity to clinic(s), food and other essential services as well as the hotel's cleanliness and service. Remember you are using the hotel as a place for recovery, so I feel cleanliness should be on your list of priorities.

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Hi Beauty07,

Hope you don't mind that I took the liberty to respond to your post.

I have heard about eyelid cutting at the outer corners before. In fact, this was the other eye cosmetic procedure I was considering. Dr Jong does not recommend it as his professional view is that the difference will not be that great in terms of enlarging the eyes. Other surgeons will tell you otherwise.

I know Dr Chuang of Wish Clinic does this procedure also known as (Kai Yan Wei in Chinese). It has been awhile since I asked him for a quote so I cannot remember how much it costs just for that one procedure.

There is also a Dr Chang (not sure what his full name is) who is very famous in Taipei for cosmetic procedures performed on Taiwanese celebrities. Perhaps he might do the outter eye corner cutting procedure too.

Personally, I am happy with my epi and upper eyelid surgery job by Dr Jong of LR Clinic in Taipei. However, I have seen, in my opinion, some very nice pictures on Dr Chuang's website. You may wish to correspond with Dr Chuang by email.

For prospective overseas clients, some plastic surgeons will be happy to doing an email consultation. You need to ask very clear questions, know what you expect and send in current pictures of yourself and ask for their advice/opinion. I live far away from Asia too. In my case, I did my consultation by email followed by a face-to-face consultation after I have decided to fly to Taipei. The key is to ask a lot of questions.

Typically, my understanding of what happens for overseas patients, is that after the email consultation, the patient flies in and undergoes a detailed face-to-face consultation on the day of the scheduled surgery. Should you not wish to proceed with the surgery after consultation, it is possible as well, but please check with the actual surgeon you have selected. In the case of some surgeons, they will ask you to pay them a deposit or the full amount before arrival. Dr Chuang of Wish Clinic does that. For Dr Jong, he was so trusting that he did not even require me to wire me the sum in part or full for the surgery.

Hope this helps.

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Of course i dont mind!!! u were very kind to do so...
Do u by any chance have jongs, chuangs and changs contact info? Also do u know where i can view photos of the eyelidcorner cuts before and afters?

thanks much love
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another important question ladies,
What happens if u gain 40 pounds after ur bleph, will ur eyelid fat come back?

Im askin because i'm trying to gain that much weight due to me being skinny and that'll most likelly happen after surgery..
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Hi AbFatCat,

Thanks for the useful input from your recent experience with Dr. Jong's and Dr. Chuang.
In fact, these are the two clinics that I am planning to go to next month. My sister had her nose done by Dr. Chuang and even though she just went for her 2nd revision, she is still singing praises of his care and dedication to his work and his patients. That was why I chosen him, post-op care are still vital in the whole package too!

AbFatCat, please show me a link of LR Clinic's website? I can't seem to google it out. I can't wait for having eyelash implants, honestly!! I hope your healing is going on really well. I had my dbl eyelid and epi done last summer and yes, it was really swelling massively but I was more preoccupied placing compresses on my face than having the time to look into the mirror. :nuts: Guess this helps in getting distracted.

I hope I will be able to garner more courage to go through this small but scary op. Somehow, everyone who experience it commented on the same pain. I did not exactly felt the pain when doing my dbl eyelid and epi. Maybe a little on the epi but I remembered asking for more anaesthesia. How does the pain felt like for the eyelash??

I wish you a speedy recovery for your charming eyes!:yahoo:
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Hi AbFatCat,

Thanks for the useful input from your recent experience with Dr. Jong's and Dr. Chuang.
In fact, these are the two clinics that I am planning to go to next month. My sister had her nose done by Dr. Chuang and even though she just went for her 2nd revision, she is still singing praises of his care and dedication to his work and his patients. That was why I chosen him, post-op care are still vital in the whole package too!

AbFatCat, please show me a link of LR Clinic's website? I can't seem to google it out. I can't wait for having eyelash implants, honestly!! I hope your healing is going on really well. I had my dbl eyelid and epi done last summer and yes, it was really swelling massively but I was more preoccupied placing compresses on my face than having the time to look into the mirror. :nuts: Guess this helps in getting distracted.

