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Thanks perezhilton and britgal for the info. It's good to know that it can actually look natural =). I will most likely go for embroidery then and make sure to ask for a brownish colour rather than black. Personally, I don't mind if it has to be retouched every 2 years or so, I would prefer it over eyebrow implants which I was considering before this, as it isn't as invasive.

Meowgirl: When you consulted the surgeon about having face lipo, did he say that it would make a big difference or not? Is it because you don't have much fat in your cheek area that it wasn't very successful? Or is facial lipo just really ineffective for slimming the face down overall?
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Hey everyone,
just doing some research and I stumbled upon this awsome thread. I've been considering a nose job for a long time since I have a disgusting flat and bulbous nose and no bridge! I noticed that many people are willing to go all over the world and lots of talk about doctors in Taiwan etc. but does anyone know any really good doctors in the States and or Canada? I don't know what price range to expect either since it will be like a complete reconstruction. I don't want to look completely different, but I do want a nicer nose :sad:. Any thoughts ladies?
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I have photo consultation as I dont live in the US. He said i had jowls and slight double chin and said it will enhance my face if i had it done.
Personally i dont see a difference.. even my closest friend and family cannot either so I guess may type of lipo didnt do anything. I had smart lipo btw. I think there is a difference between different types of lipo? Anyway I didnt do too much research as the uneven lumps and bumps u have with facial lipo... which i did experience... looked weird man, i still have some but slowly going and im getting close to 4 months post op.

Oh expect to be numb for like 2 months under your chin!! I still have the 3 puncture holes under my chin... looks like big spots that we evenly spaced out hahaha!!

As I have mentioned before, although i didnt have much result i dont really regret it as I went over the US to have a holdiay too... im thankful I didnt come back looking worse. Just be prepare to look very fat faced... I went though passport control and they thought was in an accident!! All very amusing to me now!!
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iconic321 and anyone else interested in going to Dr. Charles Lee in LA: He just went up on his price for the "full rhinoplasty job" which includes nostril narrowing to $9,900!!!!! My goodness, it was at $6,900.00.
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Yeah prices will only go up... sigh....
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Wow that's quite a jump. Rhetoricaly question here... Do you think his talent/skill goes up as the price does? Didn't think so.

As much as this annoys me I still think he's my personal best bet (since he's in the US and I'm unwilling to travel).

NiceSmile, were you thinking of alar reduction? For some reason I thought you were just intersted in getting your tip and bridge defined like me. Do you know how much Dr. Lee charges for this?

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Hey, have you checked out Dr. Anthony Youn? I heard that he's also very good. :smile:
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hmmm.. thats odd. I called the number on the website today and the woman on the phone had quoted me the 7,900 price and thats including the whole rhinoplasty (implant, tip, etc). she said it would cost 5,900 for just the implant alone. I'm not really sure now, because on the website itself it says it costs 9,900 for the complete rhinoplasty. hmmmmm..
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not sure if I need alar or not...will have to ask the dr.... If I ever get the courage to email them!! I was just curious about the procedure (alar) like if scarring is bad. Have you emailed him or gone to his office yet? Yeah, the price increase sucks. Noticed that on the website..

Melody- I never called the number but just go to the website quite often and noticed that the price to the full nose job including nostril narrowing was up to 9,900.00. Which is a lot! He must be getting busy.
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Thanks for the suggestion PerezHilton. I just checked out Dr. Youn's website and I'm a little dissapointed that he doesn't focus his practice a bit more (if at all) on asian rhynoplasty as he appears to be Korean. His photo of works are all of white patients who generally have the opposite problem than we asians. I'm not sure I'd entrust my nose with him since his skill with implants may not be as great as he only has to whittle down or shave overly large noses.

