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i don't really care about the dawn yang issue in the way that people does. i am just interested in looking at people that has been confirmed/suspected as having had it. purely for study :P anyway i was only clarifying on the matter about her denial. i just wanted to say that she had in the past voiced anti surgery views but have since refused to touch on it :smile:

as for her background, i guess we can only draw conclusions according to what we see but not what she says.

-has had plenty of expensive surgery
-family bought her a slk (might be cheaper in usa but still quite a sum)
-goes out regularly (expensive restaurant and clubbing which is expensive in singapore)
-goes on holiday regularly (just last quarter of 2007: egypt, hong kong, japan, macau)
-lives in bukit timah (prime estate)
-has branded attire and handbags

is she rich? i guess it is subjective. maybe to her they are working class (she could have been comparing to her uber rich friends) but compared to a normal singaporean family living in a government housing project...
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That's how I feel about the Dawn Yang thing.. It gives me hope when I look at the before/after photos of celebrities or just anyone that have had good results from plastic surgeries. It also tells me what plastic surgery is capable of, even though I'm aware that those results are not, and cannot be typical.

Dr. Chuang mentioned to someone on this thread earlier that the pictures of Dawn Yang's before/after photos are not the same person and that it's a practical joke someone is playing on the internet community. Who knows... but even if Dawn Yang's before photos are a joke, those Korean actresses are DEFINITELY plastic all the way!

:heart: Anyone's seen photos of Kim Ahjoong's before/after photos?? It's amazing what plastic surgery + weight loss can do!!:heart:

Do you know if Levator Muscle Surgery is an "elective surgery" or if doctors would ONLY perform it on you if your eyes are droopy???
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Perez - I read the exact same thing about Dr. Chuang saying that Dawn's before/after photos were a scam!! I wonder :shrugs:....

I mean, I know there is a pretty drastic difference between the photos, but some of her befores were taken when she was still a kid. I know that I for one look Verrrrrry different now than I did when I was in the seventh or eighth grade. If you added a little bit of sneeky surgery in on top of that...well, who knows?!!

The Korean actresses certainly seem to have achieved pretty dramatic results, so there is still hope for us all!!! :P

I'm not sure about elective muscle levator surgery. I'm having this one done, but Dr. Jong and Chuang both seem to think I would benefit from it. I wanted to have it done anyway, so that works for me...No harm in asking them I suppose...
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You're right feline.eyes.

But I wonder if Dawn gets given some of that stuff for free? You know how she has all those ads on her blog (like with her wearing jewelery and pretty shoes and playing on the latest laptops and nokia phones etc) - I wonder whether the people just give her those things for free so that she puts their ads up on her page?

If so, I'm pretty sure she could score free holidays, free entrance to nightclubs and free drinks etc...Paris Hilton and the like all get paid to do stuff like this. People fly them around the world to have them at shop openings, parties at nightclubs etc.

In the end I guess it doesn't really matter. Either way, whether she pays for it herself or others pay for her she is a very lucky girl!!! She has beautiful clothes, gets to fly all around the world and attend nice clubs and stuff. Oh, and she's beautiful :P. Some people have all the luck :yes:
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Yeah, I bet she gets money (or even contracts) from endorsing the various products and events.

On that note, I'd recommend this book called "Survival of the Prettiest:The Science of Beauty" by Nancy Etcoff. The book is a worthwhile read, because it puts into words what we are all thinking and feeling- that there is so much power in beauty!

Superficially and perhaps, directly, people get financial windfalls simply from being beautiful. Indirectly and more subtly, it is undeniable that beauty makes people's lives so much easier. I am sure you have all experienced first hand, the difference makeup, hair and good clothes make in the way others perceive you. Also, most importantly, beauty makes a huge difference in the way you treat yourself and feel about yourself.

Anyways... haha.. I am really thankful that plastic surgery exists.. so we can all be beautiful. :yahoo:
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the dinners and clubbing might be from admirers :smile: but she usually tells you if it is an advertorial.

-as for the slk, it was a birthday gift from her parents.

-the whole family went to egypt paid for by their parents because it is their wedding anniversary.

-and she had always had branded goods since before she became "the hottest blogger".

-her sister is studying in australia without a scholarship.

i think her parents aren't rolling in it but are definitely comfortable.

as for the whole issue being a scam, well, some of the more popular bloggers in singapore actually know her personally and went to school with her (from secondary school to junior college), they confirm that the before and after pictures are of the same person.

but yeah, i can only pray that whatever surgery that i plan to do will turn out the way i like. *fingers crossed*
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Hi everyone,

I haven't been on this site since September. I had revision rhinoplasty done in September 07 and was not satisfied with the result. The initial surgeon said he would do a revision for a nominal fee ($300 usd). He did a septal elongation of the tip but I told him I felt like the implant was too much to the right and noticeable. He just ignored me and only did the septal elongation. My nose has healed and I'm not satisfied with the outcome. I wish I had gone to Korea in the first place.

I want to know if anyone has ever gone to Cinderella Clinic. I heard the doctor works on a lot of the movie stars there. I was leaning towards Dr. Kim from BK Clinic but after the stories of poor after care, I don't know if I can see myself going to him. I would feel horrible if he was mean to me after I paid him hard earned money to work on me. However, I do like the results of his before and afters esp. the revision eye surgeries. Furthermore, there's Dr. Jung from Shimmian. I heard many good things about this doctor and that it costs about 4k for rhinoplasty but I feel like his bridges are high (just my taste but he is a wonderful surgeon). If anyone can give me insight to Cinderella Clinic or Dr. Kim from BK Clinic (costs, experience,etc) I would really appreciate it.

There's also www.5050clinic.com that I saw a great article on. Dr. Waikiki's before and afters are great. If anyone knows or has gone to them please let me know. Thanks.

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Thanks for the link! Jang posted her whole story on this board a while back, too.

Even though I appreciate her detailed account of her trip to Dr. Kim's, does anyone think it's a little fishy that she still sings Dr. Kim's praises after her nose got infected and he had to remove the implant by jerking it out without any anesthesia?

I wonder what is the probability for an infection after rhinoplasty..
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Hey guys!

This is what Dr. Chuang wrote me after I asked him about the levator muscle surgery:

I've viewed your pics. Basically I don't think levator muscle plication /shortening is suititable for you because you have already had a very big and round eye. If you receive such procedure you will look not agreeable and friendly.

I will suggest you to do a double eyelid surgery combined with epicanthoplasty(to remove the extra skin over medial epicanthus). These two procedures will make you have real bigger and more spirit eyes. I will also remove some fats out from your eyelid. We charge NT35000 for these two procedures together. Of course the result will be drastic I think.

If you have any other questions please feel free to let me know again.

Jimmy Chuang
the director of WASC

I just want to say that i do NOT know what he's talking about... i have very small and fat eyes with VERY heavy lids, which is why I wanted a DRASTIC change. They are not at all "big and round". Maybe he confused my photos with someone else's!
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