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Hi Jang,
First off, I REALLY like your nose! It's really nice and tall :love:. I was wondering who your PS was when you got it done and how much it cost you altogether? And you said the silicone got infected after 3 weeks? Can you please tell us what happened then? I hope your nose progress is going well !:smile:
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Hi rmelody,

Thanks for your complement:smile:

My surgeries are all done by DR KIM BYUNG GUN, BK Dongyang Plastic Surgery Clinic in Korea.
Maybe u can read it from this link which I've posted my experience:


I'll update my nose progress:flowers:

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Saddest part of this whole experience is that.. people are actually nicer to me now.. that's how shallow the world really is when it comes to special treatment based on looks. I'm not complaining but..
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girls, did any of u ever experience a dull pain in the nose/tip area? I have a little clump inside of the nostril in the corner near the tip and it's been there since i took of the cast/tape, I emailed dr chuang and i won't expect to get any replies any time soon so any input from the experienced ladies would be appreciated...

Thing is, I wanna get a revision anyway but it won't be till later this year so it'd be a bummer if i get infected now and then i'll have to go a whole year without the implant...

My only thing is, i've gotten so used to this new fantastic look lol and so are my friends who know nothing about this so for me to go from this back to flat would be terrible
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hello everyone! guess what!? Dr. Chuang emailed me back! :P he replied a week later, here is the email response:

For the very low bridge with round tip/nostrils in chubby face I always suggest open rhinoplasty method. There are several procedures including in this surgery like:
Bridge augmentation with Goretex: In using Goretex we can creat a high but still natural bridge. This is a permanent material so you don;t need to change it in the long future.
Tiplasty with septal cartilage graft: to creat a more defined and smaller tip
Alarplasty with nostril reduction: to make an oval and small nostril
We charge TWD70000 for the whole procedure. The acute swelling will last 7~10 days and you should see the final result in 3 months.

As for my personal questions I have list all my official boards and society members in our website here: http://www.wishclinic.com.tw/about2.htm
You can do some research for them.

I checked that website for more information and it doesn't say where he graduated from. :Push:

Congrats beauty07 on your nose job! yeah, it sucks how people treat others differently. just be careful, when it comes to who are your true friends or your significant other. it seems like this is boosting up your confidence. ;) hehes, do you have any pictures to post up? please and thank you! :rolleyes:

Jang, i really like your nose! it's gorgeous! do you have the web link to dr. kim? please and thank you! :lol:
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That part.. if you are talking about inside your nostril, it is probably a scar from one the major incision cuts.

I have never experienced a dull pain at the tip of my nose. That would concern me. It may be infected... it may be from an accident bumping into your nose too hard too soon after surgery.. it could be a lot of things...Maybe, you should ask a doctor. Better not depend on a forum for that.

I'm glad you're enjoying your new look. Hopefully, nothing is really wrong with your nose and it is a passing pain.

My L silicone is doing great at 11 months. It stabilized in look and everything at 6 months.
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Check out this forum http://www.singaporeexpats.com/forum/ftopic1180-7500.html

kwelll wrote:
Hi ladies,

Glad you managed to read the report, it is a fairly recent one so I thought it must be of relevance to most of you, especially those who are thinking of having a rhinoplasty.

My Korean's friend (Handsome) last nose job was performed by Dr Jung using rib cartilage as graft on his bridge, there was no tiplasty as he had his tip scultped by a few other surgeons (he started off with a huge nose). He had removed his silicone pillars with Dr Jung and opted for his own rib as support thereof.

Before I left him, his nose was in good shape, although still swollen at 2 weeks. At 4 weeks he told me most of the swelling is gone because he takes pictures of his nose daily for record /comparison except his tip which is understandably still swollen but still not as much as before. What puzzled me is that his radix (highest point of his height) has dropped and followed by a curve instead what it used to be. I must confess the curve is way off tangent and alittle much for my acceptance,never mind his. LoL... it looks weak and very slopy - i wish i could post his photos to illustrate my point unfortunately I cant. I have also drawn an imaginary line beside his bridge just to show the degree of curvature - its shocking.

I suspect the cartilage is not big enough to augment his rather large nose bridge and his tip is not sufficiently projected with DEFINITION. Warping can happen at any time post operative and this must be rectified immediatey. From my experiences, I am reasonably certain his tip might get smaller by 10-15% top side in 1-2 mths time BUT .. the degree of projection and definition might not be there [deswells & settles, everything else loses volume] unless his cartilage work was made very strong with extra emphasis on his tip support and collumela strut. From my own reading and research, rhinoplasties fail because of a lifelong scar contracture affect that tends to narrow and collapse the nose, especially secondary cases.

