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wow, his pictures are good... the pics on his website are very pretty, but they seem a tad too fake. all have nice small noses (alar) but mine is quite big. i hope he is good in alar. i have emailed him and asked for a consultation when i am in taipei late may. can you share your before and after pics pls? thanks :smile:

btw, which other two docs did you consult?
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I don't know what you mean by "fake", but his pictures are real. He did a great job on my alarplasty. My nostrils were huge before, and now they're the perfect size.

I'm more then willing to share pics. I don't have any after pics yet lol. I'll post them eventually.
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Hi all,

Here are some before & after surgery pictures Contributed from the March PS Group Trip Gals.
They would like to share with forumers here who have similar problem on their eyes which going for Double Eyelid Surgery :flowers:

These 2 sisters who have been trouble with their Droppy Eyes problem and had been researching about 2 years on Double Eyelids Surgery before they decide to fly to BK Dongyang Plastic Surgery Clinic and have their surgeries done by Dr Kim.

For Droopy Eyes to have Double Eyelid Surgery, it needs more than 1 procedure to archive a nice result.

What Dr Kim had perform on both of them :

Full Incision Method ~ to create a double eyelid fold (about 4-5mm)
Levator Muscle Surgery ~ to correct the droopy eyes
Magic Epicanthoplasty ~ to release the Mongolian fold & also helps to pull the distance closer between eyes

Picture of Gal G after surgery

Here are the picture of Before & After surgery :coolpics:

Gal P (1 month after surgery)

Gal G (1 month after surgery)
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Hey all, just wanted to share with you that I've scheduled my surgery for the 22nd of this month. So excited!!

I'll be getting septoplasty, alarplasty, and blepharoplasty done. I have eyelids, but they're a bit uneven and I just wanted that fix since I'll be in surgery anyway. The total cost... $7900. Since you've already seen my before pictures... I'll post after surgery pictures when I'm done!

Please wish my luck!
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Hey guys, has anyone here had any procedure done in states/canada, rhino related or bleph? i am reluctant to have a western doctor touch my bridge( or lack there of ) but i am strongly considering an alar base reduction in toronto,canada because i am anxious to wait for my travel documents to be completed ( Need passport renewal). And if so, did they do a good job?
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OMFG Dr. Charles Lee just emailed me back saying he likes my nose and will straighten bridge and give it a nice tip and make incisions inside the nose so there will be no scar BUT OMFG HE QUOTED 6,900$ god not a good idea going to famous doctors:wtf: anyone please got any good suggestions for California doctors?:Push:
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oh nono, they pics are great, the noses are too perfect hence my 'fake' comment. don't get me wrong, i love his work. i think he's gonna be my first choice. how much did your nose cost alone? does he do epi?

thanks for sharing!!
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Here’s another before & after surgery pictures Contributed from the March PS Group Trip Guy.
His procedure is Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery.

List of procedures he had done before he goes to Dr Kim:
~ Suture Method done in June 2005
(which last only for 4 months and RIGHT side begin to lose the fold)
~ Redo again with Incision Method in September 2007
(but again Left side begin to lose the fold)

He could feel abit of discomfort when he opened his left eyes, because the surgery done in Singapore left stitches in his eyelids. Moreover, due to the inexperience of the doctor, it left him with asymmetrical eyes.
With much research, he finally made his decision and entrusted his revisional surgery to Dr Kim, who is a specialist in Revisional Cases of Eyelids. Now, with the stitches removed, he has no difficulties opening his left eyes. and he is a more confident person.

What Dr Kim had perform on him :

Full Incision Method ~ to remove stitches left behind from the previous surgery and correct the Asymmetrical Fold and Scar.

Here’s the Before & After Pictures;)
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FYI, I did it... with Dr. Tseng of course.

