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I used a tube of revitalash a while ago, and I noticed a definite improvement on the length of my lashes and I had a "second layer" of eyelashes.. if that makes sense.

What are eyelash extensions?
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Eyelash extensions are like... extensions of your eyelashes. LOL I know thats so vauge.. sorry. They basically take single pieces of synthetic eyelashes and attach it to each individual eyelash with an adhesive. I go to a makeup artist in Toronto who is certified to use Novalash extensions and she charges me $150 initially, and then every 2 weeks I go for a fill which is $50. Some spas charge more, I think about $200 for a full set, and that's probably due to overhead fees etc.

It's great because I never have to wear mascara or worry about curling my eyelashes. The only thing is that they fall out naturally as your lashes grow out and you've gotta go get them filled regularly, which can really add up to lots of $$. They also take a while to do. A fill will take about and hour and half, but when I initially went the first time it took 3 hours :shocked:. I don't notice how long it takes these days since I've gotten to know the makeup artist who does mine and we converse through the entire thing, but some people just bring their ipod and doze off heh.

The reason why I chose Novalash is that the adhesive bond they use, called Platinum bond, is approved by the FDA and is safe for your eyes. There are many competitors out there though but I have yet to try any of them.

You can find more info at http://novalash.com/index.html.

p.s. the girls eyelashes under the tab "client photos" has got to be photoshopped or something. although my lashes are full and thick after I get them done, they never end up like that! (I wish, though!)
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hi guys, how are you?
I'd like to introduce myself haha, after silently reading for a while now.

I'm thinking of getting my nose done this summer (if my mom agrees with it of course). I'm a senior in hs right now, and will head on to college next year. That's why i'm hoping i can do the surgery over the summer so i can have a new look/better confidence for college.

I have a few questions I hope you guys can answer :smile: :

1. how long does it take for most of the swelling to go away?
since i won't be able to do my surgery until the end of june and school starts at beginning of september, will it be enough time for my nose to look okay?

2. is it painful during the surgery?
i know some of you guys have had to ask for more anesthesia. i don't want to screaming and yelling in the middle of the surgery lol.

and mostly, since i have a round sort of flat face, how drastic will the change be?

thanks beforehand, and i hope to get to know you guys :smile:
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I paid about 300$ in Dallas, TX to get mines done at a professional eyelash salon that only does eyelash extensions. It looked fabulous for about 4 hours then my eyes SWELLED up reaaaally badly to a point i couldn't see. i was about to go to the emergency room but hanged in there till the next morning to go see the eyelash technicians to take them off. the stuff they used to take the eyelashes off stung and irritated my eyes so badly i couldn't control myself from rubbing them as they were being taken off.

i couldn't go outside and face the world for like 7 days...lol.. i can laugh about it now but it was truly a depressing and painful experience. I was lucky they refunded me the full amout, and management of the place really handled the situation well. I happened to be allergic to the glue so no more eyelash extensions for me.
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it's been awhile since my last surgery...but i'll do my best to answer your questions.

1. it'll take about 7 days for the swelling to subside in a way that you can go outside and not look so odd.

but there'll still be swelling. You will look normal 3 months after surgery. my nose looked best at about 9 months or so, then aften a year all the swellings are gone and then i see the shape of the implant on my nose...just look at avitar. i chose goretex...the second best of option at the time, the other one was ear cartilage..

2. it kinda hurts but not to a point where you'll be screaming.

ok i got my nose done cheap by this vietnamese plastic surgeon in houston tx. i paid like 2500 or something close to that amount. he was the anesthesia and did the surgery, there was one nurse helping him get stuff ready for the surgery.

i came into the office, paid the amount to the front desk lady. the nurse called me in and gave me some painkillers. she led me to a surgery room and direct me to the surgery "bed" and connected some wire on me, i was told to keep my body and arms inside and not to touch the bed rail. i guess so i wouldn't get electric shock or something, i have no idea lol.

the doctor cleaned out my nose with antiseptic, really strong smelling one too, for a moment i thought i couldn't breath anymore. then...THEN he stuck a needle into the left side of my nose and starts curving it from within--thats the part that hurted the most. i was in panicked so the preceeding events were a little vague.. i think the doctor left my side and went to get some stuff while giving me some time to become numb. he came back and adjusted the above light towards my face, while having his weapon of choice on hand--the "laser gun" i call it. it's used to cut the skin and makes zapping noises as it dispense a rubbery burning smell. at one point during the surgery i remembered telling him to hit me up with another shot of what a call the "numb" medication apparently i was hurting...

I felt a lot of pressure on my face/ nose when the doc inserts an equipment that is used to help place the implant inside my nose. my doc made a cut inside my mouth to get to my nose, as to avoid scarring i suppose. pretty weird huh?

I experienced the greatest pain from the time right after surgery and the following day.

