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I was so impatient too before I got it. Now, I can't wait to get my nose done. I am just to scared though of what my nose may look like after I get the rhinoplasty.

Good luck to you, let me know how everything goes.
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I'm still waiting for Dr. Chuang's email, too! ROARS! I really like his work..I want to get a nose job when I turn 25 or something [currently I'm 18]. I'm still undecided whether I should get a nose job or not. I'm just afraid that somehow it will broke or like if I blow my nose or something it will fall off. I don't know..or like my features would look weird with a higher bridge nose or something since I have like a oval/roundish face plus chubby cheeks & currently have a super low bridge w/ round tip. I think to much..LOL :P
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beauty07: ok, thanks for informing me!

and to those with a sort of roudish/flat face, after the surgery, has it your face gained more definition? or is it still sort of flatish....

lol hope you guys get what i'm asking!
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yea i never thought about getting stretch marks after an implant either. Ladyimport, what skin type are you? and do you think going from an A cup to a small C would be stretching the skin too much? Can you tell me more about the procedure and where you got it done?I've been thinking about getting breast implants for a while now.
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I had the procedure in the states from the surgeon I work for. I have light brown skin burns minimally, tans easily. I went from a AA to a 32C the first time I got them done which was like 2003. I got smooth round saline implants, 325cc, partially sub muscular, and my incision was on the crease of my breast. My second time I went from a 32C to a 32D. I changed my implants to smooth round, moderate profile, 400cc silicone. I went from saline to silicone cause the silicone was much more natural looking for my chest due to the fact that I did not have much breast tissue to hide the implant rippling. My incision on my breast crease is bigger now because the silicone implants are prefilled so in order to fit the implant into my breast they had to make the incision bigger where as the saline is not prefilled so the incision can be smaller. The actually surgery can take 1-2 hours depending on the surgeon. I didn't get any stretch marks because I did not get an implant so big that it made my skin stretch out so much. I have seen patients that have gotten stretch marks but thats due to their skin type and how big of an implant they got. I have to say most of our patients didn't have stretch marks from implants.

If you are planning on having breast augmentation please do a thorough check on your surgeon you are planning to have surgery with. Keep in mind cheaper is not always better. This is your body and there is no way to reverse anything that happens to it after surgery. I also recommend that you go under "general anesthesia" when or if you plan on going through with the procedure.

You don't have to get your implants replaced every 10-20 years. My surgeon says "don't fix it unless it is broken".

Should you have any other questions please let me know, I'll be more that happy to guide you through this endeavor.:flowers:
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omgosh..it sounds scaryy! i've thought about getting breast implants too! b/c i'm a 32A/AA. i saw some of the before and after pics and some of them don't look natural..they look like they stuffed oranges or something and they point in different directions...do you have a scars from your surgeries?
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Yes, I know what you mean about some ladies look like they had balls stuck under their skin, that's why I feel it is so important to go to a high skilled surgeon to get your implants done. The outcome all depends on the type of skin you have, your chest, the implant used cause there are several types, and where the surgeon place the implants (over, under, or partially under the muscle). I love mine results because I'm not too big and not too small. My scars were about 2inches long but now they are fading.

