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I think you are talking about Artefill (http://www.artefill.com/consumer/).

Even though the FDA has approved its use, we should still be extremely cautious in choosing the kind of filler we inject into our bodies, for the reasons below:

1. FDA approves AND recalls a LOT of products every year. Does anyone remember phen-phen, ephedra, the first generation silicone implants? Without at least one generation worth of a trial period (15 years, generally) after a product has been on the market, it's difficult to tell what it will do to our bodies in the long run.

2. Fillers can only make your nose bigger, that's like saying that the ONLY thing a doctor does in a rhinoplasty operation is to put the implant on your nose. That's not the case at all. Nose jobs require a lot of finesse in the SHAPING and CUTTING and SUTURING of your nose's internal structures to make a more beautiful nose. For example, most Asians want their nose bridges to be thinner as well as taller. A filler can only make it taller, but it won't have any thinning effects. To think that ANY filler, even assuming that it will stay in place forever and that it is completely safe, can do the job of a traditional nose job, is wishful thinking.

3. Specifically to Artefill, the FDA ONLY approved its use for the "nasolabial folds around the mouth", which in English, is the deep wrinkles around your mouth that look like a pair of parenthesis. It is a VERY narrow approval. In fact, the FDA goes to say that it is NOT approved for "lip augmentation". We need to be really careful about what an "FDA approval" means. Ephedrine is actually FDA approved for bronchial problems, even though it has been banned by the FDA for weight loss. So, for doctors to be using Artefill for the nose would be outside of FDA's approval. (http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/mda/docs/p020012.html)

I'm an attorney that works mostly with pharmaceutical class action suits.. so I'm unusually weary of newly approved products. I'm sorry to be so long-winded about this, and I don't want to ruin anyone's dreams of a nonsurgical nose job, I just want ppl to be careful! :-d
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WOW its been just awhile that I didnt log on and look at how much I've missed!! haha

Hi Beauty... welcome!

In response to your questions.... I think the majority would have been answered by now? so i'll just give my feedback on my nose...

Still loving the shape .. no complaints.
Alar scars still healing... not pretty yet... thats the only complaint I have.. sigh
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wow the forehead hair implant is so smart.. havent thought of that. hehe

How much is that costing?
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WOW ! hello and welcome!

GREAT POST!!! :tup:

Thanks for sharing!!
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:wtf:wow...i should do more research before deciding...okay now back to plan A, i think i'll go to taiwan now. i'm considering dr. hsu, so people give me your opinion on him as well as now i realize i don't know anything atall:confused1: i'm planning nose with dr. hsu and eye with dr. jong, any help is really, really appreciated.
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Hi Girlies,

I promised I would update as soon as Dr. Chuang got back to me...Well, after much waiting the good doctor finally came through!!

He has quoted me approximately $2800 AUD for chin augmentation (with Medpor implant), $2780 for cheek implants (silicone) and $2425 for nose surgery (with goretex).

Now, I'm not totally positive i want/need the cheek implants. I'll leave it to his good judgement when he sees me in person. He has also offered me a discount if I do them all together BUT I'm not sure how much.

He says I will need to stay a minimum of seven days in Taiwan after all of this. I'm planning on being in Taipei for fourteen, so hopefully that will be plenty!

Gosh I am so excited right now i could scream!! I finally have my finances in order and it really seems like this is going to happen for me!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:
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Hi Keenose!

Surpisingly expensive...about $3500 Australian...

In fact, this will be the most expensive of all of my surgical procedures! So I'm not sure it's necessarily 'cheaper' than going for a Brow Lift. Certainly less invasive....

I'm still tossing up about this one though becuase I'm not sure how long the hairs will take to grow. And, more importantly, what they will look like WHILE they are growing!?!!! I Might have to cut a fringe in the meantime to hide it (i think they call them "bangs" in America, am I right?!)
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I think that would really depend on personal healing rate and tendancy to get scars.

I didnt know my "rate" untill I got alarplasty... I still have scars and holes there (obvious) to date..
Its been more than 3 months.

He said that he will treat my scars when I go back to visit him.

Lately, dr chuang has been very slow with replies. I think he is super busy?
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Hihi !

What are you planning on doing?
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A few girls are interested in getting chin augmentation. I am one for sure seeing my facial lipo did nothing to slim down my face. I wondered what materials best for the chin? It is another discussion of silicon verses whatever material they use for chin implants... I've read theres different types too.. ones with wings and stuff (sounds like a sanitary towel haha) so it blends in with your jaw instead of a implant just being shoved up there haha.

I was thinking of using revitalash.. sounded great from the claims.. now reading some of the posts of long tern effects of using the stuff I bit put off now... pricey stuff too... mind you its cheap compared to surgery!!:rolleyes:
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Just to share...

According to Dr Chuang... it seems that botox on the jaw on long term isnt good at all.
he said something about the muscles will be flat and stick to the bone....

So he said that its not recommended to do botox on the long term.

He recommends that we do it for 3-4 sessions and stop for a few years.....
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Can you give me yr password ? Thanks ! My email :

Please refrain from posting your personal ID on the open forum.
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Thanks !

Does he do the Dawn eyes too ? What is this procedure called ? Is Singapore more expensive than Taiwan ? Sorry for the questions as I have no idea of surgeons in Singapore - I live in France
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i believe he did all of dawn yang's surgery and the prices are definitely much higher...

and she probably had the asian double eyelid, epicanthoplasty and outer eyelid lengthening.

not sure how much he charges for eyelid surgeries but i spotted on one of the forums that he charges about sgd 11 000ish for rhinoplasty.
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Hmmm but for brow lift, is it the one where they just lift the sides? making the brow look like \ / shape?

Or can they actually lift your whole forehead area together?

Yea the bangs.. hahah we call it fringe here! :P
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