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You're welcome perezhilton!!

Don't worry about your eyes and nose as they're the easiest (compared to hair transplants). I'm a fast healer considering the 5 procedures i ahd done/ 4 on my eyes and then my nose. Remember ladies, Vitamin C and arnica is very very important in your healing process. Take that + pinapple juice or blomelain which is pineapple extracts 2 weeks before surgery to increase your immune system and continue taking it after as well.

By the way i went to rent movies on the 4th day and when i handed the lady my ID (for security till i return the movies) she looked at it and asked if i had another one which i didn't at the time, she denied it because the pic didn't look like me ;-(. I was gonna say "well miss can't u see i just had surgery, with my face beign swollen and all". But I understood because i was wearing a mask which was covering half my face and she was just doing her job.

It just made me want to heal faster and look more like myself. Girls, the others are not lying when they say rhino+blephs will make a big difference so be careful doing too many procedures. Unless you want to completely change what you look like!
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hey aussie_nose I plan to go this december for my ps, you don't mind if we met up in taiwan, i really would want to go with someone :smile: well if you like you can email me at [email protected]
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Hey there! I'm a filipina here... as for the rhinoplasty, it depends on which part of the philippines are you going to be at... in Manila, there are a lot of good doctors there... u might want to check out Dr. Lansangan... or check this link: http://www.shimmianmanila.com/gore-tex-implant-links/

If you're gonna be in the province (which would be cheaper to get rhinoplasty with the same results as the experts in manila).. check out Dr. Senerpida... He did the Goretex seminar with Dr. Lansangan, too. Website: http://www.medicalane.com/

Good luck! :tup:
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Thanks so much for all the information!

I actually have some questions if you don't mind. How much was the flight ticket (US dollars), how much is it for the surgeries, and what was the name of the Hostel.

Also, may i see pictures if you don't mind? Do you have the contact information for the doctors?

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Beauty thank you so much for your posts!! :tup:

You have officially repaid your debt to our Forum Society..hehehe.! I hope to do the same in a few short months!

But I must say girl you have me TOTALLY petrified about going in for my hair transplant surgery with Dr. Jong!! Eeek!! He has estimated that I will need approximately 700 hairs grafted onto my forehead! Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!!

So your suggestion is to go to Dr. Jong first and have the hair transplants rather than nose etc with Dr. Chuang first?

By the way, just wondering whether either Dr. Chuang or Dr. Jong was a little offended that you had procedures done with the other?! I really hope not! :wtf:

I'm also very glad to hear that you didn't have any problems not being able to speak Chinese. My main concern is just safety and feeling comfortable in Taipei.

Did you feel as though Dr. Chuang and Dr. Jong thoroughly listened to you throughout your face-to-face consultation? Did you feel as though they really understood the "look" you were trying to achieve? Also, when you went in for the face-to-face consult, did Dr. Chuang have all the information you had previously emailed to him printed out or on a computer somewhere (ie. so he remembered who he was talking to!)?

I'm just trying to get a better mental picture of how everything is going to play out...hehehe.

Thanks again for your wonderful post and best of luck for a healthy healing period! I'm sure you truly are a 'beauty' now!! ;)

:heart: Aussie_nose
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I've been following this thread for a while now but never posted, and just wanted to say thank you to everyone for contributing so much useful information to this thread =)

Hi =D If you don't mind, could you please PM me your email address as I would like to speak to you regarding your plans to see Dr Chuang, as I am thinking of seeing him myself at the time that you are. I haven't made enough posts yet so am unable to PM you myself. Thanks =)
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Flight tickets: $753
Hostel 11 days: $100
Surgery: 5 procedureslateral/medial epi, upper/lower bleph+nosejob=$4000

Used cheaptickets.com to book tickets
Hostelname: Taiwanmex hostel (u can find it on google)

Dr jong: www.lrclinic.com.tw
Dr Chuang: www.wishclinic.com.tw

U need to book at least 2weeks in advancewith wishclinic because dr chuang is always busy. He might be able to squeeze you in though u neverknow.

Im not sureif ill be posting pics of my eyes because of privacy.. all i can say so farabout them is they're healing well andthe laterl and medial epi waswell done. The crease im afraid might be too low a few months from now asi asked for a 10 mm crease i think it might be 8-9 right now.. ill measureit when i see him today.

My nose right now is desweling real fast, my only concern is the tip seems to point more to the left because one side is more swollen than the other. Ill ask about this too when i see him.

Profile wise my nose is great.. love the height,I want the height between my eyes to go down a little bit more which it will since im still swollen. but what i want the most is for my eyes to deswell fasterbecause they look real close right now due to the swelling and the magic epi.

I highly adviseagainst getting magic epi ifur eyes are a little close as u'll look ridicolous after, and maybe permanently lol.

Oneword to describe my current looks: Alien.
One word to describe mypotential look: Gorgeous

I just know my results will be great ;)
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A sidenote:

Dont go to Taiwanmex if you're looking for a quite and more private hostel to recover at. The hostel is clean(in terms of there being no roaches or any bugs and the sheets are clean), but its small like an apartment and amazingly they managed to create 8 bedrooms out of it. you still have to share 2 bathrooms 16 other people. The kitchen is supersmall which u have toshare with everyone and ifyou go for the private room (which i advise you to do) expect to have 2 feet of walkign space. In other words, u take one step and you're already outside the bedroom lol. Oh and theres no whereto put your suitcase, whichwas ok in MY case because i brought the tiniest miini carry on bag which i just placed on top of the little drawer.

remember u're getting ur face done. Everytime u go from the apartment door to ur bedroom u have to pass all the guests sitting in the livingroom and u might not want that. And u can hear everyone laughign and talking in the livingroom from your room.

If i was to do it again I would choose another hostel.

Go to google.com and search for "hostel taiwan reviews'., Choose the hostel with the highestreviews, and most importantly READ the reviews so u get a better feel of what the place is like.
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hey beauty07 can you tell me how long it took the nose to look normal?
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Its been less than half a month, and im from the east coast, the reason why i got the tickets so cheap is cuz i searched like crazy over the net and used this website to order tickets.. by the way i stopped 2 times in the states before actually going to asia so maybe thats why the tickets are so cheap..

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