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I highly recommend Dr. Charles Lee, he was my PS. I went to him back in sept. I'm going back my 6 months check up next month. I'm pretty happy with the results. He gives a 10% discount if you let him use your before & after pics, but most people prefer not to. Anyways, if you would like, I can show you pics. Message me~

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hi :smile:

do you have more information on eye levator surgery/pics? and why are you going to dr jong instead of dr chuang for it? thank you
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Hi all~
question for anyone:

Does anyone know of any nose surgeons that specialize in asian tiplasty? I don't have much of a refined one and the tip is really what gives the nose its asthetic appeal so I really need a surgeon who is skilled/experienced with tiplasties..

Also I will need some silicone implants around the nose for projection's sake.. idk if there are only a few surgeons who do midfacial implants around the nose..

Any suggestions/comments will be highly appreciated! :o)
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Hi Sigmabratxx!! Thanks for replying to my post! I would love to see your pictures, not sure if I can send a PM because of the amount of posts I have. I will try and see though. :smile:

What exactly did he do to your nose? Like, what kind of implant, if any and did you get a alarplasty (the width of you nose reduced)? I think I will need the width reduced, but I'm concerned about the scarring. Also, I'm not in the area so should I just send him pics of myself through his email consulation? I see Dr. Lee's name mentioned ALL OVER the internet, but unfortunately I can't find reviews on him in places such as www.ratemds.com.

The 10% discount sounds nice, does he show your entire face?! Thanks :smile:

...ok just tried sending you a PM, I can't yet! Mind posting your pics?
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feline.eyes this is actually a really hard procedure to research! There's hardly any western information about it (except for, I think, that Dr. Meronk website). Your best bet would be to consult with Drs Chuang/Jong and find out whether you are a suitable candidate for this type of surgery. They can then tell you all you need to know about it.

The only reason I am going to Dr. Jong for my eyes is that he is going to be doing my eyelash extension surgery in December this year. I would rather he do both surgeries on my eyes/ eye area as he will be more familiar with what he has done/ can do / cannot do in the future! Also, i believe him to be a very skilled eye surgeon, so I'm comfortable with him doing it. Besides, he was the one that suggested i undergo this procedure in the first place! :tup:
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Sigmabratxx- So pretty!! I really appreciate you posting the pics for me to see your amazing results!! If it's not too much to ask, do you have any before pics so I can see how much he was able to increase the height of your bridge and enhance the tip of your nose?

Thanks Sigmabratxx :smile:
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thanks aussie_nose :smile: i will email some doctors to find out more about it.
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Hi everyone!!

I had surgery with dr.Chuang in Taiwan a few days ago and hair transplants done by dr jong a few days after. I want to share my experience with you girls, just keep in mind that this will be a super long post so consider this a big warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile:

I started researching 6 months ago for rhino and blepharoplasty and was stuck between 3 U.S doctors, Toriumi, Dr davis in FL for rhino, and dr Flowers (For eyes). I even booked the surgery date with dr.flowers and everything and lost $100 when i ended up cancelling the surgery.. which was a big saving by the way compared to what i later had to pay.

I don't know but some way some how my gut feeling kept telling me this was not the right way to go so i kept procrastinating and rescheduling surgery dates so I ended up on the computer one day googlign for ''asian nosejob'' and came across this website. Read all 200+ pages and thanks to keenose, maskd, kimosa, nini and a few others that had went to dr.chuang with great results I decided to go the same route because for some reason I trusted that decision.. within 1-2 weeks of discovering this forum I had booked flight tickets, hostel room for 11 days and surgery dates with dr chuang and Jong. It all happened pretty fast and soon before i knew it i was on my way to taiwan. Woke up early morning, headed to the airport with my little carry on luggage and waited patiently on the airplane for 20+ hours. Ok I'm lying, that was the worst flight of my life.. girls don't go with united airlines if you're goig overseas. I think Korean air has better service, bigger tv screens and lots of movie options. United airlines only offered the toothbrushes and toiletries to first class passengers which was a shocker to me because every other company i had went with offered it to everyone..

Ok so when I got to Taiwan I took the bus to the hostel.. which was way cheaper than taking a cab. Iadies don't hesitate to find cheaper ways to travel.. just ask people.

By the way if you don't speak chinese you'll be just fine. I'm not even chinese and I get around easily. People here, especially the young ones speak english. Maybe not well but enough for you to understand.