Here is what happened since I arrived to Taipei 24 hours ago:

1- Friday,April 11th, 10pm, I arrived to TPE and got through immigration check point at 10:40pm. I took a Kua Kuang bus for 125 NT to Taipei Main Station. Luckily, my T-mobile cell phone works here so I could use it to call my friend Alex to come and pick me up. The bus trip took about an hour to get to Main Station, so at that time, all of the MRT is closed
2- After coming back to Alex's place, we chat until 3am and drift off to sleep.
3- Saturday,April 12th, 6am, I woke up due to the loud rain outside, also because I was too anxious to have the revision rhinoplasty. My plan was to go and consult with Dr. Chuang at 9:30am then to go to Dr. Tseng's office and wait for my consultation. Dr. Tseng's nurse Mia has emailed and told me that he would have to move my surgery to 4:30pm due to the high number of patients coming to the clinic on the last day before his vacation (Dr. Tseng office closes from April 13th to April 17th for annual clinic's vacation- he is taking his entire staffs to Japan- how nice- and believe me, seeing how busy they get, everyone truly deserves this vacation)
4- 10am- I just barely arrived to Dr. Chuang's clinic via the MRT. It is true that their MRT are very reliable and easy to figure out. I bought an Easy Card at the information booth for 500NT and an Umbrella for 120NT(Taipei's weather is sticky, humid, and unpredictable). When I got inside Dr. Chuang's clinic, Miss Huang has instructed me to fill out the form and let's me look at the book of past works. As I was told to sit there and wait for at least 30 mins until Dr. Chuang could finishing up, my eyes began to wonder around. His clinic is nice with contemporaly design. Around me, there are one older woman who seem to just had her nose done and a young Taiwanese girl who are filling out paperwork for a Boob Job (I guessed). They told me that the older woman is from the States. My observation of her nose seem a bit 'fake' with flare nostrills (although I saw taping on both sides earlier indictated that she had alarplasty) and the bridge is projected highly. One of Dr. Chuang nurse (not Miss Huang, although she did show me her nice & firm boob jobs) had her nose done and the tip is projected extremely high. At this time, I had made up my mind to leave and go straight to Dr. Tseng's office.
5- Noon-ist, it took me about 10 mins to get to Dr. Tseng and I called nurse Mia to come get me at the train station. Guys, if you have ever called the office, you would possibily be overwhelmed by Ms. Mia's up-lift personality. Dr. Tseng and her English are OK standard, but they are very helpful to me. Coming in at such a last minute, I have to wait, wait, and wait. The consultation with Dr. Tseng is awesome. He took almost an hour to explain to me about my nose, the plan procedures, revision policy, pricing, and previous patients pictures. I told him that my previous implant sat too high so he would only hay 1 layer of Goretex on my bridge, build up to 2, then 3 at the dorsum. On my tip, he would perform dome sutures and extending it a bit longer. About alarplasty, Dr. Tseng said that my alar is good already so it will be unnecessay to touch it (according to Chinese's facial principles and Dr. Tseng, alar and nostrils signified a person's fortune, and I have heard this many times from other people before so I decided to leave it alone). Besides, he said that with the tiplasty, my alar and nostrils would come in closer together.
6- Immediately after the consultation, I was taken into the next room for Dr. Tseng to inject Botox to my masseters. He gave me a total of 400 CC and said will inject more next week when I come back for last check up. Ouch, whoever called this non-invasive has been wrong. The piercing shots to the muscles were killing me.
7- From 2 to 4:30pm, I went into another room to wait (&sleeping) since I was too tired to be walking around.
8- 4:30pm, the nurse took me into another room to change clothes and get ready for the surgery. An older anethistic nurse, who was told to be the supervisor of the clinic, injeced the ivy and sedation into my arm painlessly. She was good
9- Operation time, 5 ist- I was being prep-up by a crew of nurses on the operation table, praying to any God that could come to my mind. Dr. Tseng came in and I was sleeping before I could remember anything. When I woke up, it was several hours later when I would feel some pressure when my septal cartialge is harvested (absolutely no pain but I could feel his movement). The doctor and I began to discuss about many things, including politics- hehe... Then he gave me the mirrow to check the Gortex implant and how well it is sitting on my bridge. >>>> With my previous NJ, the implant sat too high and crooked to the side, so both he and I are being extra careful about this. After that, he shield the tip and collumela using ear cartilage that he has harvested from my left ear (being told that I often sleep on my right side). Then it was time to stitch me up and checking one last time before he would place the splint onto the new nose. GUY, I THINK IT LOOKS INCREDIBLE FROM THE SIDES. My nose is looking like the Original nose now, only with a more defined tip and projected collumela.

