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Hey Jovin, I really like your posts in the Singapore forum, and appreciate how helpful you've been with everyone considering plastic surgery. I've learned tons from you. But the fact is you posted a link to your pictures in a PUBLIC site. It's not the same as accessing someone's insecure Internet connection, which is not meant to be shared. This is more like sharing content found in someone's blog, which is meant to be shared with the world.

Like many of us who use the Internet, I've copied hundreds of links in my emails to friends from sources all over the Internet, and I would think that expecting everyone to get permission from the original poster or source is unrealistic. I'm sure maskd2003 did not think it was wrong when she posted the link.

That said, I'm sorry if you are mad at our not asking for your permission. Is it ok now if we kept your pictures here now that you know? You look very nice, and your pictures are an inspiration to all of us considering nose surgery (and maybe eyelid surgery, too!). :yes:
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I'm sorry to the people who I have offended. Kinda clueless.. didn't even think about it when I copied the link over... really sorry if I invaded your privacy. It was an innocent mistake.
For the rest of you, I appreciate how you guys can see how I made a blunder...
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Uh over reacted? I was offering a suggestion. I'm definitely not the one who over reacted :whistle:

Can you ... speak English? I'm sorry its just really hard to understand you. And I didn't assume. :smile:
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Again I have to quote robinh. Nicely said! Agree 100%! =]
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For the ladies who are considering to do this soon... just to keep in mind... Bk told me that you have to schedule approximately 2 weeks ahead of time... but some of the Taiwan ones require a lot of time, like 2 months.. one doctor refuses to do more than 3 patients a day...
I don't want you guys to want to do something at a certain time, and then they tell you no.

you know... I was thinking about what Jas3n said earlier... how his first choice is Dreamclinic because the doctor is really competent...
It would really annoy me if the doctor was snooty and somewhat conceited... it could mean that they just don't care enough. Please be careful Jas3n... there's a lot of good docs in Korea... and I think you could probably find one who cares more about your nose outcome. Man, Dr. Jung has so many raves on the other forum, maybe you should reconsider.. and he's really well known for male rhino.
anyway, I hope the best for Jas3n with his end of year Korea surgery! he's a really good guy... we exchanged a few emails.
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Robinh, Maskd2003 >> I understand where you coming from, but please also put yourself in my shoes. If you inform me beforehand, i have no problem letting you paste the link in this forum. Afterall, post here or post there, no difference. What I do not like is some people's attitude that "you post it mah, so what's your problem? You got to expect it to be circulating." If you happens to be following the sg expat thread on plastic surgery aboard for a long time, you will know that i am the first person who did plastic surgery in Taipei, and since then because of good feedback from me many gals/guys starts to be interested in going Taipei to improve their looks. If you noticed, there was a change in trend on where we go to. It used to be Bangkok's Dr. Sukit because of low cost, but because of good feedback on other surgeons, now the trend is to go Taipei or Seoul. Sharing of information, feedback and willingness to share before and post surgery photos contributes to this change. Who benefits? You and me, everybody. Without seeing actual proof, do you dare believe someone's raving feedback, fly to that country and put your face under a surgeon's knife? Of course if i post my pics i expects many people to view it, but really, next time, ask first. I'm quite sure that person will be happy enough to allow you to post the link to his/her own pics, but what he/she needs is to acknowledge and be informed. Anyway what's done is done, don't take it too hard.

Numberlinh >> you are the sort of people i hate. Even if your english is A1, you graduate from Havard University and you speaks perfect English, it doesn't mean you can look down on others who's English may not be good, or at least, as good as your's. Being rich means you can laugh at the poor?

For those who learned something from me about plastic surgeries, I'm glad you did. But please remember that while in the process of enhancing your exterior, do also take a look on the inside. You may look a 101% beauty but if you do not have style, compassion and the very least, a better character that goes with your enhanced appearance, you are just nothing but a walking flower pot.

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Okok girl, thanks for the suggestion. lol! :sweatdrop:

Singapore Expats Forum - View topic - Plastic and cosmetic surgery abroad

Hope you are not the same numberlinh whom created the "discussion" above.

A sincere advice, heard you'r 17-yr old? A teen below 21 year old seeking for comestic procedures is a No No to most Plastic surgeons except for eyelid surgeries. Maybe after your birthday on sept a few years later. :graucho:

Happy CNY~
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Oops! Out of courtesy, may I post the link of the forum that you post before, my dear numberlinh?
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lol.. this is getting hot.. :sweatdrop:

seriously numberlinh, with ur attitude, don think there will be anyone willing to help/share info with u...
I had post a few infomative link for u guys to view, but wat i got it ur nagative/sarcastic post.. but it ok, i don owe u a living nor need ur review..

oh btw, u asking for someone photo in sgexpat using PM.. she afraid that her photos will circulate around, so she is not comfortable... u know what i mean? :smile: i am sure u are good in sourcing, so u don need our help..

it don seem to be a very friendly forum compare to sgexpats after all.. :shrugs:

know that u going to taiwan, i've PMed u.. hope the info helps:smile:
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I'm really sad that this thread is getting off track. :sad: Pleeez, let's not attack each other, or horde information that might benefit people who are considering nose jobs or other PS. If you look at the stats for this thread, it's gotten something like 18K+ views!! So, it's become an important source of information for many who are considering nose jobs. Let's keep the info flowing.

Jovin - I know you are a very nice and unselfish person, given how much you've helped everyone in the Singapore forum. Thank you for understanding my point, and I certainly understand yours. The bottom line is that those are your pics, so I'm sure we'll all respect and honor your request for getting permission from now on. I'm actually happy that you've joined this forum, and look forward to your contributions. :drool:

Jedi and QQGuy - You've made your points. Please lay down your swords. Just know that your input is VERY much appreciated. Even if you have a problem with numberlinh, you're hurting everyone else here if you stop sharing. As Jovin put it, sharing of information only benefits everyone - it's a two-way street. C'mon guys, let's make up and move on... ok? ;)

Now back to the real reason we're all here... anybody hear anything more about Taiwan clinics? I've read alot about how good Dr. Chuang of wishclinic is.

maskd2003 - Why is irclinic your #1 choice now and not wishclinic?
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ok... I feel REALLY bad that I started all of this... Please... I think everyone is just really misunderstood.. and I am the one who posted the pics. And, really, the people here are good people.

I think numberlinhh was just trying to defend me.... and in that way, she was really sweet to me.
Jovin, we all look up to you, for all the information that you gave us! REALLY REALLY helped us... I'm so stupid for not thinking of asking your permission...
AND, we all really like how you look ! <--- that's a bonus, yea?

But, please, everyone, don't get angry at other people because of me...
I'm sure we would all like each other if we really knew each other.

ok... back to the subject, I chose LRclinic, because it has a good reputation, the doc has a good background, and they have very advanced equipment... they can even do eyelash implants!
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