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Hey! I'm new here!

I'm thinking about getting

1. a nose job - from either Dr. Chuang or Dr. Tseng

2. Double eyelid + Epi + (possibly lateral? There's so little info out there for lateral catho, I don't know what to think!) from Dr. Chuang or Dr. Hsu

I'm set on going to Taipei in May.

For the people that have gone to Dr. Tseng- please post any info you have. I love the pictures on his website.. but I don't know how realistic it is for me to have a nose like the one here:


Sassygirl, can you PM me your password? I'd love to see your photos!!
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I went to go see my double eyelid surgery doctor recently. He said that my anti scarring abilities were really good. He said at this point, for most people you should see the lines still, but he can't on mine. And, then I asked him about my nose. He said, "what? It's perfect... don't do surgery on it." That's when I told him and the nurse that I had an implant... But, apparently both of them couldn't tell it was a "man made" nose. I just had him double check. He squeezed my nose here and there and asked where I got it done. He then said that they did a great job... That's a major compliment.. because it's coming from a plastic surgeon. Anyway, I asked him because I hear so much conflicting information... he confirmed the approximate % of failure from silicone L and it matched everything that I had heard from the other docs that I respect (mostly docs who specialize in Asians).

For the question about outside corner cutting of the eyes. I'm surprised that Dr. Chuang stated that there is no scarring. I have never heard of that. What I believe (since almost all doctors say this) is that it is usually reserved for patients with a medical issue and it does leave scarring. I also tend to believe this as there is another forum (soompi) where tons of girls have gotten their eyes done... and the ones who did get this procedure only reported scarring and unnoticeable benefit from this procedure.

When I went to Dr. Chuang, he stated that my eyes were too doll like and that the epicanthy would make my eyes longer which would benefit me... so epicanthy really helps in a number of situations (lengthening, reshaping)... Also, the girl that I went with asked Dr. Chuang for all the procedures to make her eyes really big and pretty and she had three... levator, double eyelid and epicanthy....

I think you really need to see him in person and ask. I really do trust Dr. Chuang. Everything that he has said to me has been confirmed many times over. I'm crazy like that... I don't just trust because the man was on Taiwan television for his work or that he's on this forum so much.
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Thanks for the info,

I just booked my surgery on Feb 14th! I'm actually more excited than nervous, though i'm pretty sure that'll change when I get on the operating table lol!

Another thing that alarmed me was what the receptionist told me when I booked, she said Dr. Chuang hadn't ate all day adn it was already 11pm in Taiwan when i called, on top of that he works 15+ hours a day...

Not trying to question his credability but LETS BE REAL! how the heck do you perform on "x" amount of patients everyday and have each and everyone's outcome be as good as possible when you don't take care of yourself? No matter how good a surgeon he is he's not superman and I think that's making me a little nervous...

Let's just pray he won't fall asleep while operating on me.. imagine me waking up with my nose flap between my eyes and a scalpel in my eyelid, with his sleeping head on my stomach :Push:
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let me warn everyone. It takes a long while before you get completely used to changes on your face.

other than that... the levator procedure shortens the levator muscle of your eye..so you naturally open your eyes wider. This is only suitable on some patients or else you might look like this::wtf:
It's when your eye is kinda sleepy all the time... I think. Just ask the doctor when you see him. oh... but be prepared... this will extend swelling around the eyes EVEN longer!

oh... I had my procedure in the morning.... with Dr. Chuang... first patient.
with Jong, I stayed there till 8 PM! I was his last patient... but... gosh their persistance is crazy. The nurses and him didn't eat that day until like 3 PM...
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u had procedures done by two diff doctors on the same day?!
How are ur eyelashes now by the way?
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no. I had Chuang the second day in Taiwan in the morning. Then on the third day, I went to Dr. Jong.

My lashes are great. I don't even put mascara on usually. Just curl them. Although... I didn't even think about trimming them when I'm old... like 70... hmmm...
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lol.. at least you'll still b beautiful with ur long/thich lashes when u get older.. But on a serious note though... i wonder if u could pluck them out or undo the procedure incase u are 80 and don't/can't trim your lashes..

btw, instead of doing 50 on each eye, can u do 100?
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Hey ladies/girls,

Yes it does MAKES a difference when your appointment is the first thing in the doctor's agenda. Mine was first thing in the morning also. Actually I was 1 hour early for my appointment and so the doc said he will try his best to send his nurse there to open the door for me or I can go back to the hotel first. It really scared me how busy the doc was when I went back for post op check up in the days ahead. So if you can try to secure the appointment first thing in the day it would be great.