Now, I really want a nose job! The rhinoplasty is so much more complicated though. I don't want an implant or anything I am happy with my bridge I just need a finer tip of my nose.:girlsigh:
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Dr Jung is one of the best _ Highly reccommended.
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Hi everyone. I've been lurking on this thing for a few weeks and just finally finished reading (actually skimming) all the posts. A couple of things I wanted to share:
1. someone asked about Edmund Kwan in NYC- I had 3 procedures with him and I can't say I'm satisfied. He's not really unskilled, I don't think, but he really doesn't take his time to examine you and see what's best for you. He's pretty unshakeable, as in he thinks HIS opinion is always the right one. I had a chin implant last year and I HATE it! I thought the large would be way too big and I was right. but I went against my instinct since both the DR and my mother said I needed a large. ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCT! and if you're thinking of getting any kind of implant, esp. chin, always go smaller if you're unsure. It makes a huge difference to your face, as in I feel like my face is manly now with the jutting chin. I also think I'm having some sort of allergic reaction to the silicon because I have(or had) great skin but now have pimples/bumps where the implant is. Anyone else have this happen? Is my body just rejecting the silicon? I went back to Dr Kwan and he said he'd do a revision (seeing as how the right side actually moved higher than the left among other things) and he finally agreed it was too big. I don't think I want to go back to him though because he also did my nose and I'm none too pleased with it either. If you have thin skin the area with the implant turns reddish and is esp noticeable in sunlight. It's not too bad though and easily coverable and I may just have extra thin skin. Anyway the problem is the tip. He's already done it twice and it still droops a little. Again, I might just have extra weak cartilage but I'm upset since I had to remove my ear cartilage for the second time and for no result. Is there any other material suitable for tip? I'm not looking for a super pointy high tip, I'd just like it to match and not droop.
2. Has anyone heard of juvederm injection for tip? Dr Kwan wants to do that for me instead, it's not supposed to be permanent but he says most people scar inside and that creates the height? I don't know but I didn't really like the sound of it. He also had no explanation for the acne on the chin and said he would use acid to cure it?!! I seriously feel uncomfortable about the whole thing. I don't want to pay twice but it might be better to cut my losses since it's my face we're talking about!
3. soooooo . . . with that in mind, I'm thinking of getting everything done in Korea this summer. I haven't had much time to research but the names that I see here have been Kim, Park, Jung? Looking for SKILL, someone who LISTENS, and is not going to be toooooo expensive. (I understand that you pay more usually for more skill so not trying to totally bargain hunt)
4. Lastly, I'm seriously considering zygoma reduction. I know some people have done mandibular and zygoma together and those are very serious procedures that take long to heal but how bad is just the zygoma? I have a narrow jawline but that's why the zygoma sticking out just looks funny. Will it be something I can do and get back to work in about 2 weeks? Will there be any speech impediment as you heal? I noticed that it was hard to talk for a while after the chin implant as it was inserted inside the mouth. Who is known for this type of procedure? I had a consult at beautyme.co.kr in Chungdamdong a while back and they seemed ok but I can't be too sure!

I'm sorry I wrote this long essay but you guys have already been so helpful. oh! one more question, I also want to get freckles and birth marks removed. I know they have Korean places that do it for super cheap where they burn you and it becomes like this black spot before falling off but that seems painful and also takes a while before you're decent to go out. would it be a bad idea to get something like laser removal after ps? I guess it might since your skin will be swollen and bruised . . . I just want to fix everything that's been bothering me for years, I know it's so vain :sad:
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Heyy Lady1mport! Does your boobs feel really firm or natural? What if you have intimacy with your other and they grab them, will they pop? I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable answering these questions. Also, does wired bras weaken the implants? Thank you! :rolleyes:
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hey rmelody! i notice you are in Toronto? me too :P if you decide to go to Dr. Chuang, let me know cuz i'm planning to have my eyes and nose done later this year in Taiwan!!

Keenose: how's your alar scar? has it become unnoticeable yet? ;)

other general questions to everyone who's had an alar reduction or tip work,
1. has it affect your breathing? (i know it sounds silly but i'm just wondering because the surgery essentially reduce the size of your nostrils right?)
2. has anyone has experience with a closed nose surgery? I asked Dr. Kim from BK about it and he said most ~75% of his rhinoplasties are done by the closed method. I understand closed method is common in the US if you are rising the height but most other Dr. prefer to have open surgery for alar and tip work, is this true? I wonder is Dr. Kim just trying to promote his business and tell me everything can be done the way I want rather than informing me what is the best method. The reason why I ask about a closed method is because I scar very easily. even normal cuts to my fingers, I have a dark color scar and takes at least a year or two to fade. I've seen the alar and tip work on the nose done by a closed method in japan but haven't notice anything similar in Taiwan/Korea. If anyone has any info about this, please let me know! thanks!!!
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Not a problem, I don't mind sharing my experience with you.:love: My first pair of implants were saline and they felt really firm because I didn't have enough breast tissue to cover the implant, my second pair were silicone and they feel a lot softer and feel more natural but not as soft as real breast. My bf grabs them all the time and he just said they were smooshy!? Sorry if it's TMI. You won't believe how much an impact an implant can stand. You can try to rupture the implant by squeezing the heck out of it but the implant is hard to rupture unless you get a defective one. There has also been clinical studies were researchers would throw the implants really hard on a hard surface and the implants would stay intact.

As far as bras, no they do not weak the implants but a great push up bra actually helps with preventing gravity from making your breast sag even with implants.:heart:
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under sunlights my nose implant is apparent and disgusting ! i don't think you should inject anything to your tip, i remember reading something about it on dr. toriumi's webstite, some of his patient got silicone or some sort of stuff injected to their nose and it messed up big time. i'm no expert of course, but just look into the possible risks before getting it done.

and the pimple stuff on your chin, reminds me of my friend's experience, her body was rejecting the silicone
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