So I got to the hostel, got me a small single room instead of the 2 dorm room which i had initially booked but the owner let me have a small private room for the same price.. that was real nice. Oh and because i was here alone for the surgery and all i asked the lady owner if she could help me after surgery with food and all that. She so kindly said yes and woudlnt even charge me anything ezept for what it would cost for the food etc.. i still payed her 300 twd though.. It was late by the time I got there so I went to bed almost right away. Next morning i got in the shower, got dressed and took a cab to the clinic. When I got there i was greeted by the receptionist who i had kept in contact with since the booking of the surgery.. she's supernice. I won't mention her name but if you decide to go ahead with the surgery you'll get ot know her as well. WHen i got there she apologized for Dr.Chuang being late and that's when I found otu that I would be consulting that morning and that i'd have surgery later that evening. So you all should clarify the surgery time first before anyting, incase u want to have surgery early morning.. not that it matters because my outcome so far is great so I don't question Dr. C's skills. I had also been fasting for 12 hours prior to the time i thought i'd be having surger so the receptionist offered me some food and coffee and i gladly said yes.. only to find out she ahd offered me her breakfast!!!!!!!! So almost 2 hours later I met dr.Chuang. Sat there for about 30 min and discussed what i wanted. He showed me some pictures, i showed him some. I never felt like he was in a rush.. we actually shared a few laughs and he as really being warm and open towards me. So we decided on a 10mm crease and a 3.5mm implant (during surgery he actually gave me a

After the consultation i had about 6 hours to kill before the surgery so they suggested i go shopping, although they knew i'd be dead broke after this surgery lol. Walked around for a bit, then i got something to eat, then when there was only 30 min left I decided to go shave my hairy legs prior to surgery (yes why didn't I do it the day before or during the 6 hours i had to kill). So I frantically ran around to look for a shaver.. found one, then on the way back stopped by a fish store and got me 3 colorful fishes.. mad random.. just bought 3 fishes for no reason 5 minutes before surgery.. oh and two of them died because i forgot to buy fish food. They did get a proper burial though.. the old fashion 'flush em down' way.

When I got there I changed, put my stuff in a locker, cleaned my face and then went to the operating room. The nurse asked me to lay down and then she stuck the needle in my arm (I didn't feel a thing by the way, but then again I'm a G so it doesn't matter ;), Shortly after dr Chuang came in the room, asked me if i was okay. started drawing on my eyes.. I asked him to put in a 3mm silicone in my nose instead, he agreed. I dont remember anything after that because I fell asleep and stayed asleep throughout the whole surgery which is funny because i remember some of the girls here saying they were awake thruout the surgery and could feel the dr cut the eyelids.. well I was completely out, the only thing I THINK i remember is him sticking needles in and around my nose which was so excruciating.. im not even sure because it felt like a nightmare..eek when i think about it i dont think it was.. i think those needle sticking sensatiosn was him cutting into my nose..

I woke up at 3 am in a dark room, tried to open my eyes which was nearly impossible as i'd just had 4 procedures done (upper, lower, medial and lateral epi) so my eyes was swollen in everyway. I got up, loked around and noticed that i was still in the clinic. Saw a girl sleeping next to me in a seperate bed. She woke up too and asked if I needed a nurse (of course she had the nurse pager since she had lipo and I had only had my face renovated in everyway-b**** I'm blind where is my pager???? lol lol). So I guess dr.Chuang had let me spend the night which was super sweet because he knew i was in a foreign country by myself.. what was even sweeter was the nurse getting me breakfast in the morning. I swear the doctor, nurses and everyone there is so nice in everyway I never felt safer and more comfortable.

Next day in the afternoon I got up and went home. First night was horrible. Not because I was in pain.. i was never in pain by the way and never was nauseous from the anesthesia whatsoever. I was just real swollen and uncomfortable. All the pain, nausea and all the other things that people experienced, i never went through any of that.. I wonder if it's because of all the Vitamin C I took.. Mind you I'm not a strong person immunity wise so I'm surprised it went so smoothly. The hostel owner had got me some food and got me some cold compresses prepared which was real great..

They told me to put cold compresses on for the first to days.. they told me to get a plastic bag and pour some cold water in it and i didn't do it nearly as much asi was supposed to.. i think I put the cold water filled plastic bags over my eyes like 5 times in total over 2 days which is way too little. 2 Days after surgery i went back, had my tape removed. Dr.Chuang took a look at my eyes and nose and said everything was fine. If i needed to come back for more questions and concerns I could just do so he said. Later that day i walked around, then looed for a internet cafe because the internet was down at the hostel i was staying at., I wrote a 3 page long entry about my experience which got erased completely when my time was out.. so i just went home lol.
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A few days after i had hair transplants doen by dr Jong. That was probably the most painful/most uncomfortable procedure so far. First of all i'd liet o say that dr.jong is a real honest and sweet man. The clinics and the two doctors are so different in many ways in the way they work. Wishclinic in my opinion looks prettier, cleaner, and more professional while LR clinic looks older. Also dr Jong seemed more neurotic lol and he seemed to be in a rush, he's still sweet in my opinion and spent the WHOLE day on the hair transplants.

First i layed down on the operating table, face down. THen he parted the hair in the back of my scalp and started drawing out the piece that he'd cut out. THen he proceeded to inject local anesthesia like 50 times into my scalp which was a little painful. The scariest part was when he started cutting.. cuz i could hear the scalpel cutting through my scalp. I was real scared that i'd feel it because sometimes the local anesthesia wears otu real quickly in certain areas so i was just biting my teeth throughout the whole thing.. oh and when he stiched up my wound i just felt the scalp skin tightening which was kind of a weird feeling.