BTW, if you click on my name and view the public profile, you will see a pic of my left side of my nose (21 day post op). If you look even closer there is a "hole" like Keenose said. However I have confirmed with the doc that it will fade away eventually, so worries.
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All this talk about the levator muscle surgery has gotten me curious...........

I really want my eyes to be as big as possible, but i feel weird without seeing a single before/after photo of a levator surgery.

Can you do the levator surgery with Dr. Chuang's three point method, or do you have to get the incision method?

Also, I'm kind of confused after seeing Dr. Chuang's website.... is it me or does it seem like Dr. Chuang doesn't do the incision method??!!
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Hey perezhilton,

Thank you very much. I really thinks it’s the disposition of once's nose that make their post operation nose like the way it is. See my pre-operational nose from my avatar profile and you will see what I mean. My nose was already sticking upward prior to the surgery and thus when I emphasized to him that I want to ELONGATE my tip, keep the height of the bridge and radix of my nose, he did just that (but to think of it I would like a little bit more height and that's only my liking because I am so use of seeing Caucasian nose; by no mean I want to be Caucasian as I am pure Chinese and did found a new respect for Asian men too in Taiwan). With that said I am sure that the surgeon can change one's nose if you KNOW SPECIFICALLY how to tell him to change your nose. Bring pictures of several SIMILAR noses you like so that the doctor will get the picture. If you already have something done to your nose before, make sure to bring of a picture of your original nose so that the surgeon understand the basis / structure of your before nose.

My surgeon was Dr. Andrew Chang. He speaks and writes English.

I hope you can read Chinese as I had to click at every single links to get to his nose work. At his homepage, click on the picture of the girl with black bang to get to the nose section. There are some other links of his work that I had stumbled upon when I was clicking everywhere but I can't seems to get to it now but if I do i will post it.

I really hope this will help all of you guys as this thread has been a great help to me too.

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Hi maskd2003,
I really like the big doll eyes... I have read that you really like Dr. Chuang's work. Would you recommend him for the double eyelid procedure? If not, then do you know who might be better than him? Thank you and congratulations on your nose and eyelashes :smile:
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First, not everyone can have "big doll eyes." You have to start off with large eyes or droopy large eyes that look small no matter what.

Dr. Chuang does the three point incision because it has a faster healing time but the same benefits as partial incisional. It's a new procedure that not many doctors have learned.

Honestly, a nose job is 100 times harder than a double eyelid. If the doctor does a good job on noses, and he performs double eyelid procedure regularly, I would not worry. It really takes a lot less research for eyes than nose. That doesn't mean don't do research however.
I've had epicanthy by Dr. Chuang. And, not to brag, but I haven't seen anybody that got an epicanthy that looks as flawless as mine. Then again, I don't think I scar as easily as most Asians.
Everyone will doubt their doctor at least once sometime because the healing process is very hard, especially for eyes. It WILL look weird for at least a month for almost all people, even WITH makeup. The nose will look giant till after at least 3 weeks... But, then the more months pass by, the more refined it will look. But, people will just think you have a bigger nose at 1 week but not altered.
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D*mn I just posted a long post which apparently didn't get posted after all...

ATTENTION ALL PRE-OPS: If you can't afford a fancy hotel or a decent one at all you might consider staying at a hostel, search for yours here:


OR google for hostels in the area you are travelling to.

I've stayed at hostels before and it's not bad at all, as a matter of fact some hostels are nicer than some hotels/motels out there.. you want to make sure that the staff is nice, friendly and helpful and that the service is great, and make sure the place is clean and tidy.. that should be your top priority..

So instead of paying $55 for Deja vu in Taipei u could be paying $9-25 at a hostel like these ones:



THese are just a few.. keep in mind that you may have to share a room with one or more guests, or u could have ur own private room which is more expensive but still cheaper than a hotel..

GOod luck all!
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