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For that soompi website, do you have to sign up to see the pictures? I can't see anything :sad:

Well here's an update for those who want to know. I went for my checkup yesterday and he said that he will try to fix the double crease and I have to take out the silicon implant right away.

So today I went in and got my nose implant taken out and eye fixed up. I will say that I vow never to do surgery again without some sedation!! :wacko:

The middle of my nose has a dent in it now which I'm hoping will go away soon. That was the part that was bruised alot before. I asked to see the implant and the asst. showed it to me and it looked quite tiny, I wasn't sure how that implant was the one in my nose since I felt the implant close to my eyes....

Anyways before surgery me & my mom talked to him and he was so annoying. I was trying to get reassurance about my eyes and all he kept saying to cover his back was "Welllll, nothing's guaranteed" "I can't guarantee that..." Damn, all he had to say was swelling takes a few weeks or my eyes are healing fine, anything....

He compromised on giving me $300 back which is better than nothing but I feel he should of refunded me for my nose but I kinda figured doctors don't normally do that. Oh and had to buy $25 bottle of antibiotics again....grrrr.

My bf did make me feel a little better though, said he got me a little present for all the trouble and pain I've been through, awwww I wonder what it is!

It's kinda hard for me to type with one eye and a somewhat sore nose right now so I'll check back later. :smile:
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Hi you guys! i've been reading all 61 pages and i'm deciding whether I should go to OZ clinic with Dr. Park, or Dr. Chuang at the wishclinic. I want to get alar base reduction, do something with my bulbous tip, and implant for my bridge. My nose is very piggish, I hate it with a passion. And I also plan get double eyelid surgery, i've been using the double eyelid glue for 2 years now (pratically everyday) so my eyelids are starting to sag

To maskd2003, I read that your friend who got it done with you got alar reduction? Do you happen to have pictures, and do you know how much it costed?
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Hello, I figured this was the most popular forum for nose job discussion...

I've already had one nose job done (insertion of implant) and I'm really happy with it; previously, I had no bridge and looked noseless from side profile. It also improved my front profile tremendously so :yahoo:

It's been three years and I am about to get another nose job, only coz my tip is too bulbous. I wanted it to be sharper and possibly, end a little bit lower so to offset my fat alars from the side profile.

Now, my surgeon is convinced he can improve the tip of my nose via "closed" rhinoplasty with cartilage graft from my ear and local anaesthetic. Apparently, this is a very common procedure and he has done many.

The issues that I am having is that research online tells me that tip plasty is more efficient under the "open technique", and I want a sharper tip. Does anybody have similar or previous experience. (ie. successful rhinoplasty using this closed technique). For some unusual reason, all my friends never had closed rhinoplasty b4 and haven't really heard of this procedure so can someone at least tell me that it actually exists and works?

FOr those of you who bothered to read and respond, thanks in advance.
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oh yea, and I will post b4 and after pictures following my surgery on the 23rd of July. I also have pics of my nose three years b4 the implant... figured we can all learn and share experiences eh ;)
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I've never had alar but from all the research I have read I see that open is the most popular to get the best result.

Would love to see before & after pictures when you get a chance ;)
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I am so sorry... I hope your turmoil ends soon. :sad:
And, yes, you need to register to read... but it's just email... and little questions like that.

That forum is only about eyelid surgery... but lots of girls from that forum went to OZ and BK... OZ actually was the one used the most... and they have tons of before and after pics.


Hi! I know all of us would love to see your lovely pics! So thanks so much!

For tiplasty, I've always heard you should do open.... cuz for optimum results, they sew two sides of your cartilage together... and then take a little bit of the cartilage of bot sides of the tip...you can't do that closed....
But, just cuz I've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Oh, you also need to be careful about asking for too sharp of a tip... cuz Dr. Chuang told me that even if it is your own cartilage... if it is too sharp, it can extrude... yikes.

well, girl, wish you luck!!!
oh yea, what kind of implant do you have? silicone, rib, goretex? Thanks!
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Hi Fearless,

Have you done your job? Please share with us on how it went... keen to do it too

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Hi Guys

In thailand, internet gossip , experience friend and b4 and after pics determine , we ranged 5 expert nose as following,


There are highly recommended for nose in Thailand. But, you should learn each his operation style .As, you know Yanhee hospital is specific in nose but many many thai ppl are unsatisfied in her nose…..the famous place is not famous work always.Most of Asia woman walk in the hospital everyday but thai woman wanna ask them that" r u sure? "...I just wanna suggest the doctor who can match you want?..example,if you want natural look , u should go to Dr.Preecha.his style are natural,good looking but unchange your face,no high ,no fake.No one know you got a nose job if you didn't told them....but look good better..….

