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Some notes about Dr Martin Huang in Singapore....

I had previously communicated with Dr Martin Huang’s practice about liposuction and I was extremely pleased with the very professional staff. The nurse wrote me back a long email (very quick turn around time too) detailing just exactly what was involved on the operating table, what risks, what to prepare for and etc.

Even though I wasn’t able to see Dr Huang as scheduled (I gave them two weeks’ cancellation notice), I was assured from our exchange that my needs as a patient would be listened to and that they would be transparent and informative about what they were going to do for me.

Also, I hear that Dr Huang is professional and friendly to deal with. They were going to charge me $100 for the consultation. This is the standard rate, you will have to pay more if you have more procedures you wish to discuss.


Rhinoplasty costs about SGD$12,000.00. Singapore is not a cheap option but it has top class medical facilities and post-op care. As I’ll only have a limited time to spend in whichever country I go to for this procedure, I want to minimise the possibility of infection.

The drawback with Singapore is that doctors there don’t seem to have operated on as many cases as doctors in some other countries. Reading about some Thai and Korean surgical practices makes me think of a factory production line, lol! From the case photos I’ve seen, the Taiwanese and Korean work seem to have a better aesthetic touch. Then again if you like Dr Huang’s work on this girl (he was featured in a tv show – warning: a very frank filming of surgery in progress! - there will be blood), then it will be a non-issue.

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Just out of curiosity, those of you whom have had a rhinoplasty done... were you able to get out at about 2 weeks without looking like you've just got a rhinoplasty done?

I have to attend a party about 2 weeks after my rhinoplasty procedure and not sure if I'll look okay. Thanks.
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azngrl...at two weeks, there is still some minimal yellow bruising around eyes and the two sides of nose. The nose will be slightly swollen but people cant tell. You might look a bit fake because u cant smile all the way and your face will look very stiff, but with makeup you can cover up everything, just dont smile too much, it might hurt a little...who are u going to and what r u getting done?
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I just had fat transfer to the nas folds. It didnt hurt as much but the area where the fat was harvested (my legs) are sore and uncomfortable. Face still swollen so not sure about results yet.
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Hello, the swelling and bruising will be less but you will still look a bit different, I feel that it takes about 3 months for tip to look less swollen (as it will still look a bit big after 2 weeks).
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If you don't want to have fat transfers for the nasal fold, can try Perlane or Radisse which can last maybe more than one year. Perlane - no downtime but lasts shorter time than Radisse. And you can have touchup if it is not enough.
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Hello. Thank you very much for your reply. I'm so looking forward to it. Hehe.

I'm just going to a local doctor here in the states. I'm getting my nose done as well as my eye lids. He doesn't specialize in Asian rhinos, but he does specialize in surgeries of the neck and face. I really liked the fact that he spent so much time (1hr 30 min) with me during my consultation and making sure that I had all my questions answered.

The only concern I really have is... I've had other consultations and they recommended silicone... he recommended harvesting ear cartilage for my septoplasty. Kinda scary.
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Hello to you too. Thank you so much for your reply. I was hoping to get it done at least about a month before the party but things happen and unfortunately the timing won't work. I guess when I go, I'll just hide in the dark corners then.:roflmfao:
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WOW. This is one gigantic thread!

Firstly, I want to just introduce myself. I am new to this site and found it when I was googling for asian rhinoplasty. I am a 25 year old Chinese female (but born in the U.S. and I can't read Chinese - shameful I know - so I can't make sense of the Taiwanese/Chinese plastic surgery message boards) who is looking into getting a nose job but I am absolutely overwhelmed at the amount of information here. 288 pages so far! I read the first 10 (which dates back to 2006) and then skipped to the last 10 and now I'm just flabbergasted.

I have never had any plastic surgery and am a little scared. My nose is alright but I would like it improved a bit. Right now the tip is quite bulbous and I'd like to narrowed and refined. It seems like 2 of the surgeons based in the U.S. that keep popping up in the replies are Dr. Charles Lee (CA) and Dr. Dean Toriumi (Chicago) - both of whom charge exorbitant fees.

I don't know anyone in Taiwan, Korea, or Thailand and am afraid of going there alone (especially if complications occur). But I do feel like the surgeons there would be more knowledgeable since they operate on so many Asian patients. Just look at all the famous actresses! I found a couple of YouTube videos that show photos of them before & after they had work done. Whoa!

