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I was only in LA for 7 days, so I had to travel back looking like a swollen pig! It was all very embarrassing... I don't know have invasive lipodissolve is.. but smart lipo was very pokepoke suck suck... so I was super swollen... I have to admit I went to do smartlipo because it claims to have fast recovery and hardly no swelling... WRONG!!! My fault really to believe that... if you think a simple bump can cause swelling why would pumping your face with liquid and sucking it out over and over have no swelling??!! I'm so gullible...

Anyway.. mine went back to normal over 2-3 months.. like i said maybe my doc was super prodding my face therefore was swollen longer..

Customs was ok amazingly... there thought I was in an accident and felt sympathy for me... little did they know its all self inflicted..paid for pain hahaha!
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Yeah I thought smartlipo was the answer to my prays... could be for some, but not me! for me no results, look swollen for ages, numbness under the chin (yes felt weird, but its normal post op.. ive got some feeling back now after nearly 4 months) and lovely 3 round scars under the chin. Shame botox isnt a permy thing.. that would be great...
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Hello to all. I am from Sydney, Australia and recently got my nose done in Korea. I am vietnamese and have had 3 rhinos in Sydney (Dr Howard De Torres, Eng Peng Tan and Dr Steven Liew), all did not correct the nose the way i wanted. I have low bridge, wide and bulbous tip, small nostroils, short nose. Now the bridge is higher, nose has been lengthened, nostroils is tear shape (like westerners), tip is pointy (still swollen though).

I HIGHLY RECCOMMEND all you who have the same problem to go to Korea to see DR JUNG at Shimmian Clinic www.nose.co.kr. He is the pioneer of these surgeries, he fixed it up and it is exactly what i wanted, its only been 2 months (and i have some swelling yet to go down, as i have had so many surgeries before it takes a bit longer to heal) but if i could do it all again I would put the money out and fly to Korea to get it done the first time. I have 3 kids and it was so hard for me to leave them, and I was so scared of dong surgery in Asian countries but now i think its worth it, a nose makes such a change to a person's face.

Also if you are in the market for Eyelid surgery I recommend Dr Andrew Kim at Advance Beauty Cosmetic Beauty Clinic (http://www.cosmeticbeautydirectory.com.au/details.cfm?advertiserid=45) here you can see a before and after photo of the same girl, yeah she looks so different but it is the same girl. Dr Andrew is excellent, he is so good and he uses korean techniques and is located in Sydney, Australia. Great for all those who want the advance methods but done want to leave Sydney. www.advancecosmetic.com. He does stitch, lengthen eyes and the mongolian fold.

Surgeons in Australia dont really know how to correct these problems and with the price you pay in the states or in Australia, you get perfect nose job along with anything else and holiday. Korea is SO big for plastic surgery, there is a cosmetic surgery place every 2 buildings in Gang Nam which is known as the plastic surgery city.

PM me if you want more info.
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Who's opinion counts more? yours or the doctors? If you think your nose is fine now why would you let someone tell you it's not and then change it?
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hey beauty07! Ultimately it is my opinion that counts the most when concerning my nose. However, I truly believe that plastic surgeons are highly trained to evaluate faces and determine what would look best for the patient. I value educated opinons. I know there are probably some plastic surgeons that suggest procedures that aren't necessary, but if an alarplasty would actually make the patient look unnatural or not attractive I hope the dr. Wouldn't do that since the patient would be a walking advertisment. They might as well just charge more for what the patient actually 'needs'. Anyways! I'm just rambling now... But my opinion counts the most but I do value the opinion of the dr. If he agrees with what I think it will make decisions easier.
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Hi Iceanjewel.

First of all welcome to aboard, and thank you for your informations.

I tried to PM you but can't due to this message

" iceanjewels has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her."

If you don't mind may I ask you few questions thru email, my email address is [email protected]
or if you can give me your email address I can email to you directly.

Thank you in advance.:flowers:
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Every doc has their own aesthetic standard. That's why I can't decide between Dr. Tseng and Dr. Chuang. Dr. Chuang is undoubtedly a talented and skillful surgeon, but the noses he creates (at least the ones on his website) don't seem as pretty as the ones Dr. Tseng creates. So, to me, Dr. Tseng's standard of beauty is closer to what I think is pretty.

So, it seems like while Dr. Chuang can create whatever you tell him to.. but you just have to be EXTREMELY specific, because if you don't, you'll probably have one of the noses you see on the website.. haha. With Dr. Tseng, on the other hand, you KNOW he can pretty much do ONE type of nose really well.. and if you don't like the way his noses look, then you are out of luck.

Good luck with your research!
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I see what u mean but at the end of the day u're not trying to see if he agrees with what u think because u said u think ur nose is fine, but then u'd be asking him what he thinks and if he doesn't like it then u'd go ahead with a alarplasty. Nothing wrong with an alarplasty because i had it done too (and dr chuang is great by the way!), but everything he did on me i asked him to do and even when he suggested a couple of things i said no so what im trying to point out is that's how ladies get screwed up when they don't have the confidence to tell themselves what's nice and what's not and instead rely on a plastic surgeon. I'm not saying don't trust a surgeon, cuz obviously if u don't like ur face but u can't point out what's wrong and then ask him then that's one thing, but u arleady know what u liek and don't like on ur face then don't let someone change ur mind that's all mama.

take care
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To those who have had alar reduction; how prominent was the scars after one month? How long does it take for the scars to become unnoticeable unless you peer really hard at it?
Did people notice or comment on your scars while you were healing? I know you can put make-up on to "hide the scars", but is light foundation really enough to cover them up or would you still be able to see them even with the foundation on?
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That's horrible to have to go through all that only to find that there weren't any noticeable results =( Did you also have to wear a compression face mask of some sort after you had the smart lipo done? I've seen pictures of someone wearing one after mini face lipo and it looked SO uncomfortable. Also, was there much pain afterwards?

You said that they poked around alot during the procedure, so were you actually awake when they did it??? I think I would faint if I was awake and saw things being poked inside me. I'm one of those people who can't even give blood because I will definitely pass out if I see a needle stuck inside me and see my blood being pumped out *shudders* If I was aware that I was actually being opereated on and was awake, I don't know how I would cope...
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So far from research and recommendation by other cosmetic surgeons in the US, the surgeons that are pretty experienced with asian noses are Dr. Charles Lee, Dr. Dean Toriumi, and Dr. Jack Gunter. However, these surgeons are quite pricey. I am still in the search though for another resource here in the US. If you find any other surgeons please post!:smile:
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***double post***
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Hello, I did this and it is surprising not noticable, after the stitches were taken out it wasnt even noticable, it is a little whiter then normal skin but because it is done right between the fold of your nose and the fact that it is underneath the nose, face you can hardly see it. The only reason why I notice it is cause I stare at it but after a year it should be completely gone. There was no need to hide the scars.

Also for all those who doing surgery in Korea, I did my nose and was walking around the streets all bruised and swollen (with one of those masks that covers your nose and mouth) and DID not stand out. I think its a great place to do nose surgery, you walk around with 2 black eyes and covered face and no one stares at you, I was shopping and all.
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