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I'm thinking about getting my boobs done also. unfortunately, I don't have full breasts so I think when I get my nose done I will do my boobs as well. I'm still waiting on dr.chuang to quote me on the prices for my procedures. Ive read on this forum that he's well known for his boobs too heh.
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Thanks iceanjewels! ekks..isn't botox injections poisonous? i guess, i'll wait until i'm in the late 20's to early 30's.

I emailed dr. chuang like 2 or 3 weeks ago..and he hasn't respond. i asked about where he graduated, if he has a certified license for his practice and etc..:sad: does anyone know how long his email responses take?
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he takes a minute to respond unfortunately, expect anywhere between 1-2 weeks, if u are really in a hurry i suggest u call the clinic, leave ur name and ask him to check for ur mail later that day but only if u're in a rush to get surgery done, if not be patient like the rest of us ;)
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I emailed Dr.Chuang on sunday the 9th and haven't heard a response yet. I know its only been 3 days, but I also emailed Dr.Tseng that same day and heard from him the day after! I was impresed with that.. still checking my email every few hours though :search:. I'm just so darn curious lols
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I didn't get eyelash implants,
And my last survivng fish died a day before i left taiwan, real sad cuz he/she was a soldier... but it was definately my fault, girls don't think i'm evil or irresponsible, but i kept feeding it bread and the fish happily eat the bread crumbs everytime (obviously it musta been hungry), anyway i thought that would be ok for a couple of days, apparently that wasn't the case so next morning miss nemo was floating upside down.. lol.

honestly i have a feeling the anasthesia he used was the cheap kind or something cuz it didn't work that well. However with dr chuang iw as completely out so that was def a good thin.
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My technician was certified and trained by www.xtremelashes.com, i guess i'm just one of the few people who can not tolerate the glue. my eyes were closed the whole time. my eye lashes looked full similiar to the one posted on their site when it was done.

I don't know if the present eyelash implants can create the same effect as eyelash extensions. trimming your eyelashes isn't to bad, it's like shaving i suppose :P. the concept is just so new to me, it would be great if i can get more info on it.
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it feels great to just let it all out, without having to put on a front, you are right iceanjewels! =) it's motivating to me, to be able to change something that causes you discomfort. Society seems to praise and put beautiful on a pedestals , while at the same time display negative disapproval at the idea of plastic surgery:s. hey some people are lucky to be born beautiful, and for some of us that are not as lucky, we have to work a little harder. you know kinda like the lucky bastard that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in comparison with the self made person lol :smile:.

Luck is not reliable...
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I love big boobs lol... whenever i see a girl with big cha cha's passing by, i'm thinking damn i want them too , lol. i got really nice round pairs for being natural, and they're pretty big considering my small frame. friends tell me i shouldn't mess with mines since it's rare to exist like that on my small frame but people always think mines are fake anyways when i have on my push up bra... that's when they look best =p. bras give me 1/2 a cup bigger and i want to have that va va vooom effect when im in my no push up support bikini.....ok? lol

so yeahe.....i totally feel you... keep me updated with your whereabouts please
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I would like to make friends with ladies or guys(no discrimination=)) like myself. I am a real person with real experiences. I will give you info to access my private page with my whole pictures and hope that you would do the same. To avoid malice intentions i will need to feel that your intentions are good and geniune as well. soooooooo write to me please if you feel that we could be friends =)
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awwww......my wishes are with you, the few days after surgery is terrible. .. hope you're feeling better today
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thanks a lot for your answers! do you know if i should choose an expensive doctor or regular/cheap one?
I'm vietnamese, living in California right now. Because my mom is also Viet, she prefers to go a Viet surgeon, which not only will be easier for her to speak to but will cost less as well. however, i've been hearing a lot about Charles Lee, but his prices are so costly. what do you think?

especially b/c the viet surgeons don't have their own website like charles lee, so i can't look at pics of their work. i'll just have to go talk to them.

by the way, do all doctors do the procedure the same? like the other people on here who got it done, did they also get the scary shot up the nose lol?
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Hey cielo781,
OMGOSH..silicone and goretex? Who was your doctor? I have a super low bridge, too. Were you nervous? I wish you the best of luck during your healing process! :smile:
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asiandoll i think the anesthesia your doc used wasnt strong enough.. when i got my nose done i was asleep before i knew it. When i woke up during my surgery i couldnt feel anything, but could see my doctor taking stuff out of my nose haha. Good luck with dr torumi, i think hes can do amazing changes from the pictures ive seen. I wish i could afford him haha...
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Don't rush into things, wait until you can find and afford a better doctor... this advice is coming from me, a girl that is terribly impatient...lol. I'm learning the hard way, anyways i hope Toriumi won't let me down. I feel he's the best, confidence in your doc. is very important.

I think you should try to go to a doctor with a good reputation, which is a difficult process i might add. and oh yeah look at the work they've done. Look for clues, some doctors hang pictures of their wife or family in their office. My doctors did, thinking back now, i missed all the clues. My doctor's wife's nose was terrible, what was i thinking? lol I got my nose done when while visiting vietnam, it was cheap less than $500... i was young didn't know any better you know. my girlfriend and i got it done together. after a few months back to the US, my friend's implant started coming out of her nose literally. ... you can see the white plastic tip and she had to get it taken out.

lucky for her, her original nose was still intact. if you look at the asian patient on toriumi's website, it seems as if her nose before her revision have collapsed. luckily this wasn't the case for my friend. I got nervous and got mine redone by another vietnamese doc. here, because i didn't know much about plastic surgery in the first place, and he was the only i knew at the time...so i was comfortable.. i got the gortex it was like 2500...you can search for my posts, lots of info on there about my past experience. He worked on many vietnames stars, but he passed away already.

From looking around I have personally noticed better nose jobs done by japanese and korean doctors as opposed to vietnamese docs.

the methods used depends on the doctor, they all have their preferrences.
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