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I'm sure you can get the appointments of your choice from both of those doctors. They are busy, but as long as you book 2 weeks in advance, you should be fine!

Epi does make your eyes wider.. but from what Dr. Chuang told me, it works well as a method to mitigate the roundness your eyes get when you get a double eyelid surgery. Also, my eyes are kind of far apart.. haha.. so an epi will make my eyes look closer together and more harmonious with the rest of my face.

I'll probably be leaving from Cleveland, OH. How about you???


Those pictures do look awesome! But.. I am always wary of the hospitals in mainland China. I come from a family of doctors. My aunt, who is one of the first plastic surgeons in China (she went to college in 1977, as the first generation of ppl that went to college after the hiatus created by the Cultural Revolution), was the one that convinced me to go to Taiwan or Korea for my surgeries.

I have seen some amazing photos of surgeries in some clinics in Beijing and Shanghai, but my aunt's theory is that they only show about 1% of the surgeries they perform. Each of those clinics perform thousands of surgeries a year.. so it's not that hard to find SOME good pictures. Anyways.. I'm not saying that the surgeons are all bad, I'm just saying that you should be extra careful in choosing doctors in mainland China. :smile:
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Ok so these are the procedures I'm gettin with Dr Chuang Feb 14th

Blephs (upper/lower)
Full Rhino

By Dr Jong

Hair transplants
eyelash implants
calf reduction

I might get a eyebrow lift to lift up the corners of my outter eye to get rid of that 'sleepy look'.. Myeyes are already exotic so hopefully it's not gonna make my eyes too squinty looking but a little bit of a tilt is fine with me as long as I look more awake!

Haven't decided on which dr i'm gonna do that with yet though...

My goal is to improve my looks and not transform completely as I'm happy with my current looks exept my eyelids which weren't bad to begin with because i already had a good double-eyelid, but due to greed i started using the tape and now my eyelid skin is completely damaged and stretced out ;-(
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Beauty07, you are indeed a very brave girl to do all these procedures.

Take care and all the best.

For me, I want to do rhino and epi (is this the procedure the Japanese celebraties use to have doll eyes ?)
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To get bigger eyes u want upper bleph together with epi depending on the distance between ur eyes...

If ur eyes are small don't ask for a big eyelid crease as it will look unnatural, medial epi is inner corners, outter epi (lateral) is outter corners..

it is not painful and if u don't heal well u'll want to take a lot of pine-apple supplements n drink pinapple juice together with Vit C (3000 mg) daily 3-4 weeks before operation ..

Remember, the more u can prevent bruising and swelling after surgery the faster you'll heal.
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A lower bleph is a procedure that removes your under eye-bags. It's important to choose a good doctor or else you may end up with eyelid retraction which is when your under eyelid is being pulled down a little bit.. it's not as bad as it sounds like..

For caucasians it's a lot worse when this happens because their eyes are already aligned straight so when they experience retraction it gives them a real lazy look.. for asians when this happens (by the way I never heard this happening with asians but it doesnt mean it can't happen), you end up with a rounder look because asians have slanted eyes naturally so a little 'pull' will not hurt you..

mind you that in most cases retraction is only temporary and usually goes away..
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ahh! thanks, Beauty.

Actually, retraction doesn't sound like such a bad deal! It may just make your eyes bigger.

In fact, I was wondering if there's anything I could do with my LOWER eyelids to make my eyes bigger.. because the double eyelid procedure makes your eyes bigger by opening up from the top.. and that might change the look of the placement of my eyes (make my eyes look like they are placed higher on my face than it did) and I'm not sure if that's a good thing.. so If there's a way to pull down my lower lids, it'd be great. Does that make sense?? haha..
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I know exactly what you mean, normally when retraction occurs its because of the way you scar from your lower bleph.. so it's the scarring that causes it as well as muscles. Some doctors just remove fat and skin which will cause the pull, but when doctors remove some muscle or tighten it, it ensures that you will not experience the pull giving you a normal result.

Although I don't recommend this u can give it a try,gently pull down your lower eyelids everyday with your index fingers, make sure you don't over-stretch oyur skin or else you'll just end up with saggy wrinkled skin under ur eyes.

I did this for many years because part of my pupil on the lower side was covered up with under eyelid skin so after repeating this for a long time it gave very little results but it did have some effect.. I have more white showing in my lower eyes now and i'd say I look just normal.. didn;t get bigger eyes, didn't intend on getting bigger eyes that way, just wanted to correct the pupil thing and it got corrected :smile:
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Thank you so much for the info.

For rhino, do you think it is better to go to Korea ? I would like a higher bridge so my specs would not slide down, as well as narrower nostrils - it is very confusing, to Taiwan or Korea, and I don't speak Korean or Mandarin. :confused1:
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Beauty, wow u r so brave with all those procedures! Hope ur surgery is a success! In my opinion,i just got nose done and people have said i look different. I look more mix now instead of just full asian. If you are getting both eyes and nose done, u will probably look different from ur oldself. I dont know if u just want to improve or change ur look altogether. For me, i just wanted an improvement with my nose and at first i looked very mixed but now as the swelling and everything went down i look more like myself. I just want you to be prepared to look "different" because usually when people get both eyes and nose they dont look the same anymore. Im not saying its bad that they dont look the same, it just depends on wat kind of results they wanted. I hope u have someone to take care of u overseas. Who are u going with? PM me if youre going by urself, i have a suggestion.
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