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There seems to be a lot of confusion as to WHAT IT DOES, HOW IT'S DONE and WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.

I am really confused to how it's done. Beauty07 recently got it done, so, if you're around, please enlighten us on what the procedure ACTUALLY IS, as in, how it's cut, what's actually been cut, etc.

Also, there has been talk about the effectiveness and safety of this procedure. Maskd had said in earlier posts that this procedure almost definitely scars. Is there any truth in that? If so, what kind of scarring are going to be visible? On Dr. Chuang's website, he specifically said, in Chinese, that it won't leave a scar...

Veriteclinic has a picture of it, but I still can't tell what has ACTUALLY been done. Dr. Chuang also has 2 photos, but it's confusing too, because th close up girl's got a lot of weird makeup on her eyes (http://www.wishclinic.com.tw/service_a3-4.htm).

So, if you have any insight/info/questions about lateral cantho, please come forward.. let's clear this up once for all. :tup:

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Lateral does not make your eyes any bigger, the max length he can cut is 5 mm ,and that WILL leave a scar. The scar = the red flesh showing in the corner of yoru eyes. So you'll permanently have red showing which is not a good look.

He cut 4mm on me, and i currently got a scar, it did not make my eyes bigger however it decreased the slant that i had in my eyes before so my eyes look more straight, which is not a good thin by the way. It will make ur eyes go from exotic to sleepy looking so girls.. in my case it was not worth it.

I just pray and hope that the scars willl go away, and currently the skin is hanging off my lower eyeball on the left side.

It' hasnt even been a month so theres still a chance for my eyes to heal.

So after reading this, u guys decide if u should do it or not.
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Hi girls!

I've been following this forum silently for many(many) months now but I feel it's time for me to introduce myself because I've been reading so much about everyone's story(especially keenose, maskd, meowgirl, kimosa aussie_nose, beauty07, ALL of you) I feel like I already know you girls eventhough it's my first time posting here.

I guess many just read in silence because writing the first post always seems the hardest.(at least to me!) I get intimidated all the time because I never know how to start or what to say first! It's a little like writing a book isn't it but you girls have been nothing but nice so far which is why I'm more inclined to step forward than to shy away and especially since I have finally(!) finalized my PS decision and am so excited to share it with you guys!

See, I have been having the idea of doing my face since 4 years ago and everytime I felt the strong surge taking over me, I'd pore through hours and pages on the internet, finding and reading about everything possible, everytime adamant that I was going to do it then,(or in that near future) but somehow, got put off, then got thinking again, then doubting again, until I get a new surge and repeat the whole process all over again. It was very tiring and I even have numerous quotes from different PS centers every year because everytime I started over, I wanted to be sure of my research again and again.. you know, the story goes on.

One of the reasons why I didn't pursue them indefinitely back then was because I could live with how I was eventho there were some things I didn't like I guess. But that was all 3/4 years back and after a reckless lifestyle in the recent years(like gaining weight,late nights), much have changed about myself and I am finally to the point where I really DON'T like what I have become.

One of my main concerns is about the lower half of my face, one thing coming from a plum face genetic, but another to go through a 2 year yo-yo weight experience that has turned me from a chubby cheek- into a ball face now, literally.

But despite that, I'm going to just get a chin implant eventhough it did cross my mind to combine procedures like bone shaving, buccal fat removal and all that but after considering much about it, I feel it's not what I'm after, and besides, it seems as if the BCR doesn't do much to those who did it so I don't know if it's worth the effort and money. Maybe some of you who did it here would like to share your opinion? And oh, I'm getting my nose done as well.

Btw, I'm sorry I got carried away- seems like I'm writing my life-story here but see, I told you it's a little like writing a book, once you start you just go on and on haha, but anyway! I'm set on going to Dr. Chuang in Taiwan eventhough I haven't emailed him yet! lol.

Reason being, I wanted to schedule the dates and budget to work out a realistic plan rather than mail him first since I already know which procedures I want and was able to gather enough information about them(cost wise) thanks to you guys! :heart::yahoo::heart:

And btw, this goes out especially to aussie_nose(hello!) because I had wanted to tell you that I planned to go around the same time you are since last year when you first mentioned it but sorry I didn't speak up any earlier because I was still unsure of the details back then. :sad:(

But I've been working on those dates fervently and I've got all my flight options sorted out now so if you've not booked or confirmed your flights yet maybe we could pair up and go for it together? I would definitely love some company and we can take care of each other and exchange support during the ordeal! :yes:

I'm planning to stay for about 17/18 days to kind of give the healing some grace period. Y'know, for the 'just in case's (fingers crossed!) I'm thinking 2nd- 19th, or 2nd- 20th July. Let me know your schedule, it would be great if you could join me for that extra few days too! :smile:

Alright, looks like this 'introductory' post is getting tooo long, I shall end and stop being so long-winded! lol but I'm so so excited about it happening, finally!

