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beauty07 is you're doctor a korean or chinese doctor? How much was your total in American dollars including plane ticket and hotels? Man I really want to get my nose done now...Dr. Lee is too expensive, well everyone in Cali is too expensive and not as good as doctors overseas in my opinion:P can I see your new nose now if you don't mind?:lol:
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He's from Taiwan, so im guessing he's chinese...
He charges 60 000 TWD which is about 1800-1900 USD, for goretex its 70 000 TWD.. it's cheap, but it doesn't matter it's the fact that he's a good doctor and osmeone who cares.. i can't say enough about him. I read stories about rude and dishonest doctors who just didn't care.. well he's different, and most importantly honest. ok let me stop before someone thinks i'm advertising lol.

And who knows what i'll think about him after the revision.. shoot, we all ahve good things to say when we have good results, but as soon as it hits the fan things change.. i pray the revision will turn out as good as the primary as i don't have any complaints about my nose exept for the height so it's all a matter of switching implants!
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Ok here's a question for revision vets:

Did u feel like ur nose got weaker and weaker after each revision? How was the swelling and healing compared to ur primary?

did u get what u wanted out of ur revision and how long did u wait to have it revised?

Did u experience any major complications and what did ur doctor tell u about revision risks and complications?

and lastly, did u ever have any infections or contractions?

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Man I really want to go now! but I'll have to wait and save up money:crybaby:
I really love her nose http://www.jmusicworld.com/wp-conten...06/milihw0.jpg
Did you go alone by any chance? And which implants are good? I don't know much about implants:confused1:Damn I hope I can save up to 5-6thousand in 2-3months hopefully that's enough. Anywho's why did your bridge lowered?:shocked:
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I don't think i'll post pics anytiem soon, sorry guys

My nose isn't real sharp and tall at all, i asked for subtle changes but his alarplasty and tip plasty is superb, love it.

Dr chuang uses small stitches and he's very careful with his work and his nurses are well trained so i was never really scared or nervous

i was thinking about going to another doctor for my revision but thought about a couple of things

1. I still trust dr chuang with my nose as he did what i asked for, i just changed my mind about what i wanted so it was my fault, not his.

2. His prices are reasonable, he's honest and he already knows my nose because he worked on it.

3. He's realistic so i don't have to worry about him messing up my nose the second time. If anything what i need to worry about is what every revision patient has to worry about which is rejection, infection and contraction and that's out of the doctors control... so maybe here is where u need to pray and ask God for help and guidance lol.
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my bridge lowered because i only asked for 3mm, but during operation dr chuang put in 4mm instead (God bless his heart) because he felt like 3mm would be too little and he was right on the money because now i'm sitting here 3 months later wishing i had put in 5mm instead.

WHen my bridge was swollen it was at 5+mm, now it's at 4mm or so again and 1mm makes a huge diff, remember that!

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^ Ok sweety common sense, how much do u eat? If so find out how much u think that'll cost. Go online and check for flight tickets to asia, it varies from 700+, then it all depends on where u'll be staying and how much they charge per night.. then finally, ask ur SURGEON how much he charges, barbam barabom
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Hi beauty07, when would u be heading to Taipei again to see Dr Chuang?
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Only 4 more days until I go to Taipei to see Dr. Tseng for my revision NJ. I'm so anxious and excited.
I would like to express my thanks to this forum, as for people who have gone through my situation and would not mind to share their voices.
For this surgery, I would like to remove the 1 year old silicone to be replace with gortex. (I'm just to sick of the shinny look of silicone) I would also like my tip to be defined and projection out+downward. I heard from people here that Dr. Tseng has his own style of putting shield graft on the collumela in order to lengthen it. To me, I think that is the way to go since if you observe real beautiful noses, they all have some round projection.
I'm also going to see Dr. Chuang to weight out my opportunities- made appointment to see him first thing on Saturday morning (April 12, the day after I arrive). Since Dr. Tseng office will close for annual vacation from April 13th to April 17th (the whole office is going to Japan), they are trying to fit me in to his Saturday schedule but I wouldn't probadly see him unil 4:30 that afternoon. This works out fine because if I decide to stick to Dr. Chuang, I wouldn't have to go see Dr. Tseng. But on the other hand, if I have doults about Dr. Chuang as he wouldn't be able to do what I ask for, I will go see Dr. Tseng. I'm staying in Taipei until April 21st, so I must have a lot of time.

Nurse Mia, who is the English speaker+emailer that I got to talk to from Dr. Tseng office; she said that she will not go to Japan so may be someone would be able to help me to remove the splint the next day.

As for where to stay, I checked with Hostelworld.com and consulted Mia, she told me to stay at Ximen's backpacker. I think their cheapest bed is $12. I haven't booked yet since I know I might change my mind once I get there (experience from traveling to Europe). I would take the train there and hopefully they would have 1 bed for me to spend the night once I arrive. However, after surgery, I might check into a better hotel since I need full recovery.

Alright, after 6 months of researching Asian NJ, here is my plunge.

Wish me luck
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Hey Maskd,

Thanks for your reply.

Yeah I mean from the frontal view, the area between your eyes and nose bridge.. I just feel that area seems dark.. and that also sometimes I feel like my bridge is really straight... and the shadows of the nose is quite immediate rather than GRADUALLY blending in with the rest of the face..

I'm not sure if I am making sense here.

Oh and I wanted to check with you on your LASHES!! HOw are they doing?
Looking great?
Do they poke in all directions? Or are they nice and uniform?

Do you happen to know if this procedure is reversable? In case it doesnt work out well?
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I don't know why his online pics are so bad lol. I agree with u there isn't much change, his B/A pics in the clinic are definitely better and it also all depends on the patient..I asked for a change, yet a subtle change, and he gave me exactly what i wanted.. boy if u were to see my nose before and the one I have now you'd be amazed and what this man can do. He is honest though so if u send in pics and ask if what u want is realistic and do-able by him he will tell you if he can give you what you want. Remember to ask tons and tons of questions.

If he says he can give u ''this and that'' ask what the risks involved are with ''x'' amount of height on you and how close to ''this'' nose can u make mine similar to if u refer to a picture.

Be specific.

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