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Hi All,

Posting from Taipei now. I've met with Dr Tseng this afternoon. After evaluating my nose, he said it's quite a bad nose. For those who can understand Chinese, he said 'tiao jian hen cha'.

I have a low bridge, short nose, uneven nostrils and the nose is slightly crooked. Honestly, I didn't even think it was so bad, I only thought of my nose as being too low. For me, he recommened goretex + ear cartilege, and to increase the bridge by 5mm, subject to change, depending on what he sees during surgery tomorrow.

I thought I would only get a subtle change, but he said my face would change alot after surgery, to the point that he will give me a letter to say that I've gotten surgery, in case I can't go through Immigration.

This, I have to digest, cos I must say I am quite unprepared to having a drastic change, and I'm afraid of my parent's reaction. But I think I've already gotten so far, I won't turn back now.

Gotta start fasting tonight, my surgery is first thing next morning. Wish me luck everyone!
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They were stitch holes... yeah I have seen others who has perfect alar reduction with no scars.. I guess maybe I am a poor healer....

yes, if I go back to Taiwan, I will visit him for scar treatment.

No idea on the oils and supplements though.:sweatdrop:
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HERE I AM! :yahoo:
LOL sorry I havent been on for awhile too! :P

Congrats on your successful surgeries!
Who did you go to?
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Wow Aussie_nose, good luck!

Please do update us on your progress... :tup:
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HEY Beauty07,

Congrats on your sugeries!!!

LOL the part on buying the fishes.. totally cracked me up! That is SOOOOOOo unexpected!
hahaha did you bring them back home? COULD YOU?

The part on typing a long entry and getting timed out, I can totally understand. There were so many times I typed out so much stuff.. and got "deleted".. and I just didnt have the mood to do it again....
Salute you for your patience!

About the hair implant.......my goodness.... It really sounds ....horribly painful!
It seems that Dr Jong has an issue with using MORE anesthesia!
I wonder.. if you INSIST that he uses enough to NOT feel ANY pain, would he oblige?

So for the eyelash implant, it took 5 days to deswell? How long later, that it looked completely natural and not swollen?

Anyway, how are you healing up now?
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Can you please PM me for the details of your hostel?

Thanks alot
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OOPS.. ok noted!
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Cielo, I know what you mean about being hesitant about a drastic change.. I'm just dreading the part where people stare and whisper. I'm sure I'll get used to it and brush them off bc I'd have a gorgeous straight nose by then :upsidedown: Good luck with everything, and please try to keep us updated ! :smile:
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Welcome to the thread!

My face is really round too! Is yours made of more fats, muscles or bone?

Good luck on everything!:tup:
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Yes he did mini incision for me as well. Exactly like you described.

I had puffy heavy lids, he removed fats for me ( I could smell it .. hahahahah )

The scars are not fully healed..... and when I close my eyes now (5 months mark), the crease area is overlapping at the incision area instead of being totally smooth.

Have emailed Dr Chuang, he said its a scar and will improve with time.

Do you have this problem?
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OH? I didnt know that the 3 point incision can remove fats... :confused1:
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In your opinion, did he do a good enough job for your eyelashes?
Or is it too early to tell?

I am really keen in the eyelashes ...
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Hey Sassy,

I was just about to ask about your lashes

I thought all the lashes were supposed to fall off.. and then they would grow back after some time?

Maybe the spider like lashes are dead hairs... and will fall off and regrow?
Maskd would be in better position to share her experience with you.

Also, do you mind posting pictures of your current lashes?
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Even if he suggest all of these things u can adjust some of these changes i.e. instead of a 5 which is a huge change by the way go for a 4mm, i got a 4mm and trust me my nose is SO MUCH higher than before and EACH MM COUNTS! that's what my doctor told me, also keep in mind that i said iw anted a subtle change and after surgery my nose completely transformed so in ur case if u dont want to look cmpletely diff i suggest ut ell ur doctor what uw ant done i.e. for the tip-plasty don't remove too much tissue adn don't move the nostrils too close together and only give u a 4mm bridge
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Where can you get it for $70?

Does it grow MORE lashes? or only makes it longer?
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