OK--- I have to go to sleep now and will write more later
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Oh okay, sorry. I completly forgot how much they cost seperatly :cry:. Yes, he does do epi.

Thank you very much, beauty07 and rmelody! Btw, did you e-mail me beauty07? or was that directed to someone else?
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Yes girl i emailed u a few days ago, u didn't get it i guess so i'll email u again, ur doctors fees are def not any higher than dr chuangs, if anything they're a tiny bit lower but he seems like a good doctor!

I might as well just pm you the questions i had for u,

take care
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Hi All

I’ve been going over this thread for the past couple of days and thought I should do an introductory post. This thread, together with the gargantuan one over at
http://www.singaporeexpats.com/forum/ftopic1180.html has been such a great source of real-life information; thanks to all the posters who have been generous and forthcoming with their experiences and research. The geek in me is taking notes in her notebook.

I’ve been thinking of doing a few plastic surgery procedures for some time now.

My priorities are:
  • Rhinoplasty: (since it's relevant to this thread)
My nose is tall with enough height, but it has a thick, soft, poorly defined tip. Its base is about the same width as my lips – I want a narrower nose! Basically looking to get tipplasty for a more refined frontal view with tip definition and tip elongation, and alarplasty to reduce the base of my nose. Of course I’d have to wait for consultation and the doctor’s recommendations before finalising my decision re. procedures.
  • Laser skin rejuvenation and hair removal
  • Getting rid of my naso labial lines which are making me looking tired! lol I’m thinking of fat transfers – does anyone have any experience with the treatment of this area?
  • Liposuction for my soft belly, inner and top of thighs.
Looks like a very long list when you type it all out (startled).

At this stage, I haven’t set any dates for surgery yet as I am still early in the process of contacting doctors and weighing up my options. Likely I’ll be going for rhinoplasty later this year to mid next year. It depends on when I am able to go on a huge chunk of leave from my job.

Wishing everyone all the best for your surgeries and I'm sure I'll be posting heaps more.:supacool:
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The number of doctors available out there is boggling since we have options all over the world! For me, I assess suitability based on:

  • Skill and aesthetic eye
  • Ease of communication (able to communicate needs in English or bad Chinese, lol)
  • Quality of facilities (first world standard, nothing dodgy)
  • Post op care and attention
  • Price
  • Convenience
I’ve narrowed down my picks so far to these doctors based on reviews and consideraton of the above. I don’t think I could cope with having to explore more doctors in a serious fashion, for now anyway:

Dr Dean Toriumi in Chicago, USA, Dr Martin Huang in Singapore, Dr Chuang in Taiwan, Dr Jung and Dr Park in Korea.

I really want to obtain more information about Dr Toriumi as his site shows only one case of an Asian rhinoplasty. Has anyone emailed doctors for more examples of their work?

I was impressed by the work he did on Summerskin, who doesn’t seem to be here anymore. I wondered how large the scare was on her torso when he harvested her rib cartilage, how she’s going so many months after the operation and so on. I like the idea of having a tip implant made out of my own tissue. It’s costly, ouch! But it is forever, so…

Flattering review:
Unflattering review:

Asiandoll, and anyone else who is planning on going to Dr Toriumi, let me know how it pans out!
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