Anybody else with procedures coming up/ going to Taiwan in July?? All the best girlies! :girlsigh:
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Kanye's mom was not botched, she died from complications when she was recovering due to her past medical history.
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Yes, according to the doctor's ATTORNEY. More importantly, even if that were true, the doctor should have known, and certainly had a DUTY to know, to a degree, that a 60 year old woman with her "past medical history" should not have been eligible for a surgery of that caliber. Point is- not all American board certified surgeons are fool-proof.
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Beauty- you're such a sweetheart. Thank you so much for clearing this up for all of us!

You've only had the surgery a few weeks ago.. and you have to let your eyes heal before you lose hope. Dr. Chuang seems like a really responsible and good surgeon, so, if it's going to end up looking bad, he probably wouldn't have performed it on you. He doesn't need the money, that's for sure!

So, good luck!!!!
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I do agree with you to a point, not all american board certified surgeons are to be trusted:nogood:. However, the only thing that prevents me from wanting to go across the ocean is the fact that these patients are having surgery under local anesthesia!!!! Also, what do you do when you do get botched by a surgeon in another country? :confused1:
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I'm sorry but I think you could be a lot less harsh to this poster. I think this poster was just concerned about patient saftey not so much on the surgeons qualifications.:angel:
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I see what you're talking about, but where did you get this "local anesthesia" from? General anesthesia is offered and used by these doctors, when it's necessary. Plus, local anesthesia is much safer than general. Ask any surgeon and they will tell you that.

Whether you have surgery abroad or locally, if your surgery is "botched", then you are screwed. A lot of Americans travel to another city for their surgery, so, the lack of immediate care is not unique to having surgery abroad. If you are seeking compensation for your pain and sufferings in the form of a lawsuit, I believe most countries have *better* legal protection for patients in medical malpractice cases than the United States. California certified most DDS's with the ability to perform plastic surgery. It wasn't until VERY RECENTLY (feb. 22) that California introduced the "Donda West Law", which requires all plastic surgeons to perform a medical check before any cosmetic procedure.

On a late note, as I really don't want to talk about this any more, I don't think I was being harsh to that woman who wrote the incendiary comment. There are many different ways to say that you are concerned for these girls' safety. The way she said it was offensive, rude, unsubstantiated and racially insensitive.
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In response to your post:

Where did I get the idea that “local anesthesia was being administered”?-I was reading someone’s post where they stated they went to get sx in Taiwan and they feel asleep but could feel the tug of the knife faintly but fell asleep again. They also stated they ate before sx. Therefore gives me the conclusion that local was used.
Local Anesthesia is safer however, IMO I would rather be under general than taking the risk of waking-up in the middle sx on my face or body.

I agree with you that no matter where you have sx if it is botched there are big ramifications, however traveling to another city as oppose to traveling to another country is a big difference. You are right if something goes wrong you won’t be able to have the issue resolved right away whether you do travel to another city or country but IMO I would rather travel 6 hours to CA from NY, than 16- 24 hours from NY to Asia especially if I just had sx. As far as legal matters how are you so sure that legal protection is better else where? Do you know the laws in’s and out’s of other countries?

As far as PS “just recently” having to perform a medical check on every prospective patient in order to determine if they are indeed a candidate for sx, this process has been going on for years. All PS are to thoroughly check the patient’s history and physical which includes medical clearance from either the primary care physician or specialist in order to undergo sx of any type. Whether a doctor does decide to take a high risk patient is a different story.
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I just want to say that I think this whole discussion was so useless, and I have no idea where this poster is coming from or what this poster is trying to say, or even why this poster is doing posting these responses one after another. But.. here it goes...

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Where on my posts did I ever say that local anesthesia was never used in the States?! There you go assuming. Good for you for consulting with Dr. raj Kanodia he is a great surgeon. I don't need to google anything, I know Rhinoplastys can be done local or general. I said it was my opinion that I don't want to have sx done under local. Also, I never said that Surgeons in Taiwan never used General.

You are right checking a patient's medical history was not a law, which is now but what I'm saying is that if you are going to a responsible surgeon to have surgery, this surgeon would check your medical history thoroughly regardless if it was required by the law or not.

Listen, I never said:

1. I would never go to a different country to have sx. I said there were reasons/concerns preventing me from going.

2. Anything disrespectful to any of these posts! I never said anything against anyone's post nor call them racist or rude like you did to "Slavetohermes" post.:hysteric:

3. That these members did not know what they were doing nor did I say anything to judge their decisions.

Remember here, my posts are my opinion and I am free to my own opinion on this forum just like any other member. Don't assume that I am calling the members ignorant cause I never said that or even indicated that idea. So take a freakin' valium and relax!

If you find this is useless then why are you responding to my post?:confused1: You must have a lot of free time on your hands to waste on my so called useless posts.
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Perezhilton, I find your posts very helpful and I agree with everything that you write. Please don't let confusing ill-written comments deter you. I'm glad you spoke up for all all by responding to SlavetoHeremes and those of her ilk.
Thanks again!
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