Do u want to other doc review?
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Hi, I'm new here. Recently discovered this, so it took me quite some time to finish reading EVERYTHING [god my eyes hurt now].

Anyways, I'm really interested in doing facial bone shaving [the mandibular angle zygoma thing] but since it's a difficult surgery, I'm still not so sure where should I get it done [I'm considering Wish clinic as maskd2003 seemed to have a good experience there, or Korean clinics, since they specialise in it, though they charge an arm and leg]. Anybody who can help me with this?

Other surgeries I'm considering are, the double eyelid [though this isn't a must. I do have double eyelids, just that it's not thaaat obvious], and possibly, rhinoplasty, but not anything obvious. I just want a little higher bridge. Don't really wanna do anything drastic :sweatdrop:

About Thailand, I did consider for a moment since it's really REALLY cheap [yanhee's pricing for rhino is like USD540!!!], but the Thai definition of beauty and mine clashes. I prefer something more soft and feminine. Like someone who said on the sgexpat forum, if you like the way Thai beauties look, go to Thailand. If you like the way those Taiwanese actresses look, go to Taiwan and so on and so forth.
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Dr. Chuang is known for three procedures: breast augmentation, bone shaving, rhinoplasty even though he does other procedures as well.

bone shaving is a really serious procedure. There are many possible side effects and the healing process is VERY slow and tedious...
Many doctors who have done this procedure in the past refuse to do it anymore.

Bone shaving is for those who are really brave. It's really not a popular surgery anywhere... not in Korea, and not in Taiwan... I know a lot of Koreans, and many of them have their noses and eyes done... but generally, that is it...

This is just a cautionary note. Be very careful of who you go to for this. You need someone who will give full attention and also very skilled. Postop care from the doctor is a MUST for this procedure. Imjase went to Dr. Chuang for this; It turned out successful, but I'm sure he would say that he definitely paid the price for it.

Dr. Chuang does not charge that much less than the average Korean doc. However, if you take a top Taiwan doc's price and compare that to a top Korean doc's price, the Taiwan one is cheaper. Also, I think if you can speak Korean, I think you can get a better deal.

Finally, you will probably be able to reshape your face through other procedures such as buccal fat removal, lipo, or botox injection.

Good luck making your decision.
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Oh, what I heard was different. I heard that bone shaving is a popular surgery in both Taiwan and Korea. Or at least that's what I read in both forums...

I'm really scared of post-op care in Korea, considering what I read throughout the whole thread here. My korean is really basic [my grandmother's korean], so I don't think I would be able to get a better deal :sad:

You mention imjase went to Dr Chuang for that - may I know what you mean by he paid the price for it? That sounds really scary :sweatdrop:

I did think of botox and fat removal before, but botox isn't permanent, and it's really expensive. Fat removal wouldn't help much because while I do have chubby cheeks [so not in line with my body shape!! ㅠ_ㅠ], my bone structure is pretty wide too, in my opinion anyway. I really don't know who to look for, or which skilled doctor who specialises in it and has good post op care, but Dr Chuang does seem like a good option...
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oh... I didn't mean to scare you too much. Imjase... he couldn't eat solid foods for quite a while... I'm not too sure for how long, but he lost a lot of weight. And, the face is really swollen for a long time.

I know the American docs say that patients sometimes are sad for at least 6 months afterwards... because of the healing process is really long.... and the aching is pretty painful.

You know, that's what all the doctors say.. that it's common enough... but I don't know anyone who's ever gone through with it... except for imjase and a couple of actresses.

If you're lucky, it could be muscle. If you bite down REALLY hard, and feel the sides of your face, and you feel a good sized muscle, the bulkness is due to muscle, not bone or fat, you can get it injected. The thing with botox is that if you get it done even once, I hear that the muscle will never grow as large as it was originally... and if you keep doing it for 3 times a year for two years, it stays down permanently!
I did it once... and then I went to a Korean doctor for the second time, and he told me I was wasting my money because my jawline is not big at all, and the muscle was tiny anyway, I guess.

I think you will be luckiest if it's muscle... because if it's fat, you have to worry about how you may look as you age... and if it's bone... well, it would just be scary and painful and the most costly...

For botox, you may want to get it done in the US... It's weird... but I've found that there are lots of places in the US that charge less than Asia...
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maskd2003.. i can feel my resolve for doing bone shaving shrinking bit by bit as i read your post. haha. shoot it does sound really scary.. i'm not even sure if i'm ready for the pain that comes with it. do you have any idea how long it'll ache for? 6 months? and how long it'll swell for? sigh.. all this for a 'gua zi'-shaped face.

i thought the surgery was more common in taiwan.. since they even have a clinic that specializes in making faces smaller (www.miniface.com.tw or something like that)..

guess i really have to give this a serious re-thinking through. :sad:
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