I hope I will be able to garner more courage to go through this small but scary op. Somehow, everyone who experience it commented on the same pain. I did not exactly felt the pain when doing my dbl eyelid and epi. Maybe a little on the epi but I remembered asking for more anaesthesia. How does the pain felt like for the eyelash??

I wish you a speedy recovery for your charming eyes!:yes:
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Dr Jong's website www.lrclinic.com.tw
Dr Chuang's website www.wishclinic.com.tw/contact_3.htm

You can find their email addresses from the websites.

I tried to search for the photos of the eyelid outer corner procedure, also known as lateral epicathoplasty on Dr Chuang's website but I can't seem to find it. Perhaps you can email him directly to ask?

It is best to email them rather than call, at least for first time contact. I found that they were a lot more helpful on email than on the phone.

Pity I don't have Dr Chang's detail. I'll try to do a search and see if anything turns up. If so, I'll post it here. :smile:
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Hey Want2Change

You must be the overseas client that Dr Jong mention he was seeing on the 3 Jan when I scheduled my appointment for the removal of my scalp stitches on the same day! :lol: What procedures did you do with Dr Jong, if you don't mind me asking? I totally agree with you that he is such a nice accommodating man!

I agree the food was good, especially the desserts, but since I was being careful and wanted to recover quickly, I didn't get to taste everything. Still happy with beancurd, sesame paste stuff and yes, LOTS of BUBBLE TEA! :yes::tup:
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That's a good, valid question. I'm actually not sure. I vaguely remember once asking a plastic surgeon who said the fats in the upper lids are not variable like most of the body. It is advisable that you email this question, along with others to several plastic surgeons.

Meanwhile, anyone who knows, please help us out here. :smile: Thanks!

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Hi NicoleGrey

Thanks for your well wishes :smile: It is very kind of you. Glad to be of help. I did consider Dr Chuang as well, but ended up choosing Dr Jong.

Dr Jong's website is www.lrclinic.com.tw

Did you get your epi and double eyelids done by Dr Chuang? For some reason, I didn't keep looking at the mirror because I know it would be swollen and awful. I think it helped as well that I had a positive and realistic frame of mind, so I have not experienced any depression that some people do post surgery.

The pain for the eyelashes were a bit on the excruciating side for part of the surgery. I teared uncontrollably every now and then. However, this could be due to the fact that my lids were already very sensitive from the upper eyelid and medial epicanthoplasty surgeries earlier in the day.

What are you planning to get done at Dr Chuang's next month?

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Hey Want2Change

I just realised that the desert you got offered by Dr Jong might have been from me! Was it the local hand-made Taiwanese dessert Muah Jee??? With sesame or red bean or peanut filling and it is chewy??? I absolutely lurrrrvveee those desserts! I bought a box home :smile: Yums!!!!

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Hi Aussie Nose

A few more things I'd like to add.

1. Facial wipes -- It is worthwhile bringing along some wet facial wipes as you cannot wash your face/let your wounds touch water for quite a few days, at least before the stitches are removed. The wet facial wipes is handy to help you gently clean your face. Alternatively, you might like to use damp cotton wool.

2. Powder/dry shampoo -- You won't be able to wash your hair for awhile too, so unless you can stand the itch, you might want to try using powder shampoo -- the spray, massage and leave in type. I didn't used that but waited. I was lucky though -- I went during winter, so I hardly sweated. I also went to a hair salon just next to Deja Vu hotel to get my hair washed on the 6th day of my surgery. I asked them to be gentle of course, as I still had stitches on the back of my scalp. The hairdresser, I have to say, was very nice and careful. Chatty too!

3. Costs in summer -- One thing I forgot to point out (which I read on the Singapore Expats forum) is that costs will be higher in summer, so you should factor that in when budgetting.

4. Weather conditions -- the other point i'd like to raise that it is more humid and hotter in summer, which means it might be better to stay in the hotel room or in general air-con comfort, when you are ready to explore the city a little bit.

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Dear Aussie Nose

On the note of ATMs, Want2Change raised an excellent point. Australian EFTPOS cards work on machines with Cirrus signs. Check with your Australian bank to see if Taiwan ATMs accept both 4 digit and 6 digit pin numbers. I know for sure that the 6 digit ones work.

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