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Ohh..! I've found out Bioscor International that houses doctors from Australia, States and China. They have branches in Shanghai and Beijing in China. And they do Botox for Jaw Shaping too. I wonder how much will they charge since they're at the international level, I suspect it won't be any much cheaper. Hah.

I'll keep you guys posted if I were to go to them though! Badly need my dose of botox as its already expired of its 6 months shelf-life. :shame:
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Hi Pinksugar,

I'm thinking of going probably in the second week of July.

No plane tickets yet, but I'm going to head to the travel agent some time this month to try and see what deals there are.

I've emailed Dr. Chuang again today to get a price estimate for my surgeries. I also asked how long I'll need to stay afterwards. I would expect to have the answer in about a week, so I'll let you know.

I'm planning on staying in Taipei for fourteen days, but if he says I will need longer, I'll stay as required. I dont need to be anywhere til August, so any time in July is good for me, but sooner rather than later is best (= more time to heal).

What date do you have to be back by? *That's probably the best way to organise it...

Have you been given costs yet?

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aww you are set on your date already? GOOD luck!!! update us on how it goes.

what was his email that you send it to? I sent him an email to see what he would suggest and prices and what not but he has not responded and its been a while.

I sent Dr. Park from OZClinic too. He seems soooooooo nice through the email. I also sent one to Dr. Kim from BKclinic ... he didnt answer all of my questions ... nor did he fully answered the questions that he did choose to answer. he was very short in his response. It was about 5 sentences ... whereas Dr. Park responded with 5 paragraphs. the only thing is ... the review that Jas3n did on Dr. Park makes me nervous ... he is a smoker. also jas3n said he doesnt have an anthesiologist. but in his email he said he does. ... now im confused.

I dont want an implant but both are telling me to get one. hmmmmmm.

^^ i thought that video was interesting. its about asian nose surgery in depth. he gave a few pretty good pointers.
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Hey aussie_nose,

I have to be back by the 25th of July for uni unfortunately so Im thinking of heading to taiwan early July. I think 2 weeks might be sufficient.

I havent contacted Dr Chuang yet but I will very soon. Just thought I'd ask in case you were qouted some prices so I could estimate how much this trip is going to cost.

Ive checked out some airline ticket prices and from where I am, I dont think theres any from Perth straight to Taiwan so i'll probably have to make a stop at Singapore en route. Tigerairways has some good deals to Singapore and I think webjet has tickets from singapore to taiwan for about $150.

I'll keep you updated though and let me know when Dr Chuang gets in contact with you.
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Hmm, well i got nose and eyelash implant done. The nose made my eyes sooooo swollen but it went down alot after like 5 days. When i went to the airport on the 8th day, i still had yellow/greenis bruising on the two sides of my jaw and the inner corners of my eyes and a little below my eye. Also my bf said i looked like a mannequin lol. My face looked really tight and i couldnt really smile or talk with much enthusiasm. What type of method are you getting done for ur double eyelids? I heard some people say that at first your lids look much higher then its actually suppose to be and it is also bruised. Im pretty sure you can cover it up with makeup though. But i dont know about going back to school so early after surgery because even with makeup, upclose people can see that you look funny and you migth feel self-concious about your face. I went back to school about 3 and a half weeks after surgery and i still didnt feel "normal" yet. I believe that the eyes take longer to heal because of the noticeable bruising. As for nose you've just got to wait for the swelling to go down but strangers cant tell that your nose is swollen though.
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Hi PinkSugar,

If you would rather head over earlier in July, I can arrange my dates to suit. I am not really locked in to anything, so let me know which date you plan on leaving and I will book to go then as well.

I'm pretty sure i can get direct flights from Brisbane to Taipei with Thai Airways (stopping in Bangkok on the way). I'm not positive who i will fly with yet. The Singapore route may be an option, as I'm moving there on my way back.

Still no response from Chuang as yet....
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Hi I'm new to this board. I'm an asian male from nyc. I'm currently considering toriumi or thomas. has anyone heard of thomas? he's toriumi's roommate. i've read some good feedback about him in other board but haven't seen any feedback from asian.

also, it seems like almost impossible to get appointment with toriumi. i've been calling the past few days but pat golden is always unavailable. if you've gone to toriumi, can you share how you got your initial appointment?

thx in advance.
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=o That's really nice of you~ seems like you're willing to write an essay for me haha. I think i'll just sit tight and wait for his e-mail reply though, I believe he writes English.. that or I'll call him next week. (thx for suggestion beauty07~!)

Any ladies here thinking of going around May 12?

..as for going to China. I'm not entirely comfortable about the idea of paying ridiculously low. Plus, I wouldn't know any good doctors there *googles hospital
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i've heard nice things about dr.chuang but someone please tell me why he emailed and told me that lateral epi does NOT leave scars while everyone else said it does, including dr.Jong?

that threw me off a little bit... not sure if he's trying to sell more or if he deadass knows how to do this procedure scar-free =S.

I trust him with my eyes though, but i'm not so sure about the nose work.. the before and afters on his website looked horrible (no offense), and did anyone else notice the pinched look on their noses? A natural looking nose is supposed to have a nice transition.. not two nostrils and a clump in the middle.. *SMH*

btw sassygirl thanks for the reply. I'll prolly stay a little longer than 7 days..!
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Hey no proble! Glad ur staying longer. SO how long are you expecting to stay? Yes his nose jbs on his page are not that nice and the ones from the book when you get there are the same ones on the site. I was kind of nervous too. My nose turned out very pretty and natural though and other people on this forum that got their nose done by Chuang also like the shape of their nose. I dont know why he doesnt post better pictures on his site. Anywho, he will make a nose to fit your face. When i saw him in person, he told me my nose was very short and small so i thought he wouldnt be able to do it or something. But it turned out very natural and just slightly longer at the tip. It wasnt too long though and my nose is still considered "small" which matches my face since my face is really short and small lol. I was afraid that he would make my nose too long for my face and therefore it would look out of place. He did very good work with me and also listens to what you want and also suggest what will look good on your face. He told me if i got it too high, it will pull my eyes together too much, then i would have a high nose but look angry all the time haha. If uw ant to see my pics email me for the password and the link to it is a few pages back i believe or just search my posts.
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^ Girl I would LOVe to see pics!!! Can u pm me the password? Thanks!

also thanks for the encouraging words about the nose thing I think I'm gonna go for it, if i'm gonna augment my nose i won't be doing the inner epi as the nose alone will pull my corners closer.

I wanna do the browlift as well but i'm not sure if he's qualified.. did u happen to see pics of those or heard anything about him and browlifts?
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ADVICE: Take Vit C (3000mg) 1 month before surgery and keep taking it after... it's been proven to speed up recovery time. There's this one family that swears by it and everytime one of the family members go through surgery they heal a LOT faster than everyone else... and it makes sense if the Vit C can boost your immune system up by 150%.
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