In fact, his result is more disappointing than mine but he will revisit Dr Jung again. As for my case, it is now confirmed that it is slightly deviated and somewhat wider than it should - tip same as before. I really cannot imagine how cartilage can grow to 5-10 mm unless rib cartilage is used.
Without undue disrespect to Dr. Jung because I do like him as a person, I am sorry but this is a big NO-NO.

It is my opinion that whilst cartilage grafts can augment noses quite well with much less complications, the final outcome remains fairly uncertain as cartilage grafts do change in size and thickness once settles albeit not always the case. It is therefore common that the bridge of such augmentation may not be as smooth or uniform in appearance as those of silicone (doesnt change shape or size or thickness at all). However, autologous implantation does give patients a rather natural look to the nose viewed in totality. The question is how well you wish you nose to look.

It is therefore said that rhinoplasty remains the most skill demanding facial surgery of all time and he who masters tiplasty masters rhinoplasty.
Please take note that the above was written in good faith and the opinion of mine only.
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hahahh I think I did something similar to what you did!

I used my nail and scratched/ pressed the raised scar on my alar.. and it became reddish.. and became scab.

the thing is, it actually fell off.. when it healed.. so YAY.. the raised scar did become smaller because of this..

the stitch marks...hmm I think I will wait some more..
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That's what i thought cuz i didn't develop it days later.. it happened immediately.. I def like my new look but want to change my nose shape a little bit.. just making it straighter.. love the tip though, it's not too pointy and not too narrowed.. i still have the ethnic flavor but it's 100% improved... I know ur not a doctor maskd but I trust ur knowledge so do u know what the risks and complications involved in revisions are? if it's a 1% chance of infection in primary rhinos with implants, does that percentage increase significantly in revisions?

Revisions are known to be bad to the nose because of loss of tissue, cartilage etc etc... but let's say you're going to have a lot of revisions (exaggerated example), and the only thing u're doing in each revision is changing the implant.., so u're not touching the tip or ur own tissue.. only changing implants several times at acceptable timeframes.. how bad is this to the nose?

Also.. i heard u keep 1mm if u remove ur implant due to scar tissue.. if u put in another implant, and remove that one also.. do u gain another 1mm of scar tissue?

I know these are ''doctor'' questions but we'll see if u have an answer to this one ;),

ALso i'm glad ur nose is doing good at 11 months.. are u ever conerned about the L implant extrusion through the tip? and is ur nose good under different lightings?

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If you were here from the beginning.. you would know what happened.

I have feelings of what you mean... "big bully" and actually I DO agree with you.. and I also DO think that its the case.

This has not happened just one time. I have seen this kind of cases happened at other forums.

Now that its legally implicated, he cannot come and say anything more I guess..

SO pple... please be careful when you mention the doctor's names.. especially when you say it in full...
try not to mention in full, you'd never know what troubles you may get into.

Its not REALLY a society where there is "freedom of speech" :sad:
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Guys i think i have an infection.. I know that my mentality is makig it worse because i believe that if u believe it will go away and stay positive ur body will find a way to fight it off... Pray for me because i'm going thru things which is making my immune system so low and i'd hate to go back to have it removed when i just got my nose.
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Hi J'adore, no worries abt the questions: of course, I was scared...i wanted to back out so many times... I did my nose + chin implants (5.5 hrs surgery) on 18 Mar. Side bone filing - I narrowed the protruding bone on one side of my nose. I spent NT115,000 (S$5,100). They plaster my nose & tore it off after 2 days. I did open rhino, so have to remove the stitches (base of my nostrils) after 7 days. Dr Chuang checked on my condition after stitches removal, so u got to ask him as many questions as u can on proper care. U might need to knead & push the top of the silisone to stabilise the position after stitches removal.

Blow my nose? cannot blow lah...just wipe away. Pick yr nose - Doc aske me don't do tat but i cannot stand coz the scalp inside my nostrils feel so tight... can use q-tip cotton to clean the inside of the nose. I dun dare to pick my nose until 1 week later after o/p...even so very gently...2 weeks after surgery, u can go out without feeling so self-sconscious.
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Another question.. how the heck does an implant come out on it's on through a nostril once it gets infected? I read this at least 3 times already and it just doesnt make sense.. First of all is there a hole created in ur nose near the tip once u get infected? If so,, how could it be big enough for the implant to ''slip'' out?

SOmeone clarify please.. sorry about my attitude i'm just not in th emood today
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