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wow where did you get this info? heheh

if he really did those, I would say the eyes are really pretty
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Hi SassyGrl,

Can you send me the password to your pics please... Im doing a nose job and eyelid surgery with Dr. Chuang this year and it would be really helpful to see his work. Thanks!
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Totally agree! Dawn's doctor must be a miracle worker, if the before pics of Dawn are real! Her eyes are really pretty now.. and they were pretty average looking before.

I think "puffy" eyes can have the biggest, most drastic changes. People with thinner eyelids probably don't get AS HUGE of a difference. Any thoughts on that? I *could* be totally off...

Dr. Chuang still has not emailed me back on whether or not I am a good candidate for the levator muscle surgery.. hm....
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I'm pretty sure that Dawn is still adamant she has NEVER had plastic surgery...I'm pretty sure that's why no one really knows exactly WHO her surgeon is. Most people have assumed that it is either Dr. Martin Huang or Woffles Wu in Singapore, but this is only because they are thought to be the best plastic surgeons there. They've done heaps of Singaporean celebs and also charge ridiculously high prices.

Jane - Singaporean prices are WAYYYY higher that Taiwan. I think Martin Huang charges like $10,000 Singaporean Dollars for a nose job!! :wtf:

If you want to know more about Dawn's plastic surgery or plastic surgery in Singapore in general, I'd head over to the Singapore Expats Forum - it's all been done to death there :tup:
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I'm pretty sure there are different types....I've heard of people only getting the V shape thing, but that can go bad...LIke, you can end up with really 'stretched' cat-eyes or the permanently stunned look!! I would go for the whole forehead together myself. And i would be more inclined to have a full coronal browlift rather than the endoscopic, simply because the former lasts longer...

I'm not positive about the whole brow lift thing though...I've read a couple of accounts from women who only had them two years ago and are already saying 'i'll probably have to get another in two or three years!!'. Maybe they just had dodgy surgeons, but that sounds like a lot of pain for not a lot of gain in my books!!!

You loose some hair and a lot of sensation after the brow lift. And it is apparently ITCHY as hell for like a year afterwards.

Think this one over carefully, I'd say....THe benefits might not outweight the costs:crybaby:
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I was wondering this too Meow....Dr. Chuang has suggested Medpor for me. He gave me the link to the Medpor website (which is obviously going to be a little biased). Basically this product is apparently superior to silicone because it binds together with your inner tissues (so that it can't move). I've also heard that silicone chin implants can erode the bone underneath over the years, as they can move and therefore 'rub' continuosly on it.

I've heard about the wing implants too...I don't know enough about them to know WHY they put them in instead of the others...I've even heard about implants that can be screwed to your bone with small titanium screws !!! :wtf:

This procedure has been a lot harder to research, i must say. Alot of the pages I have come across start talking about jaw surgery and max-fax surgeons. This is more for people who have functional jaw problems. They have to wear orthodontic braces for several years, then get their jaws broken and re-set or something crazy like that!! There do not seem to be that many people who feel the need to go into detail about their plain old chin implants!!!

If you come across any good sites, I'd love to have a squiz if you can share :tup:
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Wow. THere are so many things wrong with this post.

1. You are implying a GREAT deal of racism by ASSUMING that well-qualified surgeons in Asia are inferior to "Board Certified Surgeons in the USA". That is unacceptable. There are good and bad surgeons EVERYWHERE. An Asian surgeon is NOT automatically inferior to a "Board Certified Surgeon in the USA".

2. Reassignment surgeries are quite different from the kind of procedures we are talking about on this board. This thread is called the "Asian Nose Job". I'm assuming that you are talking about GENDER reassignment surgeries, which are SO MUCH more complicated than nose jobs, so they are not comparable.

3. Yes, we do watch television. Botched surgeries are being litigated everyday in court done by BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEONS IN THE USA. Heard of Kanye West's mom??

4. THe surgeons are better at the surgeries performed on ASIANS (note, again, this is ASIAN NOSE JOB) in ASIA. Board Certified Surgeons in the USA do not know the Asian anatomy as well as the Asian doctors that we have talked about here. In fact, the double eyelid surgery and the epicanthoplasty surgeries are pretty much EXCLUSIVELY Asian.

5. That being said, not only are the Asian doctors more qualified for the surgeries discussed above, the price HAPPENS to be cheaper overseas. Now, who doesn't want to save some money?

So, do not assume that people on this thread are stupid or uninformed.
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Thank you so much for the info - you are very helpful.
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So true!!! I can never work out what those kind of people are trying to achieve by doing a random one-off post on these Boards anyway...
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dawn yang has never denied having plastic surgery, she has refused to talk about the issue completely...

anyway i didn't hear from the horse's mouth but someone that was a patient with dr martin huang saw her in one of those example pics during consultation but that was a long time ago and i bet she already got him to remove them :smile:

she comes from a well off family so she can definitely afford dr martin huang.
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I know she's never denied having it, but she is pretty vocal about being 'anti-surgery' in general. I know that is what annoyed a lot of people about her...the fact that she seems to have had surgery, but is really vocal about being 'opposed' to it.

I dunno..I've read so much about it....I loved this discussion in particular:


By the way, Dawn herself claims she IS NOT from a wealthy family!! She describes herself as middle class!! She won her scholarship to study in California... I remember reading one of her posts a few years ago where she was complaining about how people refer to her as a 'spoilt little rich girl', when she actually comes from a hardworking middle class family...

Bah! Who knows?!! :shrugs:

I for one could not care less if she had surgery or not - she's beautiful. I only hope to look half as good when I'm through!! I would love to be able to confirm who her surgeon was, but I'm sure Dr. CHuang is just as good whoever she went to, if not better...so it's all good! :tup:
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hahaha Thanks for the link.

I especially enjoyed this photo:

Is it just me, or does she only have ONE "look", and it's this wide-eyed look with her head tilted looking up and tucking her chin into her neck??!!
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