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For Korea you got Oz and Bk clinic, and a few more which I forgot the names of, im sure you'll find the others if you read this whole thread and other forums..

In Taiwan you got the two clnics that we've been talking about which is LR clnic and Wishclnic.. Dr CHuang's (from wish) known to give u a natural looking nose..

I think in Korea they may give you more of a drastic change with the tall bridge and pointy/thin look.

Plus taiwan is cheaper than Korea
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I don't want to look completely different... On my face I'm getting my eyes/nose/ fat liposuction, eyelash implants and possibly eyebrow lift to correct my sleepy eyes... I guess it will make me look a little different but not enough for people to not recognize me i'm pretty sure!
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Are you planning to do your eyelash implants and the other eye surgeries in one trip?

How does that work? I thought that someone had said that eyelash implants and double eyelid surgery can't be done together because of swelling?
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That's what I thought too. I'm not sure, I emailed Dr.Jong about it and he said get eyelash implants after my bleph.. I'm staying for 10 days so I'm not sure if that's enough time or if he meant "come back for another surgery in a year"..
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Rinko Kiluchi's nose looks so good in taht one chanel ad.. I want a nose like that. However.. her nose looks a little weird in other less photoshopped photos.

So, if we asked Dr. Chuang to give us a nose like a celebrity's, that may seemunnatural on our face, would he still do it? Or would he advice you against it?

I don't know how the consultation works.... I hope that he will give me HIS opinion of what is the best for my nose without my opinions and also take my ideas into consideration...
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Mm.. it's my opinion but a few of these patients looked better before. :shrugs: Nose bridges look a bit too high.
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I'm from Canada lol my location is under my avatar. Which set of days do you think you're leaving in May? Maybe we could room together. But besides that I wouldn't want to eat alone x_x
Lucky I wish I had set-apart eyes.. mine are kind of close together as is so I can't make them larger without them looking like O.O My eyebrows are also pretty low on my face so I'm inquiring of whether I can make my eyes look like BoA's.. her lids aren't huge flappy things and her brows are fairly low (could explain why she always tilts her head up> shows more skin b/n eye and brow =D
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hi guys, i have been a listener to this forum for a long time and decided to join in, as i too am planning to get both a nose job and eye job.:yes: btw i would like to asked, will an eye job with a nose job make you look different, if you already have eye lids. i love my eyes, but i do hate it because i have a disappearing lid on my leftside and sometimes i look so weird when one side is double and the other is single so i just want to fix it.:Push: well give me your thought one the subject, i would really appreciated it.
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Just to let you know that I had facial lipo.. in my opinion its not worth it. It takes ages for the swelling to go down and it really hurts!! I was convinced my chubby cheeks were fat and when the surgeon lipoed my face and showed me the fat it was mainly blood and a 'few' blobs of yellow fat. Even the surgeon said there isnt much fat removed but i should get a better shape (which I haven't seen yet!!) Facial lipo is only good if you have like a double chin when its clearly fat!

I think im a slower healer anyway but my face swelled up double the size for 3 weeks and I had to see the public this way. I had to say I had 'swollen glands'. Not a good look... so if you expect to look normal within say 2 weeks... you won't!! Also u have to wear a mask for 24 hours for a few days. Again, might be just me so im not trying to put you off!! :smile:

I've seen a few friends around 2 months post op of lipo and they didnt notice any change.. don't know if thats a good or bad thing.. good that I dont look like a hippo .. bad in that I had no results.

Either way I don't regret having it done but if i didn't then i would have thought.. what if?? I paid for the experience and I'm content with that!

Botox has the best visual slimming effect, I would like to try it but I really dont want to have regular injections.. that scares me that I have to pump chemicals inside me all the time.

I hope that helped with some people who are considering facial lipo :smile:
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Perez hilton, wats ur email? ill send it to u thru that. As for dr chuang and wat type of nose he makes. He will definitely suggest what will look good for your face but also take what you like in consideration. I brought him a cd with pictures on it and he told me that i like natural bridges. I told him that i wanted to make my tip more upturn n not witch like. He said if he makes my bridge too high that will pull my eyes together too much n make me look angry all the time. So i got a 4.5 mm implant and i believe he said it will shrink 1mm, so my nose is 3.5mm and watever else it was before. I think my nose suits me perfect it is not too high or too low. I will also update with pictures soon since my nose heal alot now. Make sure u r clear on what nose u like because even if he suggest it wont look natural or watever but u tell him u really want it, he will do it for u. So heed his advice. As for the model in ur link, Chuang CAN definitely make a nose like that! In the picture when she looked down, her tip doesnt look that pointy or defined. Mine looks better (not trying to sound conceited) As for height, that is easy.
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Hey Sassygrl,

Yeah, i'd love to take a look at your nose! my email address is:

[email protected]

Dawn Yang and Angela Baby both have such beautiful eyes and noses!

I wonder if they have both had the levator muscle procedures... and do you think that Dr. Chuang is capable of making such a thin/straight/high nose like Dawn Yang's?
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