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that is the downside indeed... u're paying less for the surgery but if anything goes worng u'll end up paying the same amount if u have to travel back..

There is however a way out if anything happens i think u could see a doctor here but u'd have to pay him.
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If you go to dr. chuang's website (www.wishclinic.com.tw) he has a whole section on people with the same problem you do! Having asymmetrical eyelids (one double eyelid, one single eyelid) is very common, and the doctors would operate on both of your eyes to make sure you have a symmetrical look.

Like a lot of the posters have said in this forum, whatever TINY change on your face is going to seem like a big deal to you. It will also take a long time to get used to. So, a nose job, however small it may be, will appear to be a huge change to you.. and eyes take even longer, because your eyes are so important in determining your overall looks.

That being said, good luck on your research!
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sassygirl ur pics are great!!!! and ur nose is awesome! oh wow.. u weren't exaggerating when you said he gave you a natural looking nose.. best nose so far i want the same one!

by the way do u got thick or thin skin?

I have medium and im afraid it'll be too thin for the silicone to hold
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Thanks Alot! yea i lucked out haha, he made mine very natural indeed. I love it! I think i have thick skin, im not sure, he didnt tell me. Dr chuang is a very good surgeon and if he places the implant right, it wont extrude or anything, dont worry. Usually asians have thick skin that can hold implants. Also i told him i wanted to place the implant right in between my eyesbrows because i didnt want it to start like where my forehead is because that would look too fake on me. He told me if i wanted high bridge then place the implant higher then the spot between my eyes/eyebrows but i told him i wanted a medium height, not too fake or high lookoing.
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Your nose is beautiful! It looks so natural and cute! It's just the right size adn I loove loove lOOOOVE the curve!

Can you post some before photos, too? I really want to see what Dr. Chuang had to work with.

Did you ask for a curve, or did you have a curvy nose to begin with??

Thank you for sharing your photos!
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HI, i had one befor photo in there i dont know if you noticed, the caption on it is "blah". I dont have a before side profile, but it was pretty much flatter at the bridge and then my tip kind of stuck out more like a saddle nose. My bridge was pretty flat and my nose was short and upturn. it is less upturned now but still projects out and i had the curve to begin with. I told him i wanted to keep the curve, otherwise i think he wou;d've made it more straight if i wanted him to.
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oh yea dr.tseng seems to do similar noses on different faces. Dr chuang does a nose that fits your face more. Personally, from what i heard about Tseng. It is 50/50. He has skill but i dont know if he would do a nose that fits your face compare to just a pretty nose on any face. He also doesn't like doing alar i dont think. Pretty much if he doesnt do something and you ask him, he will say no whereas dr chuang does practically everything to improve shape of your nose.
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Thanks, Sassygrl for the insights.

It does seem like Dr.Tseng has ONE style of noses.. but from the pictures, all the noses look so perfect afterwards. I guess what you're saying is that if I wanted to have THAT nose, then Dr. Tseng would be perfect.. but if I wanted anything else that's more customized, then Dr. Chuang would be the doctor for the job...

Still... tough decision. ahha.

I don't know if I like Dr. Tseng's style that much..........
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If you do like Dr.Tseng's style then consider first if your nose is similar to the before pics shown on his page.. at least that's what I did and nope, no match for me.

Sassygirl, may I also see your nose pics? I'll pn you my e-mail if that's okay.. I'd like to see a live example of Dr.Chuang's work! XD
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