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Shot up the nose? that sounds painful....i thought they were suppose to give u a shot in the arm so you can fall asleep. I want to get boob implants as well but im gonna try to gain some weight and see if they get bigger lol. Asiandoll, if you already have nice breasts, dont change them!! First, they wont feel as soft anymore, you have to go through the painful recovery, and you might have to change them later. But yea, if i do decide to get breast implants, i wanna go to Dr.Chuang but im afraid that its such a serious procedure that i will need to bring someone along to take care of me:sad:
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i was wide awake both times...lol... dude i just don't know what's going on, bad luck seems to like me or something. thanks and i hope i can afford him also lol... he hasn't really given me the quote, but if i feel like he's taking advantage of me, i won't go for it. the initial consult is like 250 or something, first they told me it was 225, then called me and said the price went up :s. it's important for me to have confidence in their business ethics as well, i heard a few complaints online about his office in regards to this... but it could just be rumors... i'll have to see myself.
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I got shots to my nose for both nose jobs... i dunno why it must be a vietnamese doctors thing.

i dunno if weight gain will help your boobs too much...lol.. however i saw nice results from people using the fat from their stomach and thighs to stuff in their boobs and butts. that way everything is naturally from your own body and you remain soft. oh yeah, use a really soft push up bra, like the ones from victoria secrets and put some silicone paddings inside your bra will give you automatic bigger breasts. I'm just being vain sassygrl.....i just want them biiiiiigerr =). but honestly, i am not seriously thinking about getting bob job anytime soon for reasons i've fore-mentioned.
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i feel ya, my parents didn't approve of mines either. but after awhile, they're like ahhhh you look nice. but when things are bad they will totally over emphasized...like what happened to my friend's nose... ya know the part about the freaking implant coming out! lol

parents, most of them are so conservative...
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asiandoll, i have heard from a friend that dr torumi thinks very highly of his own skills.. but i guess it comes with the territory since hes so famous. Apparently he only gives 15 min consultations, but since ur paying $250 make sure you ask all the questions you have! Chiluskk, i got my nose done with dr tseng. Can you pm me and i will go in more detail about my experience.
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iceanjewels, can you explain to me what a nas fold is? is it your laugh lines? could it be possible the the protrudsion is caused by an overbite and not the nas fold?
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before u girls decide to go for implants do some research it is possible to grow real breasts with natural methods such as foods, masssage and herbs.

There are many forums out there as well, just google ladies, google.
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I second that. I went from a B/C to a D after I gained 30 pounds in law school. Then afterwards, I lost 35 pounds when I started working.. and I am still a D. I went to law school at 23, so I highly doubt it was a puberty-induced growth spurt. haha. I think it was a combination of gaining weight and eating a TON of meat- I didn't have time to cook, so I ate a lot of sandwiches... and before that, I was almost a vegetarian.

Also.. ladies- bigger boobs usually mean STRETCH MARKS!! That's something the breast augmentation docs don't tell u about- most girls will end up with stretch marks on their boobs afterwards.. ESPECIALLY Asian girls! A nice pair of breasts without any stretchmarks is way prettier than large ones with stretchmarks all over the place.

And yes... even though I have bigger boobs now, I also have a lot of stretchmarks.. NOT PRETTY! I'd rather be a B cup with no stretchmarks! :sad:
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HEY yes they are the fold underneath your nose and between your cheeks (is that makes sense), when I say protrusion, I meant that when younger you looked fine but as you age you notice that your mouth is sticking out more, that is because the your nasobol fold lines are becoming deeping, you notise on younger people they dont seem to have these lines. Does that make sense hehe
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Beauty- ur poor fish! Apparently the leading cause of death for fish is overeating! My mom has killed 5 beta fish in the past month because she kept on feeding the poor things.
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oh my, I don't think I've thought about stretch marks before! lols.. all the before and after photos just look so :amazed: amazing. I don't think gaining weight would be good for my body.. I've been a chubbier before and they were slightly fuller, but not bigger at all --my genetics are just crap! being on the birth control pill helps me alot though.. I find that when I'm on it my breasts are soo much fuller but not quite that C cup I desire. :sad:

And beauty, you're fish story makes me laugh every time I see it! Its so random that you bought fish :lol:. Sorry about them dying but it really does give me a good chuckle throughout the day. hehe..
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Hi all~

So I have been communicating with Dr. Jung regarding my NJ (rib graft), medial epicanthoplasty, and paranasal implants and he gave me a quote of $6500... that's expensive!! T.T I'm working on seeing if I can get a discount though that price is his "discounted rate". Anywho, I looked around for roundtrip airfare and hotel costs and cheapest for both is about $1200 which isn't too bad.

Dr. Jung writes excellent english and judging from some of his thesis on his page, communicating in english is going to be a breeze. If anyone has gone to him, could you share your experience regarding after-care, him personally, etc. I really hope he "listens" to my need in-person. :P

So if anyone thinking about going to S. Korea for PS in the coming months, let me know via pm! The company would sure be nice~ I'd be going alone so it'd be pretty scary/lonely. My mom is against me having PS meanwhile she's done it, so yea she isn't willing to come with me.. :T Anywho, let me know guys~!~ ^^
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Hi Rmelody!:flowers:
Don't worry too much about stretch marks, you would get them depending on your skin type. Usually, women that get stretch marks get them if you get an extremely large implant than their skin can handle. Doctors do warn patients about possible stretch marks before you get the procedure done. I have had implants and I didn't get any but that's because of my skin type.

I am so glad I had them done. They really increased my self esteem and I love shoping for clothes and bras now. Best $$$ I have ever spent!:yahoo:
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Good luck with your consult with Dr. Torimui. Tell me how it goes cause I want to get my nose done by him.
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