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Pre+Post-Op Instructions and aftercare

2 months before surgery
3000mgs of Ester-C daily i
30mg of Zinc
1000mg Vitamin E.
Pinapple juice EVERYDAY (Add 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon in a glass)
Vitamin C
The fortnight before surgery, I cut down to 1000mg of Ester-C, 15mg Zinc and no Vitamin E at all (it can cause blood thinning)

* Pick up your medications (usually pain pills and antibiotics) prior to your surgery.
purchase your face and eye packs,bed wedges, cloths for your eyes, lots of ice at home, eye pads, natural eye drops, lacrilube, arnica, Sterile eye gauze

2 weeks b4 surgery
Arnica Montana 30 for bruising: 5 pellets, 3 times a day. (Stop 2 days before, continue 10 days after)
(These are put directly in the mouth until dissolved. For some reason, you aren’t supposed to touch them with your fingers)
* Stop taking aspirin or aspirin containing medications, non steroidal or anti-inflammatory medications (Advil, Motrin, Ibubrofen), oral Vitamin E, Diet Pills, or any herbal or Chinese medications. Many of these lead to increased bleeding and poor wound healing. Tylenol is okay

10 days before surgery
Bromelain 850 mg for swelling: 2 tablets 2 times a day on an empty stomach

Don't eat
Salty foods
hot foods
Seafood, shrimp, fish
Fungus, Mushroom, Garlic

The night surgery
Relax. See a movie. Have a nice dinner. It is common to feel nervous the night before.
1. Do not take ANYTHING by mouth after midnight. It is important your stomach is empty. Do not eat or drink anything before arriving at the surgery facility. If you take prescription medication on a regular basis ask you doc which of the medications you may take on the morning of the surgery.
2. Plan to arrive at the surgery facility 1 ½ hours prior to the scheduled surgery time.
3. Wear loose fitting clothing that buttons or zips up. You do not want to pull clothing over your head. It should be easy to wash. It may get stained. Slip on shoes are helpful.
4. Do not wear jewelry. Leave any valuables at home.
5. Do not wear makeup.

Food and drink:
Water and pinnaple juice with lemon
Chicken with salad daily

Walk around, sleep elevated, REST REST AND REST
Put lacrilube on to prevent eyelids from sticking together after sleep
Continue taking Arnica
Put cold/hot compresses
Press scar (epi) to reduce scar

Don't do
Strenious work out, bending over
Sleeping flat on stomach, or side
WOrk out, tanning, touching

1. Take your pain medication (tylenol) - You will need less medication if you take it before the pain gets intense. You can take plain Tylenol instead of narcotic medication for moderate pain.
2. Pain medication can cause nausea and/or constipation. Try to take the pain medication after eating food to prevent nausea. If constipated, you can buy over the counter stool softeners or a suppository. It is common to NOT have a bowel movement for 2/3 days following surgery.
3. AVOID aspirin/advil/motrin/ibuprofen. These increase your tendency to bruise/bleed.
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watch nose photos
Show my morphed pictures
Create a list of what will be odne and have it signed
his and hsi staff's nose
Clear instructions from doctor?
Does he pay attention? Does he touch nose and study it?
Do you get a bad feeling? Vibe?
Does he give pre-op instructions?
Courtesy (Does he greet when he sees u and shake hands when he leaves)
Will he show how to wear/tape glasses to forehead to avoid pressure?
- do you do grafts, septum, ear, rib
Silicone or goretex for me? cons vs pros
- do you go to US conferences to keep up to date
- do you do septorhinoplasties
And last but not least
What's ur revision policy?
When to wear glasses?
Patient confidentiality?
- can I see before and after pix of noses you have done SIMILAR TO MINE
What percentage of patients had significant complications?
What's ur specialty... Closed vs open procedure?
What about nose cavin in from cartilage on tip?
What if my nose get screwed up? will u fix it free of cost?
Can u guarantee to not turn my nose up even more than it already is?!
COuld infection happen years later? shifting?
Taping nose for less swelling? if so how long?
Confidentiality paper agreement?
compression exercises to minimize swelling
Are you able to make this nosejob one that doesn't look like a surgical nose job as all?

What i want fixed:
Bridge: Made higher (Caution: But not shorter or longer)
Nostrils: made SLIGHTLY narrower (But not too narrow, just a subtle change, i still want to keep ethnicic look)
Tip: Slightly refine (NO PINCH LOOK< DONT REFINE TOO MUCH!) No michael jackson look lol get it get it!!