Chinese/Taiwanese actresses before & after
Asian/Hollywood stars before & after

I don't think I will get a nose job this year. I am trying to lose weight first because when the surgeon evaluates you, he will try to give you the best nose for your face. I've gained 35lbs in the last 3 years and now my face is pudgy. Some people do not show a big difference when they gain weight but I do! Even with a 15lb gain, I look like a totally different person. So I am trying to lose the weight first (gradually and sensibly) and make sure that my body is healthy and working at its best before I consider surgery (this is a good idea anyway since undergoing general anesthesia is a big deal and recovery is largely dependant on your state of health to begin with).

Anyway, I was hoping to hear from more of you who've had nose jobs in the U.S. And I was also wondering if anyone has already compiled a list of the best surgeons that have been discussed so far (both in the U.S. and overseas)? Maybe we can work together and combine our research....It's really mind-blowing to comb through all 288 pages and I am exhausted after just reading two dozen. I take this matter very seriously and am determined do my homework before I make any life altering decisions. :smile:

So it was nice to *meet* all of you. Hope to hear from you all soon!
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Welcome! I think it's a good idea to wait until you are in your *ideal shape*. My face also changes a LOT with my weight fluctuations. Dr. Chuang recommended a chin implant before I lost 10 pounds a few weeks ago, and now that I am thinner, he has suggested that a chin implant is not necessary.

Doctors also evaluate (or at least should) the width of your new nose based on the width of your face. Sometimes a few pounds make a huge difference in both the width and length of your face!

Don't worry about not knowing Chinese when you are considering Asian doctors. Pretty much everyone from the youtube videos you posted got their surgeries from Asian doctors. Dr. Tseng and Dr. Chuang form Taipei, as well as Dr. Kim and Dr. Jung from Korean, all speak English very well. In most cases, even if the docs don't speak English fluently, they have nurses or assistants in their clinics that do.

You can also try to find another girl from this board who does speak English to go with you. You will save on plane tickets, hotel costs, and if you get your surgery from the same doc, you two can negotiate a mini "group discount".

On a side note- one of the actresses featured in the first link you posted if Fan Bingbing. I know her personally. My parents and her parents are really good friends. She really hasn't gotten anything done. She wears the "double eyelid tape" regularly, though. And the rest of the difference is in the makeup and airbrushing. She has been known to be beautiful ever since she was born. Her dad was kinda famous for being the hottest guy in his military unit, and she looks just like her dad! :biggrin:
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A note about docs here in the US:

There are a lot of docs that specialize in African American rhinos. Lucky for us, African American rhino is VERY similar to Asian rhinos- with problems like bulbous tips, wide alars and low bridges. So, if you can't make it to Asia, or don't want to go to Asia, finding a doctor that specializes in African American noses is the next best thing!

Hope that helps.
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Exactly the reason why I believe I need to be at my ideal weight before going in for a consultation. :smile:

I am actually not that familiar with the latest Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) actresses since I don't follow Asian pop culture but that's very cool that you actually know one of them personally! Whenever I see these actresses on TV (I mean, Chinese TV when I go back to visit my relatives), I'm always blown away with how amazing they look. But I also understand how much a good hairstyle and makeup can help transform someone's overall appearance. And of course I'm sure there's a lot of photoshopping when it comes to their glamour pictures in all those magazines!

By the way, PerezHilton, your username isn't by any chance derived from the infamous Perez Hilton of the pop culture gossip blog (link), is it? I mean, I'm sure you're not Mario (why would he be dishing on a forum devoted to Asian nose jobs, hahaha) but I just thought that was interesting.

Oh and regarding going with another girl - that would be kind of nice since it's always good to have a buddy. I've traveled a lot alone before but when it comes to surgery, I want to have someone else there. It seems like a lot of friendships have been forged in this thread and I'm amazed how complete strangers can be so friendly, supportive, and nonjudgemental. I've been considering a nose job for several years now - ever since I was 21 - and now I am 25 so this has definitely not been a young and impulsive decision.

Sometimes I ask myself, "Why are you even considering this? You're an intelligent, well educated woman who knows to look pass the superficial." But I don't think getting a nose job is entirely superficial when something like that can significantly change your life. Sometimes I think, "why do we fixate on one physical trait over another? I have so many other physical flaws besides my nose - for example, my large calves, my saggy boobs (due to yo-yo dieting when I was a stupid teenager), bumpy forehead, and low eyebrow arch - but why am I okay with those and yet am not okay with the shape of my nose?" I just find that kind of interesting. It's a rhetorical question but I'd just like to mention it anyway in case someone else has something to add in regards to it. :smile:

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