I don't mean to scare anyone. It just hurt a little bit, but afterwards you'll be happy. I was happy for 2 years and my the appearance of my nose was much better than before so i didn't regret it at all. I just realized that i can get a much better nose...=) well that's what i hope for anyways.
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my random rant as follows:

i just have to say that i really am glad i found this thread/ site with all of you on here especially pertaining to "the asian nose job" =), there's not much information out there at least not in english anyways. I feel comfortable discussing this topic with you guys somehow i feel as if you understand and won't criticize. discussions help us arrive to a more inform and hopefully better decisions. plus in a way it will give us, the consumers, power to protect ourselves and our interests against the plastic surgeons who are providing bad services by warning each other. and of course reward those who did a good job with personal referrals.

I feel that society somehow still have a negative outlook on plastic surgery, at least talking about it anyways, whereas in practice many are doing it. I was always really self conscious about the way i look since i was a child, and much of it was because people would say stuff about you. I got my eyes and nose done. Even though my nose is not perfect, it improved my image a lot. i am much happier now. In the past I was hesistating to go under the knife because of worries of other people talking negatively about me-- but i have come to realize that people will talk about you either way...might as well do the things that you think will make you happy.

After my surgery I got a lot of positive feedbacks from both girls and guys. but most importantly i'm happy =). my future personal appearance improvements would include:

1. new nose
2. scar removal
3. lumineers for my teeth so i can have a dazzling white smile
4. maybe....a bob job, i already have a full b/small c cups but the thought of getting bigger ones are enticing =), the downers about this procedure is that you will have to most likely keep getting them redone because they will deflate within 10 years or less depending, and oh yeah cancer---hahah i listed it as the second reason as oppose to the 1st.

your thoughts.... and don't say something nasty because naturally i will ignore the post =)
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ok i don't know the technical terms, but i got my eyelids done. my doctor just used a laser and created a slit on my eyelids, took the fat out of it and sew it back. so i guess i got the full incision? the scarring is invisible. after i would say a week my creases were apparent, the red line is still there but eyeshadow covered it well. my eyes look great =)

i personal scar easily and i was barely of accutane for about 3 months when i went into surgery. for those of you who don't know, accutane treats severe acne, causes birth defects and bad scarring if you don't wait for at least i would say 1 year after getting of the med. i was anxious and plus i could only get surgery during the summer when school was out.

the eye job, full incision, is really no big deal... for me anyways.. i have a really apparent pair of creases and i'm happy =). add some eyelashes on those suckers, and i'm fabulous :yahoo:
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Hi all,

This is the first day after surgery. Went back to the doctor to remove the hard cast. He said I was more swollen than most other patients, because my nose was so flat before, so the operation was tougher on me than most. He gave me a shot, and also some additional medicine.

About the silicon + goretex, I asked him why, and he said it's because the silicon wasn't thick enough. I figure 4.5mm is the highest ready-made I implant available? So he put a layer of goretex underneath to prop it up.

He said my tip has begun to show, but I am still v. swollen between my eyebrows and under my eyes....hopefully I will deswell soon!!
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I think as lng as your happy thats all that counts, as long as you dont go overboard and still look quiet natural I am 100% for it. I also got my eyes and nose done (and even though the nose is still swollen), I dont regret it. I am also planning to do the chin, fat injections (especially to the nas folds, apparently in asians it makes our mouth look protruded when we age), for some reason I think its addictive and exciting to be able to fix and see the results of surgery (its just the pain and waiting to heal thats the bad thing about it). So many people are doing it - Your not alone, its just not many people talk about it cause we dont want to feel judged - thats why I think this forum is great cause we can all let out and say what we really feel.
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It does depend on the nose you currently have now, but in my experiences I would steer away from Silicon, gortex is the best as far as i know, I dont think you need to replace them cause none of my surgeons mentioned anythign about having to replace them. Goretex has been widely used in Australia for surgeries of the heart, so you can imagine how stable and safe of a material it is. The only problem with gortex is that you need to find an experienced surgeon who knows how to use and shape it properly.

I remember the surgeon saying that the buccal starts to dissapear late 20's to early 30's (thats why you notice all the 30 something yr old stars with that sunken under the cheeks look).

I also reccommend you look up botox injections to massateur, this is all the rage in Korea as koreans like the look of slim face. If you see some before and after photo you wont believe the difference a few injections make to your face shape
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yeah it feels a bit stuffy but not as stuffy as the first 7-10 days when you have packing up your nose, you feel like there is so much snot up there but you cant blow it or anything. hehe
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OMG I can't believe you had such a horrible experience! and you were allergic to the adhesive? who would have knew lol ! I'm glad they refunded you the money (if not I would have torn the manager to pieces haha) and handled the situation well. It makes the situation a lot better that way.

Just a question though, about when they were putting the extensions on. were your eyes open or closed? My eyes are always closed while I'm comfortably laying down and chatting away heh.. but I know of some places that make you keep them open for the hours it takes, which the lady who does mine is completely against. she doesn't even do bottom lashes for that reason.

I've been thinking about eyelash implants lately too. I just don't think I could handle doing it awake :sweatdrop: or handle the pain. The lifelong committment to trimming your eyelashes worries me too, but I guess it would turn into part of your normal beauty routine. I'd like to see what innovations wil be made to the eyelash implant procedure though!
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