Things to get:
Q tips - A LOT (A HUGE BOX)
4x4 gauze pads (7 day supply)
Petroleum jelly,
Soft food (It'll be hard chewing hard for the 1st week, i.e. soup, smoothies, drinks)
Straws (For drinks)
DVD"s for laptop
Pillows to sleep "sitting"
a sense of humor ;)

Bromelain: Only 1 pill, day before surgery with 1 swallow of water
&#8226; Be sure to arrive at the hospital or surgery center on time. You should have the arrival time in your information packet or at least confirm the night before and make the proper notation.* If you are late, the surgeon may cancel your surgery and charge you for it anyway.* Then the surgery fee is non-refundable.
&#8226; Arrive at the hospital or surgery center, freshly-scrubbed, with clean and dry hair and in clean clothes.* Be sure that you have thoroughly washed with the instructed soap, and have NOT applied any lotions, deodorants, talcum or baby powders, perfumes, make-up, body spray.**
&#8226; Wear comfortable, easily-accessible, loose-fitting, front-buttoning clothing and slippers.
&#8226; No eating or drinking anything after midnight on the evening prior to your surgery. Unless your surgery is an afternoon or evening surgery, which you should abide by your surgeon or anesthesiologist's instructions.
&#8226; Leave all valuables at home.* This includes rings, watches, earrings or other jewelry.* Do not bring large sums of money to the surgery center or hospital unless you are instructed to pay for the balance of your surgery fee.* If any of these items become "lost" -- the hospital or surgeon is not responsible.
&#8226; Take all instructed medications before you leave with only a few sips of water.* This may include vitamin C, antibiotics, prednisone, anti-anxiety medications, arnica montana, bromelain tablets, etc.** Also bring with you any instructed medications, including pain relievers.
&#8226; Should you develop any fever, chills or other signs of a cold or other infection, call your surgeon's office immediately.* You should never be operated on with an already stressed immune system.**
&#8226; Bring with you your surgery bras, support and compression garments or bandages.
&#8226; Bring your post-operative car kit and supplies such as pillows, bottled water, crackers, coffee can with lid, blanket, towel, etc. for the ride home.
&#8226; Don't forget your sunglasses - the sun may hurt your eyes and can cause a headache, which is the last thing you need.
&#8226; Bring your camera if you wish to document your experience directly before your surgery and your immediate recovery.

Keep moist towelettes by bed to clean!
I highly recommend that everyone take this approach and, also to mix 1/3 rubbing alcohol and 2/3 water into latex glove, tie them off. them put about 7 of them into the freezer. They freeze into a pliable slush and will comfortably conform to your eyes. Peas, ice, etc. Don't compare to this trick.

day after:

PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS AFTER NASAL PLASTIC SURGERYPlease read & familiarize yourself with these instructions both BEFORE & AFTER surgery. By following them carefully you will assist in obtaining the best possible result from your surgery. If questions arise, do not hesitate to communicate with me and discuss your questions at any time. Take this list to the hospital with you and begin observing these directions on the day of surgery.
1. Do not blow nose until instructed. Wipe or dab nose gently with Kleenex if necessary.
2. Change dressing under nose (if present) until drainage stops.
3. The nasal cast will remain in place for approximately one week and will be removed in the office. Do not disturb it; keep it dry.
4. Avoid foods that require prolonged chewing. Otherwise, your diet has no restrictions.
5. Avoid extreme physical activity. Obtain more rest than you usually get and avoid exertion, including athletic activities & intercourse.
6. 6. Brush teeth gently with a soft toothbrush only. Avoid manipulation of upper lip to keep nose at rest.
7. Avoid excess or prolonged telephone conversations and social activities for at least 10-14 days.
8. You may wash your face - carefully avoid the dressing. Take tub baths until the dressings are removed.
9. Avoid smiling, grinning, and excess facial movements for one week.
10. Do not wash hair for one week unless you have someone do it for you. DO NOT GET NASAL DRESSINGS WET.
11. Wear clothing that fastens in front or back for 1 wk. Avoid slipover sweaters, T-shirts and turtlenecks.
12. Absolutely avoid sun or sun lamps for 6 weeks after surgery; heat may cause the nose to swell. Thereafter, use sunscreens.
13. Don't swim for one month, since injuries are common during swimming.
14. Following removal of the dressing, the nose, eyes, and upper lip generally show some swelling & discoloration - this usually clears up in 2-3 weeks. In certain patients it may require 12-18 months for all swelling to completely subside.
15. Take only medications prescribed by your doctor(s).
16. Do not wear regular glasses or sunglasses which rest on the bridge of the nose for at least 4 weeks. We will instruct you in the method of taping the glasses to your forehead to avoid pressure on the nose.
17. Contact lenses may be worn beginning 2-3 days after surgery.
18. After the doctor removes your nasal cast, the skin of the nose may be cleansed with a mild soap or Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion. BE GENTLE. Makeup may be used as soon as the bandages are removed. To cover discoloration, you may use "ERASE" by Max Factor, "COVER AWAY" by Adrien Arpel, "ON YOUR MARK" by Kenneth, or other makeup as directed by our office.
19. DON'T TAKE CHANCES! - If you are concerned about anything you consider significant, call me.
20. When we remove your splint, your will be swollen and will remain so for several weeks. In fact, it takes at least one year for all swelling to subside.
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Hello Everybody! I'm new here. I am so happy to have found this thread/post... I will be getting my nose done this summer and found all your replies very helpful. I am nervous and yet very anxious.

