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They do have facial cheek liposuction available. Also, buccal fat removal but I don't really know much about these procedures to be giving you any advice :smile:
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On a side note, I just wanted to say that chubby cheeks will make you look 10 years younger when you reach a certain age. :smile: it's not all bad!
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I have the same question as aussie_nose!! Many thanks!! xx
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I am wondering the exact same thing - What kind of chin implant (gortex or silicone?) and what type of shape (button-style or with wings)?

Do you have any photos of your old and new chin?
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Hi Everyone! I am new to the site but have been reading for quite some time now. I am on page 103 lol, but I just had to go ahead and register so I could start posting ;) I see that there are still a few of you from the beginning that are still posting, like Maskd and meow!
Anyways, I really want to get a nose job but I'm having trouble deciding where to go. I live in the US and would preferably like to get it done here. Although, I could go to HK (I have family and house there) But haven't heard much about the plastic surgeons there on this forum. Some Dr.'s that I am considering getting in touch with are Dr. Kun Kim of Georgia (near Atlanta- MASKD, I know you got your "crease" redone there, what is he like? Would you recommend him for a nose job?) and I am also looking at Dr. Charles S. Lee of Bev. Hill, California. He's so far away though, and a bit pricey! Although I know that this is plastic surgery and is a very big deal- but still! Please anyone..if you have any experience on them please let me know! Also, if there is anyone else you would recommend here in the US.
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Hi everyone,
I recently had a silicon dorsal nasal implant inserted. I was wondering if anybody knows/has asked their doctor about contact sports with the nasal implant? I am specifically concerned about scuba-diving, since underwater pressures are high...not sure if the silicon implant would shift?
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Hi Everyone! Not sure if anyone else is looking to Dr. Charles S Lee of Beverly Hills, LA to be their PS, but I noticed that his advertising on line has calmed down a bit from when I first noticed the ads a few months ago. I've read a few comments pertaining to him in the past posts but if anyone knows anything about how he works, please let me know.

I saw the before and after pics on Dr. Kun Kim's (of ATL, Georgia) site and I just don't really like that "popsicle" stick look down the bridge of the nose (not sure if you understand what I mean :P).

I really want to get this procedure done, but I'm kind of scared...I just want to make sure I'm doing as much as I can to assure that I am in the best of care. Anyone out there to help me out with my selection process??
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Hi All,

After my 1st Group PS Enhancement trip on last Nov”07, this coming 2nd Group PS Enhancement trip to BK Dongyang Plastic Surgery Clinic in Korea will be on 2nd Mar’08 till 15th Mar’08.

This trip we have 7 of us travelling there and 1gal joining us there in Korea flying from Australia and it made up this group of 8 buddies will be there to have our Surgeries done by Dr Kim.

As for this trip we have:

Myself ~ Nose Augmentation
Gal 1 & 2 (sisters) ~ Double Eyelid Surgery (Incision Method) and Magic Epi
Gal 3 ~Double Eyelid Surgery (Stitching Method) and might be doing Magic Epi also, will let Dr Kim to assess.
Gal 4 ~ Double Eyelid Surgery and Nose Surgery (might be doing other procedure as well but will decided after Dr Kim assess)
Gal 5 ~ Chin Augmentation
Guy 6 ~ Secondary Double Eyelid Surgery and Magic Epi (Fail surgery done locally 2yrs back and eyelid now asymmetrical)
Gal 7 ~ Double Eyelid Surgery (Incision Method) and Magic Epi

And there will be 2 more gals still considering to join our trip to BK and is waiting for leave approval.
I’ll update on our surgery after we are back. :flowers:

Just to share my picture on my double eyelid surgery after 3 months by Dr Kim in BK Dongyang Clinic in Korea.

The Surgery I did was insicion method by cutting slightly higher then my previous double eyelid crease, remove fats to reduce my puffy eyes and some correction on my eyelid muscles.

Hope these picture which I share can be helpful for those who will be going to enhance their eyes with the same problem like me and understand more how the result will turn out to be;)


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Hi Girls!

Dr. Chuang has finally written back to me – my three surgeries combined (chin, cheeks and nose) are going to cost approx $7000 Australian Dollars. I will be on the operating table for about five hours all up – NO general anaesthetic – all done under local and light sedation. Just to recap I’m having:

1) Hump on nose removed and goretex strips to smooth out the bridge, nasal bone osteotomy and tip refinement;
2) Chin augmentation with medpor implant;
3) Cheek augmentation with silicone implants

I’m going in July and planning on staying in Taipei for two weeks. While I am there I will also be visiting Dr. Jong for the eye levator surgery.

I’m now going to start booking my flights etc so final calls for girls who are interested in coming with (either from Australia or meeting me in Taipei).

My dates are flexible-ish but preferably towards the beginning of the month in July. I’m thinking of perhaps flying over on Saturday 5 July, which means I’ll be there probably until around the 19th or 20th July.

I’m going to stay at Dejavu Hotel.

Who’s with me?!

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^Good luck aussie_nose!! :smile:

As for me, as much as I dearly want a nosejob, I'm still searching for information. Have you seen this link? I love what they've done for their patients, but I can't read a word of chinese (except my name, ha). Can someone tell me who the surgeons are? Also, have you heard of them before?

I need plastic surgery because I detest the way I look right now. I've been tossing around a few procedures in my head, but I still need to work up the gall to actually get my face done. :sad: How did you nice women and men decide that it was time?
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Thanks Hydronium!

I made the decision to go ahead when:

1) I couldn't stand the thought of looking at this face another day; and
2) I found Dr. Chuang!

sImple ! :nuts:
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