Anyway the horror did not begin till he started implanting the hair. After waiting in the waiting room for 2 hours I came back into the operating room, wore teh same bloody mask that i wore when i cut the scalpel which made me feel icky, but i didnt want to ask for a new one, i just wondered why he would re-use old things. I thought the 50 injections in the back of my head would be horrible.. but the 100 he did on my hairline was a little more painful. Ladies if you thought 50 implants on each eye woudl be painful, try 700 implants around your hairline for 5 hours straight. And I felt half of them being implanted because the local wore off so quickly, i just didn't want to ask for more injections all the time because most of the time the injections would hurt a lot more. The worst part was my eyes, because I layed straight on my back for 5 hours straight and everytime i was in pain i'd feel the blood rushing to my head and my eyes got super swollen again which was probably what aggrivated me the most because it took 5 days to deswell myeyes a little bit and by the end of the transplantation they got swollen all over again.. I had yellow puss running down the side of my eyes (sorry i know it osunds gross), cuz he kept pushing, pulling and tugging on my eyelids and my lateral epi started killing me.. I asked himto be gentle but he needed to place his hand on the side of my eyes to stabilize the implants.

At one point he stopped and gave me a mirror so I could see the hairine design, I got discusted when I saw all the blood oozing out the sides of my head where the hair had been implanted. I showed him where I wanted more hair and just when I thought we were almost done we continued for another 2 hours.
Wait the worst part was not my eyes, it was my scalp wound where he had cut earlier. I was laying on the wound for 5 hours straight and the pain was so bad everytime he'd push in the implants and add more pressure to my scalp wound. The painkillers he'd given me did not work and the anesthesia wore off so fast. I think the last 100 implants i was trying my best to tolerate the pain. It feels like a medium sized needle pushing thru your skin, especially on top of your head i guess it's more sensitive there. I'm never doing hair transplants again cuz the pain just turned me off and take it from someone who can take a lot of pain. I'm a master of handling needles, but that's a total of 850+ holes in my skin including anesthesia. Sorry im not trying to scare anyone but if you're dong hair transplant surgery be prepared. And get it before u get your eyes adn nose done if you can so u wont cause more trauma to the areas u've already had surgery done.

So here's a quick summary and guidelines of things u might want to know:

* Never had problems getting around in Taiwan without knowing the language
*l Never was in pain before, during and after surgery
* Got no bruises aorund my eyes or nose or cheeks till maybe 3 days later but it was so faint because my skin is tan.
* My vision didn't get blury till the 2-3rd day. And it wasn't that bad
*The lateral epi makes it painful to move my eyeballs because of the swollen conjunctivitis (the read in the corner of your eyes)
* Never had a problem eating after, they say eat soup beause u can't breath through ur nose. Not because u can't chew.
* Was never nauseous after surgery
* Haven't had any identity issues whatsoever after surgery as i already knew what i wanted and what i should expect during the healing times etc.
* SOme people would look on the street when passing by even when i had a mask on to cover my nose, my eyes were still pretty swollen. But I could care less. And most of them didnt seem to care either, they just had a "Oh another one" look on their faces.
* My last surviving fish is doing just fine. She looks like a overweight taiwanese nemo (without the stripes) :smile:
* Food in Taiwan is delicious
* People are curteous, nice, friendly and helpful.
* People take forever to cross the streets and even when there are no cars they still choose to wait for the light. It's actually real weird as u can see they don't even attempt to look left/right for cars they just idly stand there waiting for the green light and even then it takes most people like a good 3 seconds to react.

* Take arnica 30c, vitamin c (2000-3000 mg daily) and bromelain (500-800mg daily)2 weeks before surgery and continue after surgery for as long as u need to

* Straws for drinking after rhino
* Kleenex
* Facial wipes
* q-tips

* Clarify with dr.chuang what you want to do and make sure he does it. Because I asked for a 3mm silicone, and he still went for a 4mm.. which is fine now because my face just so happens to fit that type of nose height but im not sure if that would be the case for everyone else..

Day of surgery:
* Get there early
* Don't wear any jewellries
* Dont wear any make-up
* Be clean

After surgery do's and don'ts:

* Sleep elevated
* Get plenty of rest
* Do hot-cold compresses
* Clean nostrils with sterilized water and qtips
* For pain take tylenol extra strength

* Exercise
* Bend over
* Eat the following: Beef, eggs, shrimp/seafoods, salty foods
* Don't get water in your eyes

Good luck all and remember that you only need 3 things for a succesful surgery:
1. Careful research
2. Strong instincts
3. A positive state of mind and lots of good humor

Good luck all!
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Hi NiceSmile,

Last Nov I juz did silicone implant and ear cartiladge on my tip. No alarplasty:nogood:
This March will be back there to do the same procedure again.

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Another thing for those getting eyelids done:
To help minimize scars don't eat:

Eggs (Might worsen scar), beef, seafood (especially shrimp).

Chicken and pork is ok. I think you gotta stick to this diet for at least 6mos to a year (however long it'll take to heal).

My mom had her eyes doen and she has no scar adn she did this for a year.
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