Those of you whom have had your nose done, please email me your before and after pictures. [email protected] I would greatly appreciate it.

I have the ugliest asian nose ever! And I feel that once I get it done, I'll feel so much better about myself.


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Your nose is not ugly. I like your nose more than my nose.
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Thanks for checking the pricing. $4000 is a lot of money and even more $$ if airfare and hotel costs were included. I guess it comes to about the same amount that Dr. Charles Lee charges. It's about $5900 for just an implant and about $9900 with nostril narrowing (geez!). But Dr. Lee seems to be the best US plastic surgeon for asians so far (in my opinion). And right now quality is very important to me. I'm just worried about the communication barrier if I decide to get mine done at Verite Clinic. I don't know Japanese, only a few words. I'm still going to do more research and see if I can find a cheaper surgeon who is able to produce similar results, preferably a US surgeon. But there appears to be few US surgeons with experience on asian faces.
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Hey girls! wow I'm glad I found this forum. Anyways I've been really thinking about getting a nose job my nose has a little bump and it's kinda flat:yucky: people say it looks like a normal nose but still it bothers me. I don't want to go to Asia cause I think it's too much of a hassle:crybaby:, but I've read that it's not smart to go to a Caucasian doctor. Any recommendations for California? And I don't want to spend more then 5thousand -_- And I heard they do financing too...Help pleasee!
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Damn I heard it's only 4thousand or so around here but I don't know...In L.A there's a lot of Korean doctors but seems like Korea is better Do you know around how much it would be total with plane ticket and hotels for Korean?
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Hey I know a girl who got her nose done in California but I dunno which doctor I like it alot but doesn't really satisfy me lol tell me what you guys think.

Her nose tip seems too wide but I don't know, think it looks nice?
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Hii Viicious! Welcome to the forum! :P I think the tip of her nose seems a bit wide but everything else is fine. I really like Jang from the forum, Kato Miliyah, Angela baby, and Janice man's noses. I think there gorgeous. :Push:

Kato Miliyah: http://www.jmusicworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/milihw0.jpg
Angela baby: http://www.xanga.com/angelababy
Janice man: http://www.xanga.com/Janice_M

Oh yeah, Dr. Charles Lee does asian rhinoplasty. But I don't know if he is that great though or how much he charges. He was on the Tyra Bank's show but I don't know..b/c like if you heard about Kanye West's mother and the whole Oprah show with the plastic surgeon guy thing. You never know..I don't know :s He is located in Cali. his website is:
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Yea I knew about Dr. Lee a while ago man I LOVE the first picture from the rhinoplasty I want her nose! lol dam I really wonder how much:confused1: cause I'm a student now and only 18 so I'm kinda on a budget I hope he does financing!!!!
Man those girls nose's are hot I wish I was more patient I'm so impatient >_<
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LOL. hehes, I'm only 17 by the end of this year I'm turning 18. :Push: I'm so young! LOL. I really want to get a nose job at 20 or 21. I'm thinking about going to Dr. Chuang for now. :P hehes. His name has been popping up in this forum like a million times and I really like his work. So yeah..:upsidedown: You should do a lot of research before jumping to your conclusions! Its your nose were talking about. :okay: Hang in there! :rolleyes:
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I love angela baby's nose. Well actually, everything about her. She's gorgeous! Did she have any surgery? coz she looks so different from her pics when she started that blog of hers. She looked more chinese, now she looks euroasian
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I'm not a 100% sure if she has b/c I read through some of the OLD OLD posts and they said she did. But I don't know, I'm not her. :Push: hehes.
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Not representing in dr.chuang in any way but he did super great work on me.. love everything he's done.. im still getting a nose revision though because at first i wanted a conservative change but i guess after seeing what he did i realized that while i was swollen and my nose bridge was really high.. i realized that a higher bridge would be abetter look on me.. anyhow, my nose as deswelled a lot and bridge has lowered a lot and i miss the tall nose i had a few weeks ago so I'm getting it revised..

So it's not his fault, but rather my own. Grrr.. let's just say that u must be 100% sure about the conservative change if not u'll most likely come back for a revision to get it higher.. just read the numerous posts here in this thread about ppl saying "i should have gotten a bigger implant".. well that's how it is. lol.

Just my 2 cents
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