If you dont mind my asking, how did your fiance take the news that you wanted to undergo these changes? I tried to bring up the subject with my FI and he's pretty adamant that I dont do anything. I on the otherhand feel just as strongly otherwise :smile:

NiceSmile, I haven't yet contacted Dr. Lee for the reasons I stated above (dissaproving FI). I'm pretty sure that when its my time I'm going to just do the bridge and tip. Its just my opinion but I find alar can look very obvious unless its absolutely necessary for a patient where it then can look beautiful. When you look in the mirror does the width of your nose bother you? This could be an indicator of your feelings on the matter.
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Hi, iconic321! I definitely agree with you on how an alarplasty can look kind of pasted on the face, if it isn't necessary. I don't think the width of my nose is that bad, hopefully the Dr. won't suggest to do it. I know how you feel about the disagreeing FI, I have a boyfriend that I have been dating for quite some time (might as well be engaged!) and at first he was against it as well. The only issue he had was that "I'll never be able to get my old nose back" and "now when people tell you that you are pretty, it won't be 'all natural'", and of course bc he thinks I look fine now. And actually, if you get a silicone implant, technically the Dr. could take it out and I'll have my nose back lol! And about the "all natural" point, I really could care less... because it's not about if other people think I'm 'pretty' but more about how I just feel about my nose in general. It's so vain, I know! And expensive..lol

I had to tell him that the nose job I would be getting is different from the ones we usually see on tv, where the noses are broken and so forth. If you read on Dr. Lee's website, they say that they've mastered the nose job to where they can do it in like an hour. Which is just crazy! What are his feelings against you getting it done?
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Hi meowgirl! Oh yes! I look horribly fat-faced now (its the 4th day) and I'm beginning to suspect if my face will ever get back to a decent shape the day I'm leaving as the passport control:police: in HongKong is very strict. When I came in, they :police: were already having doubts! As my photo was taken 9years ago and I did double eyelid surgery last year too.

I experienced similar incidents with the customs officers :police: overseas too and its very annoying as it made me felt like I'm holding an illegal passport. Can't wait to change my picture!! But first, I'll have to de-swell completely, if not the picture will not be valid again! haha.

The condition of my eyes have worsen, the blue-black look like its deeply embedded and of a very dark colour. Look like I've been punched hard in both eyes.:boxing::boxing:

Meowgirl, may I know how long did you stay here before leaving back home? How long will it de-swell back to a normal decent shape? Do you think if 12 days is enough?
I'm so afraid of going through the customs and the travelling...:sad::sad:
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Hi mizliz,

I'm from Singapore. The rhino cost 60,000NT. Buccal fat removal cost 40,000NT. Lipodissolve cost 7000NT. Dr. Chuang gave me discount, so it was rounded up to a hundred k. I'm staying at an apartment near to the clinic.

Are you also planning to do sth?

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So you had smart lipo meowgirl, not traditional method? Smart lipo is a new technique right?
The numbness thing sounds like it would feel weird; did it take you a lot to get used to? Also, I didn't realise the swelling would be so bad. So when you went through customs how did you explain yourself? Did your surgeon give you a letter or something to explain for when you went through customs? That must have been awful to have to deal with that.

Did Dr Chuang suggest you get lipodissolve as the liposuction method, or was it something that you wanted to get done particularly? How much different is it from other traditional methods of lipo? Also what apartment did you stay at? How close is it to wish clinic?
I'm planning to go to Dr Chuang myself, and I'm trying to find accommodation other than de ja vu hotel.
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About Dr. Youn- you're right, he's got very little Asian plastic surgery procedures! The last time I checked his website, which is a long time ago, he had a whole section on Asian rhino and the double eyelid surgery... hm.. perhaps he has forsaken us? Oh well..

My fiance thought I don't need it and he gave me this argument about how he fell in love with my current face.. hahaha. But, I told him that I don't need his approval or blessing. It's just something I'd love to do for myself. If he fell in love with my current face, I don't see why he wouldn't like an improved version even more! Your fiance is probably just worried about the safety of the operation.. and thinks you're perfect the way you are right now. BUT, its your life and your face, so you get to decide, right? :biggrin:
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