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Hi Jasmiine, Yes.....Dr Chuang take ages to answer email...it took him more than 1 week to reply until I have to call up the clinic to chase for an answer. i did my nose with Dr Chuang one week ago & now back home recuperating. Quite a major nose job - hump correction, side bone filing, nose reduction (the base & nostril), increase bridge height with silicone .....Result has been nice & natural.....but it will take 1 full month to look completely natural.

Email me if you want any infor on hotel accommodation & other tips....My email is [email protected].
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Good luck, Christmas! I'm just back from Taipei after 1 week. I had my nose job with Dr Chuang/Wish clinic. Just one useful tip for you.. have plenty of vitamin C + zinc after yr surgery. It will speed up recovery + fight infection. You can get from pharmacy - tablet dissolve in water kind...I drank 2 cups daily before/after my surgery & my swelling healed pretty fast...
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DR JUNG - If you read my previous posts you'll see why. He is the best. I am viet too and dont trust anything to be done there, it looks too fake i thin
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I have decided to go for my rhinoplasty with Dr Hsu Ying Che (Kaohsiung) and am booked in for early May. I have a flat bridge and undefined tip. I will seek to correct those issues with an autologuous surgery, implant derived from my ribcage.

I need your help in navigating Kaohsiung because I can't find enough information about the place in English. Any previous Dr Hsu patients or people who are familiar with Kaohsiung please post any information you have regarding the place. Informations on lodgings, food, travel, etc will be greatly appreciated. At the moment I am not sure on how to get to his hospital from Taipei. In fact I heard the hospital isn't really in Kaohsiung.

Any other posts about plastic and cosmetic surgery in Taiwan is welcome too. Hopefully we can all learn more from the accumulated experiences detailed here [​IMG]
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hey guys! this is my new user name ;) my old user i used my ex-boyfriend's last name, but yeah..ANYWAYS, :rolleyes: i emailed Dr. Chuang on Tuesday night [which was MARCH 25th], hopefully he could reply as soon as possible!

Thanks Asian doll & Sea Laven! Your a sweetheart for responding to my posts. :upsidedown:
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OMGOSH! :Push: you got your surgery done a week ago! i wish you the best of luck! were you nervous, scared, or afraid? how long did it take? what is side bone filling? how much did you spend for everything? after the procedure, did they give you a nose cast or something to go home with? how do you know if there isn't any complications after the procedure when you go home? what happens if you have to pick your nose or blow your nose? how long will it take to fully heal in order to touch it or do anything with your nose? LOL, i ask to many questions. :P Sorry!
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Hi all,

It's been more than 2 weeks since my nosejob with Dr Tseng, and I'm now back home. I think I look natural now, except for a few swollen spots here and there.

Everyone I encountered so far says I look very different. In fact my colleagues could tell instantly I 'got something done'. Guess it's because my nose was so flat before, and now that it's high, my eyes and even my smile is affected. My face also looks smaller. However, until now, no one has said I look 'prettier'...ahrgh.

Come to think of it, the surgery and recovery period was a piece of cake. The harder part is coming home to meet up with friends and family and having to explain why you look so different. (Especially in my case, because it's not an enhancement, it is a complete overhaul). It is something I didn't think too much about before the surgery, actually. But then I have no regrets about going through with it.

Just some food for thought, for girls who are thinking of getting surgery...you must be prepared to face potentially non-pleasant situations. People might talk behind your back, criticize you for being shallow, etc etc. That takes more courage than going through the operation itself!
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May I see before and after pictures, please?:love:
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Cielo, what do you think of your nose job? Do you like it? Did you get anything else done? Yea, post pics!! yea when i first got back alot of people said i look different too, but usually they say you look different instead of prettier because it sounds kind of mean if they say you look prettier, ya know because that would mean that you didn't look that good before, so that's why people dont usually say that. Did you tell any close friends that you got it done? They can probably give you an honest opinion.
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Congrats, Cielo718! ;) Is Dr. Tseng good? What's his style for a nose job like [the western look or asian look]? How much did the procedure cost? Can you post up some pictures and his website? Please and Thank You! :P

SassyGrl, who did you go for your nose job? How long has it been since the procedure? Can you post up some pictures, too? Please and Thank you! :rolleyes:
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cielo, glad the process went well for you! we're all going to pounce on you now because we're just soooo curious heh.. I was considering Dr.Tseng too, but Im still waiting on his email.

I know what you mean with the BS talking and catty stuff girls can say and do.. that is one thing I need to prepare myself for. I was even thinking of getting a new job after my procedure because I don't want to face all of my coworkers! they're mostly around 20's so I can just imagine being the talk of the lunchroom. I know that in the end, its really what makes you happy, and knowing that you're like 100 times hotter than any of them feels fab! haha, but I think it will take some getting used to for sure
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